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Year 2786
First wave of Chindi-Malistso depart Earth in 8 Colony Transports destination unknown, launch unannounced, records sealed and encrypted.

Year 2788
Second Wave of Chindi-Malistso depart earth in 17 Colony Transports bound for 41 Lambda Hydrae A6 and event that came to be called the Great Path. This expedition led by Grand Chief Aloka.

Year 3301
Alliance signed with Shadow President Felicia Winters and the Hai-Malistso (Winter's Wolves) are formed.

October 2nd 3301
Investigations begin into the bribes and payouts made to key Chindi-Malistso members on the Corporate Charter Panel from the Giant Federation Corporation Tashile Foods Corporation a large financial backer to both President Hudson and the Shadow Presidents Campaigns.

October 23rd 3301
8 members of the Black Falcons a known Mercenary Company in the employ of Tashile Foods Corporation are apprehended releasing a deadly toxin into the soil of two of 41 Lambda Hydrae A6 most prominent Corporate Agricultural Plantations.

November 5th 3301
The Shadow President announces that the Federation will be taking control of 41 Lambda Hydrae A6, her sky marshal is quoted as saying, "I need to reinforce here that my loyalty lies solely to the Federation and to Felicia Winters. This means that I am not a Winters Wolf, and I cannot sacrifice a profitable system for the sake of its independence, especially now. "

November 16th 3301
Federalist Forces seize control of 41 Lambda Hydrae A6 and its orbiting star port.

November 21st 3301
14 Ancient Colony Transports are witnessed lifting off from 41 Lambda Hydrae A6 led by Commanders N.R.Crosby, Daisy Kato, F.Roy Mickey, and Avenger destination unknown.

November 22nd to 28th, 3301
Commander N.R.Crosby sends urgent pleas to friends and allies of the Chindi-Malistso requesting a Sanctuary System for the Colonial Fleet.

November 29th 3301
Records have been discovered leading to the knowledge of the previous Chindi-Malistso colony sent out in 2786. Its whereabouts are unknown.

December 3301
The Colonial Fleet holds up at Fontana Port, several transports are suffering from mechanical and electrical issues.

April 3302
Again the Fleet must come to rest in the Momus Reach System this time 2 Transports have to be abandoned, Colonists are transferred to the remaining working transports, overcrowding becomes a major complaint with the colonists

June 3302
While servicing one of the aging FTL Drives on one of the Transports, something goes wrong and the ship explodes killing all on board, investigation into the cause remain unknown.

August 3302
Following a possible lead from the Data Cubes discovered by N.R.Crosby, he and Commander Daisy Kato leave the fleet in Momus Reach the Colonists temporary home, and head off into deep space in search of the Lost Chindi-Malistso Colony.

October 3302
Commander Daisy Kato and Commander N.R.Crosby return to the fleet after having found no evidence to the lost colony, they return to many colonists suffering from some kind of medical outbreak. N.R.Crosby leaves in the CMV Black Bazaar to get basic medical supplies.

November 3302
Another Transport suffers a major breakdown in its environmental control system and is forced to be scuttled, the remaining colonists are spread out across the remaining transports in the Fleet, Commander Crosby seeing the colonists fate in dire circumstances begins speaking with some of his friends back in 41 Lambda Hydrae who are still Winters Wolves and that are sympathetic to the plight of the Colonists, and while they didn't leave they didn't support the Annexation of 41 Lambda Hydrae either. They tell Crosby they will approach the new Civilian Government on Wayola and see if discussion are possible for a reconciliation and return of the Colonists.

January 3303
Commander Crosby makes public to the Fleet he has been in discussions with members of the civilian government back on Wayola and that progress has been made in considering the return of the Colonists to their home world for resettlement. Sticking points are reparations and the return of communal properties that many of the Colonists vacated and in the aftermath of Operation Firestorm were later seized by Winters Wolves Forces.

February 3303
Over 800 Colonists have since bought passage out of the Momus Reach System leaving the Colonial Fleet for good over the issue of returning to 41 Lambda Hydrae debates are often and heated aboard the Transports and many brawls have led to those involved needing medical attention.

March 3303
While preparing the Fleet for the possible return to 41 Lambda Hydrae technicians discover that 2 of the Transports will not be able to make the journey as their FTL Drives will not function and Lakon Spaceways is out of the necessary parts to fix the old FTL drives. Crosby orders the Transports scuttled and parts to service the remaining fleet are distributed among the rest that are working. Colonist are transferred and though 1,300 colonists have since left the fleet overcrowding becomes a serious problem already fraying nerves that were at breaking points, more fights are reported and more med vacs are called in. Crosby assembles special teams to help control the unrest and to help avoid any more fighting.

May 12th 3303
Even though negotiations are still in progress the Colonial Fleet begins the long journey back to 41 Lambda Hydrae from the Momus Reach System. Given the slow speed of the older FTL drives, and the need for the Fleet to restock and resupply estimates put the fleet in 41 Lambda Hydrae sometime in early June.

May 21st 3303
Another breakdown caused by an explosion forces another Transport to be left adrift. causing the Fleet to halt its progress, investigations into the explosion reveal sabotage on the vessel causing even more civil unrest amongst the fleets population. Commander Crosby feeling it is completely unavoidable declares Martial Law across the fleet hoping this will help stem the tide of violence long enough to get the Fleet to 41 Lambda Hydrae.

June 10th 3303
A major breakthrough in the negotiations with the Winters Administration on 41 Lambda Hydrae leads to huge reparation payouts to all members of the Colonial Fleet and communal property rights are re-established by those colonist that hold them . This leads to a major de-escalation of flared tempers and Crosby orders Martial Law lifted amongst the Fleet. While the majority opinion in the Fleet seems to be the return is a bad idea and working with the Winters Administration and the newly appointed Federal Liberal Command representatives is equally bad the violence that had plagued the fleet diminishes from this point on.

July 3rd 3303
With the Fleet just hours away from 41 Lambda Hydrae having stop off in both the Pandhis and Yuravandji system to off load Colonists there, word arrives via hyper communications that the reparations treaty and new alliance have been forged between the returning Chindi-Malistso and Hai-Malistso and the Winters Government and the Federal Liberal Command representatives. In this agreement those returning Hai-Malistso (Winters Wolves) will be reassigned and reactivate and promise to re-pledge themselves as Winters Wolves by taking the Wolves Pledge. They agree to begin operations supporting the Shadow President and her administration by delivery weekly aid packages to the 41 Lambda System for later distribution to other Winter Wolves Systems. For their part the Federal Liberal Command agreed to help the Winters Wolves manage their campaigns in systems they control as well as help them spread their influence to some of the neighboring system, provided that key system that are under the Protected Corporations contract are given primary economic considerations in all economic transactions as well as avoiding political distributions in those key systems.

July 4th 3303
THE RETURN After having left so long ago with 14 ancient colonial transports the Colonial fleet arrives in 41 Lambda Hydrae with all but 5 remaining Transports. Wings of Winters Wolves vessels take off from Yurchikhin Ring and greet the Transports and Parades and Celebrations begin on Wayola in Kaunas the Capital City. The road ahead will be long indeed and with so many mixed feelings about the return unknown future problems will most likely arise.

August 20th 3303
With the decreasing amounts of Ore being generated from the Yuravandji System, The Winter's Wolves have began assisting settlers and miners, preparing transports, food and supplies for an expedition into a nearby system looking for more raw resources by which they can exploit to help their stagnant economy. The Industrial centers of 41 Lambda are eager for the results as production has been slowing for months as resources from Yuravandji have slowed to a trickle. Will the expedition be a success nobody knows but hopes are high indeed that it will.

August 24th 3303
After much resettlement and adjusting the returning Chindi-Malistso have started making 41 Lambda their home again and in so doing have begun flexing their political muscle as well. Large movements in both 41 Lambda Hydrae and the Star System of Pandhis have seen an increase in activity and opposition to the Hai-Malistso leadership. Such opposition is fueled by the most recent Alliance and Treaty signed by the Winters Wolves with the Federal Liberal Command, only the future can tell if these opposition parties will gain enough influence in these systems to affect future relations with the Winters Wolves and the FLC.

August 28th 3303
In a bold move to appease opposition in 41 Lambda Hydrae. Commander Crosby the newly appointed Elder Pack Leader for the Winters Wolves orders the expedition from Yuravandji to settle in the system of LTT 3712. This system which falls under the Protected Corporation Agreement with the FLC plans on challenging this agreement with the hopes that such a challenge of independent action will eliminate opposition to Crosby’s plans.

August 31st 3303
The success of the settlement has overwhelming support by many Chindi-Malistso members and Crosby’s popularity soars, but disturbing Intelligence begins to come in regarding a group of Chahaʼoh-Malistso led by a man only referred to as The Jackal about a potential terrorist plot.

September 1st 3303
Commander Crosby is issued warnings from the FLC about Hai-Malistso involvement in the LTT 3712 system, Crosby responds that the Malistso Tribes will not leave LTT 3712 but to make up for it agrees to commit Hai-Malistso resources to eliminating or at least pinning down a clandestine Imperial faction in the Kaline system called the Imperial Pilots Union, satisfying the FLC for the time being.

Sept 5th 3303
The Minutemen of Carnoeck request aid from their allies the Winters Wolves in their upcoming election in the Carnoeck system against another Federation Corporation called the Carnoeck Group

September 8th 3303
Intelligence officials in the Malistso Intelligence Bureau (MIB for short) release even more upsetting Intel that a terrorist plot invoking the Jackal's men is imminent.

September 11th 3303
Two type 7 transports enter Cardano Orbital after getting permissions to dock. They proceed to crash into the inner side of the station killing over 1,800 people. Included in the injured are Commander Crosby's wife Commander Daisy Kato along with a Wolves Pup Commander Dawnmer. Commander Kato was leading a training exercise out of Cardano Orbital at the time of the Terrorist Attack.

September 13th 3303
Directors on the Board of Sapites Silver Bridge release press reports claiming Winters Wolves knew of the attack but failed to apprehend the Jackal, they call upon the Federation and specifically the FLC to aid in solving the Terrorists problem in the Pandhis system.

September 15th 3303
Huge protest break out in the Pandhis system against the Hai-Malistso Government, the FLC declares martial law in the system and begins check points of all vessels in or out of the system.

September 20th 3303
Daisy Kato is released from the Medical Facility on Cardano Orbital and arrives home to their Cabin near the Eskala River, her two children Warlin and Krella come to meet her with open arms, while Crosby and Crosby's sister Tonitas watch from the porch.

September 24th 3303
Crosby receives the first of many intelligence briefs from the MIB about the activities of the Jackal and the plot on Cardano Orbital. After a uprising in Pandhis by the Union of Pandhis Future, the Federation and the FLC installs Sapites Silver Bridge Industries as the prominent Faction and leader of the system. The Malistso tribes lose substantial support in the system causing an already frayed relationship between the Hai and Chindi-Malistso and alienating the Chahaʼoh-Malistso as extremists and fundamentalists.

September 27th 3303
Commander Tharrn of the WWV Basilisk transmission reaches Communications Relay 143. His reports suggests that the Thargoids have started to attack ships and abduct occupied escape pods. His last words reports he will be running a SARS op to help rescue stranded pilots in the Pleiades Nebula

September 30th 3303
After informing the Elder Council on the intelligence provided by the MIB Crosby and the men and women of the Winters Wolves Headquarters draw up 2 mission plans one called Operation Strong Arm and the second Putting Down our Brother. The first deals with apprehending Roger Picard the Sapites Silver Bridge Official that evidence suggested sold the T-7 Transports to the Jackal and his followers and the second dealt with tracking down and apprehending the Jackal who is reported somewhere in the 41 Lambda Hydrae System.
October 2nd 3303
A giant surprise birthday party is thrown for Crosby at the Yurchikhin Ring Lounge. His long time friends Jeb Ackermann and Atlas Clawfoot invite all of Crosby's acquaintances and the party goes late into the night.

October 5th 3303
Operation Strong Arm goes into effect and Hai-Malistso vessels force their way past FLC and Sapites Silver Bridge Industries checkpoints bound for the planetary base of Land Relay
In a lighting raid on Land Relay Robert Picard is apprehended and whisk away to a secure base somewhere in the Yuravandji System. Malistso Military Response members are garrisoned on Lands Relay. Sapites Silver Bridge units begin counter-attacking trying to dislodge the MMR.

October 7th 3303
Crosby talks to his friend in the FLC’s Ministry of Propaganda Sir Edmund Black and shows them the evidence linking Robert Picard and the sale of the T-7’s to the Jackal and his followers.
The FLC is a rather brash move stops supporting Sapites Silver Bridge Industries efforts in the sector while giving permission to the Hai-Malistso to go ahead and expand their influence in the sector if they so choose to this effectively removes the FLC from the 41 Lambda theatre of Operations.

October 9th 3303
After many days of fighting and without the support of the Federation and the FLC, Sapites Silver Bridge Forces pull out of the fighting at Land Relay conceding the important military base there to the High Malistso.

October 10th 3303
After the breaking news of Sapites Silver Bridges involvement in the Terrorist attack on Cardano Orbital support for the Hai-Malistso swells across the sector. The Hai Malistso win an election in the Sapites System against the Union of Herz 13422 Labour party.

October 14th 3303
With the pullout of the FLC from the 41 Lambda Hydrae Sector, Commander Crosby orders a military buildup of MMR units to prepare an attack on Wiseoff Dock in the LTT 3712 system. The Corporation LTT 3712 & Company was a leading business benefactor to Sapites Silver Bridge Industries. Crosby begins plans to decapitate SSBI.

October 17th 3303
The WWV Fleet invade the system of LTT 3712 large space battles rage as ships from both sides compete for Space superiority.

October 19th 3303
With space superiority established Keelback Transports loaded with MMR personal descend on a besieged Wiseoff Dock the battle for control of the station is short lived as many LTT 3712 & Company personal have already evacuated the station.

October 20th 3303
Unbeknownst to the Hai Malistso the Union of Herz 13422 Labour and the Union of Pandhis Future have allied themselves with Sapites Silver Bridge Industries and have had a economic accord in place for months with the Union and Labour financing many SSBI operations. Once MIB personal reveal these accords Crosby orders a economic boycott of all Union and Labour parties economic activities within Wolves Territories.

October 23rd 3303
General Elections begin in 41 Lambda Hydrae over the control of Gamow Terminal. A small little industrial outpost orbiting 41 Lambda Hydrae A7. While not a substantial market in the system the Water Purifiers and Land Enrichment Equipment it produces could have a positive effect on Agricultural Output on Hai Malistso Plantations on Wayola.

October 26th 3303
A giant smear campaign is funded in the Sapites System by the The Union of Herz 13422 labour party. Suggesting that the Hai-Malistso fabricated evidence against Sapites Silver Bridge Industries, to undermine their support in the home system. In reality this campaign has more to do with making the Labour party look good to the Sapites people then in helping SSBI.