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About Kult of the Murder Goose

Name: Kult of the Murder Goose
Allegiance: Independent

In-game name:
  • XBKult of the Murder Goose [KULT]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Virtus Vrtra
Members: 14
Supporters: 3
Squadron age: 1440 days

In coalition with:
Open Pilot's Initiative
It was a fine spring afternoon in the United Kingdom. Blood was being spilled upon the battlefields of Elite Dangerous and the pews were stronk. Brotherloon had  the back door open to allow the spring breeze to permiate into his fancy ass living room.

Suddenly, the air turned a deathly cold and the skies darkened. From the doorway a gift from the Blood God Himself emerged into the living room. There it stood, eyes wild, ready to inflict pain and blood shed. THE MURDER GOOSE!

The omen left as quickly as it came, but not before Loon could snap the legendary photograph of our lord and savior.

Later that week, the rumors had spread, and honks could be heard far and wide from the cockpits of pilots across the galaxy. One such pilot (Coolguy) posed the question: "Are we in cult? We're in a cult aren't we..."

On that fateful day, The Kult of the Murder Goose was born.

Some say he's sent by the Blood God himself, and that he's the Untitled Goose Game goose's evil twin brother. But all we know is he's called THE MURDER GOOSE!!

Kult of the Murder Goose
Mission Statement

Know yourself and seek self-improvement.
• Be technically and tactically proficient.
• Develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates.
• Make sound and timely decisions.
• Set the example.
• Know your Wing and look out for their welfare.
• Keep your Wing informed.
• Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions.
• Ensure assigned tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished.
• Train as a team.
• Employ your command in accordance with its capabilities

All members that remain inactive for an extended period of time will be placed in the pilot reserves without notice until their return.

"Peace was never an option, if it's yellow make it red!" -Gooseilations 1:1