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About The Elite Dragons

Name: The Elite Dragons
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English

In-game name:
  • PSEragon V [VIII]
Squadron commander: Eragon V
Members: 15
Supporters: 3
Squadron age: 2153 days
The Elite Dragons were born, like most great organizations, out of a burning desire to do better.

CMDR Eragon Slater began his spacefaring career in 3303 as a long haul trader going from system to system. He was offered a lucrative job by a federal corporation running trade missions throughout the human bubble. As he entered Imperial space his desire for credits got the best of him and he dove head first into the imperial slave trade.  During a particularly long wait for instructions from his corporate masters in the CD-54 9671 system he came to see the misery and suffering that the slave trade brought to humanity. Under imperial rule, this was especially harsh.  The CD-54 9671 Empire Group was in charge of the system, and their cruel, egotistical leader had driven his people to desperation. Eragon knew that he had to do something. He renounced his corporate job and started to gather mercenary pilots to save the people of CD-54 9671. Thus was born the Elite Dragons, an Independent cooperative dedicated to giving people freedom from oppression.

At first he was joined by CMDRs Garyx and Naoisx. Their struggle in CD-54 9671 was intense but not very successful. The people were afraid of their evil overlord and the Elite Dragons had not yet won their trust.

Eragon realized they needed more help. He traveled around the human bubble looking for CMDRs to join his cause. He ran across a dour and taciturn CMDR Happyswodog(call sign Happy) in a bar in the Sol system. Happy was an ex-senior officer in the Federal Republican Guard, disillusioned by the corruption and laziness of the federal service. He had led the takeover of three systems for the Federals before corrupt officials, higher in the chain of command, decided to trade away those victory’s for cash to line their greedy pockets. Happy left the federal service with his powerful fleet and flagship Corvette “Lexington”, and roamed the bubble looking for something better. It was a stroke of luck for the dragons, just when they needed it most they found an operations planner experienced in BGS. Happy jumped at the chance to do something good and quickly they developed a new plan to take control of CD-54 9671. That Plan was Operation Dragon Dawn.

In the beginning of September 3304 with the additional help of a crew of mercenary  CMDRs Altlesjo, JayVee(meregan54), Aubrey180, Mcbainicus and Scottish_gohan they gained control of planetside base Mohr Landing in CD-54 9671. This was a great victory for the Elite Dragons.  The people of the system quickly rallied around their new saviors and it was not long before The Elite Dragons rode the tide to liberating Somayaji Terminal on 17 September 3304 and controlling the entire system. There was much rejoicing and system became a beacon of freedom.

The Elite Dragons pushed the banners of freedom first into the Chehe system in Operation Dragon Duce during October 3304 and then in LTT9663 in Operation Dragon Pervado during December 3304. Eragon realized that this continued expansion from the home system needed a more robust command structure and CMDR Mcbainicus was promoted to Weyr Leader to take charge of the fight for LTT9663. He was joined by CMDRs Ekkriidjot and Nublet-Noob.

In January 3305 a good portion of the Dragon’s responded to the call to Explore the Galaxy and departed on The Distant Worlds 2 adventure from January to July 3305. During that time the Dragons expanded again, this time to Mutuliali. As their fame has grown, the Elite Dragons continue to fight to free the oppressed people in LTT 9663 and expand freedom around the galaxy.

If you are a Commander yearning to help and to fight for something better, join the Elite Dragons and start your own adventure.  We need pilots of all kinds...traders, miners, explorers, or jacks of all trades. We are a small group of casual players spread across the real world in multiple time zones. Come and join our story.

Apply  in game squadron “ERAGON V” on PS4, Then join the discord for more info