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About The Crusaders

Name: The Crusaders
Allegiance: Independent

In-game name:
  • XB58 Crusaders [58CR]
  • PCCrusaders The [CRTH]
Squadron commander: Sapper1971
Members: 48
Supporters: 3
Squadron age: 1546 days


We have transformed through the ages and we originated from 21st Wolf Sqn, which then turned into 58 Sqn.

Our goal was always the same to become a minor player faction.

Having finally met that goal we are now The Crusaders

Who are we?

A Trade, Exploration and Xeno Defence force that is commited to spread security and prosperity under the rule of self governance for all decendants of Earth.

Bound by honour and defended with pride as The Crusaders, they traverse the galaxy to spread their rule and join the cause to defend the fringes of human expansion from all threats.

What do we do?

We participate in helping new players in all areas including the following.

  • Basic Training
  • Ship Building
  • Bounty Hunting
  • Combat Training
  • Piracy Training
  • Mining Training
  • Exploration
  • PVP Training
  • Thargoid Hunting

How to join us?

We are now recruiting for Xbox, Playstation, and PC.
Please click the discord link below to begin your application.

Our Squadron Discord