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About Greybeard Delta

Name: Greybeard Delta
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvECQCRelaxed/casualOpenPrivate groupSoloAnti-xeno activistsBounty huntersExplorersMentorsMinersHumanitarian aid providersPiratesTraders

In-game name:
  • PCGreybeard Delta [OV40]
  • PSGreybeard Delta [OV40]

Squadron Discord ︎

Welcome to  Greybeard Delta Squadron

We are an over 40's group of commanders from all over the Earth who have come together to enjoy the Elite Dangerous universe. Originally focused on exploring, we have found ourselves become more and moer immersed in the BGS (and all that brings to the table)

We are PvE focused and also invite and encourage new players to join as we have a wealth of experience to support engineering and CMDR development.

We are an easy going bunch and have a presence in both The Bubble and Colonia!

The Squadron itself was formed in 2019 (3305) since which we have taken control over a number of systems and stations. Whilst we aim to do this through diplomacy and negotiation, we can and will enter into conflict should the need arise.

If you would like to join our Squadron and further the cause, we would ask that in the first instance you joing our Discord server (

The Discord page also has our "Code of Conduct" which we would ask you to review and , should you wish to join.

Get to know fellow Cmdrs and see if this is the group for you.

We currently have a presence on PSN and also PC, with Cmdrs from all over the globe (so regardless of local time, you shoudl find other "Beards" about)