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About The Rakanian Armada Protocol

Name: The Rakanian Armada Protocol
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvEPvPRoleplayFamily/mixedOpenBounty huntersFaction supportersMentorsTraders

In-game name:
  • PCThe Rakanian Armada Protocol [TRAP]
Squadron commander: Ares328
Members: 9
Supporters: 0
Squadron age: 1407 days

Headquarters: LTT 15899 [Kekule Orbital]
Related minor faction: The last order of Simbad
Supported minor faction: The last order of Simbad
SIMBAD was one of the first Strong AI’s mankind made, SIMBAD was the one to operate and manage the astronomical database of the same name. SIMBAD also gave an order of researches, explorers and independent pilots instructions on what kind of data should be acquired, all in order to expand and maintain its astronomical database.

As the potential of Strong AI’s became more known and therefore feared a group of terrorists sought to claim the AI for their own to weaponize .. or destroy it. During this event even though much of Simbad’s server and data got destroyed but to SIMBAD’s caretakers their surprise in the heat of the conflict SIMBAD secured 1 drive with a last set of instructions for them. This drive contained the last order of SIMBAD for his caretakers.

Following the instructions of the late AI, its followers established a community of their own. And so the “The Last Order of Simbad” was born.

It is believed the drive contains instructions on how to build and new Strong to replace the late SIMBAD