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About IOS Ray Conglomerate

Name: IOS Ray Conglomerate
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvERelaxed/casualPrivate groupSolo

In-game name:
  • PCIOS Ray Conglomerate [ISRC]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Lialah Crowley
Members: 2
Supporters: 1
Squadron age: 1995 days

Headquarters: Diaguandri [Ray Gateway]
A squadron started by the hosts of the Pixel Crashers Podcast. The Pixel Crashers is a community of passionate but rational gamers that strive to keep the focus on the enjoyment of video games, not on corporate fanboyism. We play a myriad of games on any platform available to us. We compete, we laugh, we rage... In game only. We play on PlayStation, Xbox, Intel, NVidia, and AMD. We play shooters, RPGs, platformers, MMOs, MOBAs, et al. Whatever the publishers or developer, whatever the platform... If a game is good, a game is good.

We don't care what you do in game just be respectful to other squadmates. Friendly fire is NOT permitted unless its a concensual duel.