Rule Number 1 - Being excellent, spelled out
Memes, pictures, jokes and other content containing or suggesting the following are not acceptable under Rule #1:Any form of discrimination based on age, sex, sexuality, gender, handicap, illness, ethnicity, location, origin, political or social persuasion.
"Being funny" or "it's just a joke" is no excuse for posting content which will likely be offensive to others, even if you try to explain why it is not offensive from your perspective.
If in doubt, the offended person(s) are the ones defining if it is offensive.
We support the inclusion of any persuasion which does not impede on the freedom of others. (This means if somebody chooses to be a communist gender-fluid asexual furry dragon and wants to be called by the pronouns "truz/triduz", then we accept this dragon in our ranks and strive to use the pronouns.)
This is valid on all Squadron-related platforms - e.g. in-game, Inara, Discord, and all channels (including the Junkyard).