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Our Principles

1: Voluntary and Open Membership
Any pilot may join or leave the squadron at any time. A pilot who has left the squadron in good standing and wishes to rejoin may, but may lose all rank they previously held within the squadron.

2: Democratic Member Control
As much of the agenda and direction of the squadron as is possible shall be under the guidance of the members, including promotions. The membership may also call for a vote of no confidence in any officer.

3: Member Participation
Members may participate as much or as little as they like. However, rank within the squadron is tied to participation, and voting strength is based on rank, the higher the rank, the greater the voting power. While a member of the squadron, all lawful orders must be followed.

4: Autonomy and Independence
The squadron is an autonomous member of Utopia. We will take into consideration the collective will of the whole but, reserve the right to act independently and in our best interests.

5: Education, Training, and Information
The squadron is responsible to training new pilots and educating them on how things work in the galaxy. Our members should endeavor to share whatever knowledge they have when asked, or they deem it of great benefit to another pilot or the squadron.

6: Cooperation
We undertake to cooperate with other factions and squadrons as much as possible. We will not act against the interests of any other member of Utopia unless they are hostile to us first.

7: Concern for Community
We desire to see pilots do well, regardless of their squadron membership. To that end, hostile actions against another pilot are forbidden except in self-defense or the defense of another pilot. Hostility against the squadron, its members, or its interests is unacceptable.

8: Disassociation
Members acting against these principles may be removed from the squadron.