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About The Black Order

Name: The Black Order
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvERelaxed/casualOpenPrivate groupSoloBounty huntersExplorersHumanitarian aid providers

In-game name:
  • PCThe Black Order [TBOX]
Squadron commander: XCOM - 9
Members: 3
Supporters: 0
Squadron age: 1711 days

The Black Order is an alliance of pilots who bare no allegiance but to themselves. We do not go against the galactic laws, nor do we persecute those who shed the yoke of humanity.

We fight for what we believe is right - for the good of the Galaxy and for the downtrodden. We fight for the innocent and help rid the galaxy of its interlopers. We defend those who are in need.
We care not for creed, color or cause and wish only to see our members be the stalwart defenders we know them to be.