Name: Adamant Toads
Allegiance: Independent
Power: Language: Timezone: Squadron Discord ︎ Squadron commander: MoosepickleMembers: 86
Supporters: 2
Squadron age: 3178 days
The Adamant Toads are the galaxy's premier private military subcontractors, working in close conjunction with their parent organization, the Diamond Frogs. Founded to fill the needs of the many applicants to the Diamond Frogs who are turned away each day by circumstances that do not allow Diamond Frogs to openly recruit, the Adamant Toads are your best friends in space.
If you want to fly like a Frog, or fly with the Frogs, getting space-paid and having fun doing it, Adamant Toads are the best opportunity for you!
We're on Discord! You can apply on here, but we need you in Discord to continue processing your application.