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About Aqua Galactic

Name: Aqua Galactic
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvERoleplayRelaxed/casualFamily/mixedDevoted/hardcoreOpenBounty huntersExplorersMentorsMinersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCAqua Galactic [AGFS]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: FrameshiftFox
Members: 11
Supporters: 2
Squadron age: 1958 days

Headquarters: Jirara
Who are we?

Born in 3305, Aqua Galactic is a small but growing squadron dedicated to BGS and science. Filled with bold explorers and skilled combat pilots alike, Aqua Galactic is guaranteed to have a role for you!
We do everything from rescuing citizens from stations, mining and delivering cargo to ridding our systems from injustice and criminals!
We expand our confederacy throughout the galaxy, liberating systems from tyrannical leaders and pirates alike, and so reinforcing peace and freedom.


If you wish to join us, press the discord link and join the server. Message one of our admins to officially become a member! Squadron chatting is done in our in-game squadron Aqua Galactic (AGFS) and on our discord server, (Join button to the right).

We will only accept discord/in-game membership if you have joined us here on Inara.