About New Republic
Name: New Republic
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
In-game name:
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
PvEPvPRoleplayRelaxed/casualDevoted/hardcoreOpenPrivate groupBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMentorsMinersHumanitarian aid providersTraders
In-game name:
- XBBloodbound Harvest [BHSO]
Squadron commander: Ingrid Elfridr
Members: 7
Supporters: 4
Squadron age: 2145 days
Headquarters: Draguan Nu [Reightler Dock]
Related minor faction: New Republic
Members: 7
Supporters: 4
Squadron age: 2145 days
Headquarters: Draguan Nu [Reightler Dock]
Related minor faction: New Republic
We are mostly a combat fleet, mainly composed of members of the parent faction whom stood their ground and aggressively took back the Draguan Nu system from a period of extended civil war and effectively putting down the enemy pirate factions. Explorers, merchants, smugglers, recon pilots, intelligence officers and even scientists also have a central role in the efficiency of our operations. We work as a small yet well-trained fleet, executing missions alone as well as working with our squadmates and allies.
Though our current pilots have a good amount of experience in the field we are more than willing to take in new recruits and show them the ropes, effectively turning any greenhorn into an ace. PM any officer of our squadron for further information or to request our services, which is limited to supported factions and individuals. Anybody from Xbox One is welcome to apply.
Due to nature of the Squadron, we are only accepting Commanders from Xbox, as we prize our coordination and efficience in-game.