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About Praetorian Curiate Assembly

Name: Praetorian Curiate Assembly
Allegiance: Empire
Power: Denton Patreus
Language: English
Timezone: Rome

PvEPvPRoleplayRelaxed/casualDevoted/hardcoreOpenBounty huntersFaction supportersMentorsPower supportersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCPraetorian Curiate Assembly [PCAS]
  • XBPraetorian Curiate Assembly [PCAV]
  • PSPraetorian Curiate Assembly [PCAV]

Squadron Discord ︎
Our Purpose

"Only through strength of purpose can the Empire maintain the glory it has become used to." - Senator Denton Patreus

Duke Alden Rowe's Praetorian Curiate Assembly rules SPOCS 900 and actively supports Senator Denton Patreus in all his endeavors. His Praetorians are tasked with the maintenance of the Senator's domain, the expansion of Imperial influence, and the containment of Federal influence. PCA officers are members of the Imperial High Council and Patreus Planning.

Our Expectations

"Honour and honesty are vital attributes in our modern society."

All members of PCA are expected to pledge their support for Senator Denton Patreus, and all supporters of Denton Patreus may one day become Praetorians. Duke Rowe expects honour and honesty from all who serve him.
We are not recruiting at this time. Feel free to join our Discord to get in touch with PCA and the Patreus Powerplay community!

Please direct all communications to Misaniovent.