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14 I Orionis: NON-VIABLE

These are the accounts of a few vital members of Albion Interstellar and their attempt to gain a political foothold in 14 I Orionis...

01.) Sky-Reflecting Violets - by Val Karad

02.) The Giant Rat - by Nathan Crest

03.) Trouble in Orionis - by Hark Pendragon

04.) The Safe House - by Nathan Crest

05.) Green Eyed Monster - by Nathan Crest

06.) Following the Threads - by Jericho Rolkein

07.) Saving Crest with no Vision - by Hark Pendragon

08.) The Mercenary - by Nathan Crest

09.) The Cobra - by Nathan Crest

10.) Ace Up the Sleeve - by Hark Pendragon

11.) Orionis AAR and Analysis - by Jericho Rolkein