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Guidelines for good gaming
These guidelines are in order of priority. If anyone ever asks you to sacrifice a higher principle for a lower one, please report them to a Sentinel Overseer.

1. Real life comes first.
This is a game and you should treat it as such. If you find that the game upsets you or you are risking turmoil in real life because of the game, there is something wrong. Please talk to a Sentinel Overseer about any issues in game and out. We will be happy to put you in reserves for a while and welcome you back later, or support you in any other way, if possible.

2. Have fun playing.
The primary objective of gaming for most players is to distract and relax. Do what you like, when you like.
There are some things in the game that can seem like a mindless grind: unlocking Engineers, ranking up in the Navies, shopping PowerPlay modules, etc.. Talk to your squadmates when you are doing any tedious task: it can become fun if you wing up and hop into voice comms, or we could even make it an event.

3. Help your squadron.
There will be various tasks to do in order to keep and extend our territory: mining, trading, fighting, scouting, everything. The Background Simulation (BGS) experts will issue briefings and status updates as required and the squadron is welcoming every helping hand to reach those goals.