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About Chromatic Aberration

Name: Chromatic Aberration
Allegiance: Empire
Power: Aisling Duval
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvEPvPRoleplayFamily/mixedDevoted/hardcoreOpenPrivate groupAnti-xeno activistsExplorersFaction supportersMentorsMinersHumanitarian aid providersPower supportersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCChromatic Aberration [CERN]
Squadron commander: Lexi Swift
Members: 7
Supporters: 1
Squadron age: 1405 days

Headquarters: Goeng Gong
Related minor faction: Chromatic Aberration
Chromatic Aberration
n. Deficiency in clarity of an image produced by a lens, caused by the inability of the lens to bring all colors of light to a focus at the same point.

An inclusive collection of Aisling-Duval supporters (in heart, if not by pledge!) who are varied in their experience and long-term goals. We accept newcomers and help them find their feet, as well as supporting returning and experienced commanders.

What do we do?
  • We engage in all aspects of Elite:Dangerous; Anti-Xeno, Exploration, Powerplay, Community Goals, BGS, PvE and PvP.
  • We do not tolerate antisocial activities deemed harmful to the spirit of the game (espionage, harassment, 5c etc).
  • We enjoy "non-standard" activities like sending SRVs into orbit, shield jousting and more!

If you can sell us on a good time we'll probably come running, provided we weren't there already!

Who are we?
We are diverse and accept any pilots who would like to join in the fun! Timezone wise, we're mostly around GMT (0-3): but don't let that stop you as we have plenty of outliers.

Roleplay Flavour
Chromatic Aberration was formed in 3306 when the Neo-Glitz fashion designer, Brian Mulligan, launched a highly successful community outreach program. Adherents to the unexpectedly popular "Chromatic Aberration" subculture, identifiable by their gaudy and colourful dress, follow utilitarian philosophies that run parallel to the founding principles of their clothing designer; who subverted Imperial affluence with a more carefree and playful palette. Individuals who follow the movement continue to be found amongst all walks of life, despite the peak of the movement having already passed.

aka. Kail's Hitchhikers / CERN