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About Federal U.S.A.

Name: Federal U.S.A.
Allegiance: Federation
Power: Zachary Hudson
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvEPvPRelaxed/casualOpenBounty huntersFaction supportersPower supporters

In-game name:
  • PCN7 [FUSA]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: N7
Members: 9
Supporters: 4
Squadron age: 1566 days

Headquarters: LP 926-40 [Lee City]
Related minor faction: Knights of the Void
Federal U.S.A. is a Hudson supporting squadron of American Time Zone pilots. We will accept anyone around the globe but the bulk of our players come from those time zones.

Our Squadron primarily involves itself in Powerplay and BGS operations in favor of Hudson. We were set up by members of Federal Republic Command, and serve as allies to Federal United Command. While our BGS only supports Hudson, we do accept Winter's players.

If you'd like to join us, Join our Discord and follow the instructions in the pinned message:

Fly Dangerously Commander.