About Shield of Nemesis
Name: Shield of Nemesis
Allegiance: Federation
Language: English
Timezone: Amsterdam
In-game name:
Squadron Discord ︎
Allegiance: Federation
Language: English
Timezone: Amsterdam
PvECQCRoleplayRelaxed/casualOpenPrivate groupBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMentorsMinersPower supportersTraders
In-game name:
- PCBlue Horizon Combat Squad [BHCS]
Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Lykanthropias
Members: 24
Supporters: 1
Squadron age: 1776 days
Headquarters: h Draconis [Erika's Rest]
Related minor faction: Blue Nemesis
Supported minor faction: Blue Nemesis
Members: 24
Supporters: 1
Squadron age: 1776 days
Headquarters: h Draconis [Erika's Rest]
Related minor faction: Blue Nemesis
Supported minor faction: Blue Nemesis
Main base of Blue Horizon is stationed in Arbuda - The home system of Blue Nemesis.
Blue Nemsis itself is a religios organisation founded in 2832 it remained small until they steped out as an "secret order" from the shadow and expirienced
an massive influence increase what in the end led to the founding of Blue Nemesis as theocratic faction in Arbuda, 3307.
By now Blue Nemesis has taken over their home system. This happened in the big civil war in November 3307.
As of the beginning of 3309 a new political course has been decided which showed in the invasion of Ross 1057 taking control over the system in just 2 weeks.
Certain that it will be for the better Blue Nemesis is sticking to it's course to bring security and order to more nearby systems.
Flagship is currently the BNC Nemesis Sword