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About Quantum Intelligence Enterprise

Name: Quantum Intelligence Enterprise
Allegiance: Empire
Power: Denton Patreus
Language: English
Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)

PvEPvPRoleplayFamily/mixedOpenPrivate groupBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMentorsMinersPower supportersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCQuantum Intelligence Enterprise [QiE]

Squadron Discord ︎
About us

Quantum Intelligence Enterprises (QIE) was inaugurated by Senator Denton Patreus in 3305 for the purpose of logistical, research and reconnaissance for the imperial fleet. QIE forms part of the empires interstellar intelligence division and are supported by a variety of skilled  commanders specialising in research, combat, mining, xeno, exploration, trading and BGS.

We are actively recruiting the following:

Traders to supply our supporters with food and other materials
Bounty Hunters to protect our systems from pirates and to support Senator Denton Patreus and other aligned factions.
Explorer to support our research departments and expedition teams.
BGS specialists

Home System

Operating Code

• Have fun! Be friendly and considerate of your fellow Cmdrs

• No combat Logging. Failure to comply with this simple request 'may' result in removal from the group.