About Ceremonial Teabaggers
Name: Ceremonial Teabaggers
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
In-game name:
Squadron Discord ︎
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
In-game name:
- PCCeremonial Teabaggers [TBAG]
Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Kietrax
Members: 28
Supporters: 20
Squadron age: 3195 days
Headquarters: Teaka
Related minor faction: Teaka Elite Altruists Bagging Cooperative
Members: 28
Supporters: 20
Squadron age: 3195 days
Headquarters: Teaka
Related minor faction: Teaka Elite Altruists Bagging Cooperative
When the Cerberus plague of 3301 devastated dozens of systems throughout the galaxy, desperate research attempts were put in place to find a cure. Almost by sheer luck, Ceremonial tea from the Heike system was found to be the solution to the woes of countless worlds.
Ceremonial tea was brought in by thousands of volunteers from the Pilots Federation to the Bast system.. and the evil blight was ended shortly afterwards.
Though not before the plague had taken its toll - with the official records stating that over 100,000 people had lost their lives to the Cerberus plague.
In 3302, the Cerberus plague appeared once again - this time in more suspicious circumstances. Wilkes Orbital in the Nespeleve system had recently been the subject of much attention as the centre of a campaign to remove the Blue Hand Gang from the Orulas system. Many escape pods were recovered during the original campaign. The inhabitants of which included the recently reported missing Professor Ishmael Palin and his research team. Several of these individuals (including the Professor himself) were then found to be afflicted with a new strain of the Cerberus plague. Ceremonial Tea was found to be immediately effective as a cure so more supplies of it from Heike were requested.
The Pilots Federation responded well once again, with a particular group of pilots employing a collaborative technique which bordered on the edge of madness to the casual observer. These pilots were giving away tea to other pilots!
This was a technique first found whilst collecting rare goods from Hutton Orbital. Pilots would collect their allocation of rare goods and pass them on to a transporting vehicle - maximizing the amount of rare items they could contribute as a collective whole. However, due to where Hutton Orbital is located, not many pilots were able to make it there. Or were possibly too sane to attempt the journey!
During the Wilkes Orbital request for Ceremonial Tea, this technique was expanded upon and the amount of pilots involved made the event explode in a lot of fun moments and the beginning of some strong friendships between some very well-to-do people. A lot of rare goods were moved in a short time - and what was deemed to be a goal that would surely fail, was in-fact a great success.
From this moment, Teabagging was born. It's only got bigger since.