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About Armada

Name: Armada
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvEPvPCQCRoleplayRelaxed/casualFamily/mixedDevoted/hardcoreOpenPrivate groupSoloAnti-xeno activistsBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMentorsMinersHumanitarian aid providersPower supportersTraders

In-game name:
  • PSArmada [ARMD]

Defend the Innocent, Destroy the Guilty

Our History

The Armada faction was born from an elite cadre of mercenaries, weary of exploiting those most vulnerable for meagre reward.  To this aim, in 3305, they formed a company from a diverse range of pilots.  They recruit and mentor any explorers, miners, traders and fighters who want to serve the company and the cause.  Their vow is to always protect those who need it, and destroy those who deserve it.  They seek out any technology to better engineer their vessels, as they strive to carve out a sanctuary for humanity in the black.

Operating from their home base in the Beetrix system, with a substantial and well equipped private navy, they work the space lanes, explore the frontier and secure their borders, whilst maintaining a healthy relationship with their neighbours and allies.

Why Join Armada?

We have many experienced Commanders from all over the galaxy,  who can offer advice on all pilot roles in the galaxy.  Day or night, you can find someone to join on your journey, to make the infinite black a little less lonely.

Exploration - Armada has many explorers within our ranks, and we actively participate in community expeditions and deep space exploration.

Bounty Hunting and Combat - we often wing up for bounty hunting in Resource Extraction Sites or Combat Operations in Conflict Zones, helping each other to earn credits and honing our combat skills.

Trading - the essence of credit making, we love to haul the goods.

Mining - we enjoy busting rocks, but if mining is not your thing, you can fly fighter escort to protect the mining ships.

Search and Rescue - with the increasing number of starport attacks, we are conducting Search and Rescue and repair efforts at the damaged stations, as well as pilot rescue operations.

Xeno Operations - with the re-appearance of the Thargoids, we are ready to defend ourselves utilising the latest Anti-xeno technology.  Volunteers are called to run sorties into infested space.

Science - if you're interested in Guardian technology or Xenobiology, you can join our research ships on scientific expeditions into hostile space.

Freelancer - some of our pilots just go their own way, keeping to the wing code and enjoying the freedom that a star ship brings.

How to Join

Apply to join in-game first.  Search for the Armada Squadron in the Squadrons section of the first tab,  in the right-hand side panel in your cockpit, using the ARMD tag.  Once you have applied to join, squadron members will invite you into a party to chat and join in our activities.  After a week or so of this, the leadership team will accept or deny your application.  This is a try before you buy period for both the squadron and the applicant.  If you ignore or don't join parties when invited, we can't get to know you, nor you us.  If everyone involved is a good fit, you're in.  If  not, thanks for your interest.

Apply to join on Inara second.  Once you are a member of the squadron in-game, you are most welcome to register that status on Inara.  Applications to join on Inara first will be referred to in-game as detailed above.

Standard Operating Procedure

NO Ganking/Griefing.  Armada is a lawful-good squadron, and does not grief innocent members of the Pilots Federation.  This is our primary rule.

Do not fire on other pilots, unless first fired upon.  

Don't fight or kill each other unless it's pre-arranged PvP, and always ask other pilots first.  

Don't use Healing weapons in PvP.  

Use text communication and be specific about your agreed expectations, (that way you can screenshot for proof in event of a dispute).  The ONLY exception to this is anti-ganking, but you better be sure that it is justified.

Combat Logging (Clogging).  We don't shy away from finishing a fight, for better or worse.  Clogging on other Commanders is forbidden (& a violation of FDev ToS).  If you get a connection error, or blue screen, screenshot and send it on PSN message to prove your claim.  We will always help you earn more credits towards a rebuy.

Never fly without a rebuy.  Or two.  We will always help you earn more credits towards a rebuy.

Be respectful to one another, we set the example for others to follow.  Upon acceptance in to Armada, you become a representative of the Squadron.  Your actions reflect upon us all.

Help your fellow Commanders.  Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Defend the home system
.  We strongly recommend no streaming in our player faction systems, or syndicate massacre systems.  Gankers can stream-snipe you, and we would like to avoid negative attention to our hard-earned work.

We expect Commanders to conduct operational tasks for Armada in open play.  If you are not actively on Armada business, such as in an under-powered ship travelling in a known Ganking hotspot (engineer systems, Shinrarta Dezhra etc.), then Solo mode or our Private Group are acceptable.

Armada has a Discord server HERE for Squadron communications.  Feel free to join any time or ask any serving Officer for an invitation.

Loop of Shame.  When in a party with other squad members, if you overshoot your target, i.e. the Loop of Shame, Commanders must sing the Loop of Shame song, as follows:  (To the tune of The First Noel)
Loop of Shame, Loop of Shame,
Loop of Shame, Loop of Shame,
I am flying a big Loop of Shame