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About Spectre Squadron

Name: Spectre Squadron
Allegiance: Independent
Welcome to Spectre Squadron

   Spectre Squadron was formed from a small group of commanders who wanted to create a fair and reasonable Order. A coalition of Commanders where all have a say in the actions of the group, yet are free to choose our own path while we stay true to our creed, our purpose, our drive.

We are constantly looking for people to join our cause and make a name for themselves. You don't need to be a veteran, only someone who wants to partake in the various activities in and around Elite: Dangerous. We enjoy running team exercises and group events, while also giving back to YOU the player.

Our Playerbase:
  • PC/Mac
  • Xbox One
  • PS4
  • Players both PvP and PvE

Our Mission:

    The devotion that leads us to the helm, to journey into the unknown black, the consuming darkness of the tyrants has brought us through turmoil and now we fight, for now we have found our mission, the fight for freedom and the right to chose our own way without laws to inhibit our charge, we are no lesser assembly than those that hold the galaxy in their iron grip, suffocating the populace into submission. We vow to use our skills to become Spectres, the ghosts in the black who call out to commanders to fight for liberty to free the galaxy of tyranny and prejudice control.

Join our chat on discord!