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Originating from the distant space of New Eden within the system Cat. The Black Cat Syndicate began as a small group of particularly chosen new pilots picked for their ambition by Syndicate founder Sailen Blackwind, an old drifter coming from a long and shady history, and armed with a vision that he picked up somewhere along his ways.

Beginning their journey, they were guided by the idea of bringing the deepest, purest ambitions of a wandering pilot to life. Sailen spoke to his small band of outlaws about the vision, that through the awakening of ones ambitions and a family's support in carving the best version of someone out of their dreams, all together, it would create a strong, close, free nation.. this is the idea he wanted for his people. for them to be the best them that they dream of being.

This vision became the motivated force that would bring them to their actions acting as a liberation front. Together, in pursuit of creating their new nation, and establishing their foot print upon the world around them. They recklessly targeted large scale super powers that would serve to oppress and dominate lesser corporations, forcing their control upon the systems that they occupy.

In preparation to deploy against powers that would act in direct conflict with the ideology of the black cats, they would launch a citadel proudly named "The Morning Star" located in their new chosen home of "Kattegaud" to act as a proud shining beacon representing the threat that was to come.
This citadel acted as headquarters for war operations lead by the syndicate, and a refuge for working local pilots of neighboring friendly corporations.

In short months, they utilized highly sophisticated intel analysis, and guerilla warfare tactics to systematically dismantle their chosen targets while exposing nothing of their own to danger. Phantom assassins portraying them selves as the gods that embodied freedom and growth of ones inner ambition, and the devils that would come to deliver bad luck to all who would threaten these ideals.

The syndicate by this time had grown into a full scale coalition working as a multi-limbed larger entity, all intertwined to create the nation that they had once only spoke pipe dreams about as they shared drinks by a fire back in Cat.

The fire roared, and many names ran through the logs, and passed onto the next over the months that followed.
until the winter of 3306, when escalation lead to the record breaking and world shattering events that would have the black cats working in operation with the TEST coalition, and temporarily destroy the link to new eden for all pilots.

at this time.. space was simply a floating graveyard of silent ships, and anxious questions..

Sailen drifted.. he drifted in space for days... wondering if they had gone to far... if they had destroyed it all... 13'000 pilots under his command... have we killed us all...

and then there was a sound.. a beacon. The code was scrambled but he was able to do it. He managed to trace it, and his warp drive caught a lock. he had no idea where it would take him, but it was the only path left to follow.

As the warp vector aligned and the ship slipped into hyperspace, he had no idea at the time that he was going home. Back to the milky way, the same one that the Eve Gate lost its connection to hundreds of years ago. he was going home.. and he was bringing his black cats with him...