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1. Praetorian History

Humble Beginnings (3302 - 3305)
Praetorian PMC was founded on March 20th, 3302, by CMDR Wyatt Novak and CMDR bb942. The group started as a combined force of mercenaries, traders, miners and explorers, all working and travelling together for survival. After stopping in LP 1-52, the yet to be named group decided to settle in the system due to its proximity to several useful systems.

This burst of activity caught the attention of Titan Industries, another mercenary corp who had settled nearby. Several pilots clashed with Titan Industries recon elements in LP 1-52. The group began to stock up on resources for engineering and credits for repairs. The leaders uncovered much intel that could be capitalized on, and the first action using this intel came by June of 3302, when several pilots engaged several Titan mining vessels, caught off guard by the attack. This assault caused a flood of Titan combat vessels in LP 1-52, and soon an all-out war broke out. Friendly pilots continued to defend their territory, while the leaders came up with a plan. Eventually, after both sides suffering many losses, Titan Industries began to slowly decrease the frequency of attacks, and eventually they stopped altogether in August.

Between the Titan War and the growing need for a purpose, Praetorian PMC was formed. Together, as a unified force, Praetorian PMC began to offer their services to other groups in the galaxy.

With the appearance of Thargoids in the Pleiades Nebula, Praetorian pilots spent a good chunk of their time engaged in Thargoid combat, exploring the Milky Way, and working contracts. This continued well into 3304 and 3305.

Noxx Conflict (3305 - 3306)
With mounting casualties in the Pleiades Nebula due to the Thargoids, mass recruitment campaigns began, to strengthen Praetorian numbers. Among the new recruits was CMDR Noxx, who became a trusted advisor to Praetorian. He quickly rose through the ranks, until one day Noxx sabotaged the Praetorian Network, and tried to overthrow High Command. He was quickly removed from the faction, but still took a number of members with him. They founded the 104th Humanity Defense Force. 104th Pilots began attacking Praetorian pilots, both in LP 1-52 and other systems. The factions began fighting conflicts, with Praetorian mostly working to defend its territory while the 104th tried to push inside of it. Eventually, after losses on both sides, Praetorian and the 104th met for mediation. The fighting was briefly stopped, but the cease-fire didn’t last, and battles continued for control of LP 1-52. Eventually, the 104th forces pulled out and moved to the “Marines” system. They issued a formal declaration, informing Praetorian to stay away from the system, and the conflict ended.

New Friends, New Faces (3306 - 3307)
By 3306, Praetorian had largely become a different corporation, and High Command briefly introduced a new name to the corporation; Blackstar Interstellar Corp. High Command also began moving resources to a new home, the Barathaona system. As it’s influence grew, the faction gained many contracts, completing multiple anti-xeno contracts and several mining contracts. Eventually, in late 3307, Blackstar was contacted by the Elite Xbox Stellar Alliance, and offered a place in the coalition. The EXSA was a multi-faction alliance headed by CMDR Lev of the Deep Space Syndicate. Blackstar happily accepted, becoming the third faction to join the alliance and a founding member. During this time, Blackstar also reached out to several other independent factions, including the Guardians, The Explorers of the Galactic Table, and the 227th DSRT.

The Guardians War (3308)
Flying with the EXSA, Blackstar participated in several events and operations with the faction. During this time, Blackstar pilots participated in several money-making ventures. During one of these trips, Blackstar pilots were engaged by a known pirate, CMDR Kermit. As Blackstar pilots moved to defend themselves, the leader of the Guardians, CMDR Dog Brandon, began defending Kermit, attacking Blackstar pilots. Communication attempts were made, to inform Brandon who he was attacking, but Brandon continued the assault. The news of the Guardians attack was brought to the EXSA, who sent reinforcements. CMDR Lev and several DPSS ships entered the system and helped Blackstar push Brandon and Kermit out of the system. Blackstar and the EXSA began making preparations for war. The EXSA offered several attempts to make peace, offered that Brandon only play reparations for the ships destroyed. The Guardians denied all requests, on January 24th, 3308, Blackstar officially declared war on the Guardians. EXSA war ships poured into the Guardians home system of Dvorsi. The fighting lasted several weeks, and more attempts to get Brandon to pay reparations were made, but ultimately all failed. During this time, the Guardians hired many pirates and gankers to aid in their fight, but eventually Brandon's wealth ran out, and he was forced to retreat. The EXSA celebrated a well-fought victory.

A New Direction (3309)
By the end of 3308, Praetorian was nearing its 7th anniversary, and High Command issued several announcements. First, Blackstar would be moving all its assets back into LP 1-52, their old home. Second, Blackstar would once again return to its original name, Praetorian. By February of 3309, these changes had been complete, and a new era in Praetorians history had begun. Under the name Praetorian Congressional Republic, the factions goals shifted, from a mercenary corporation, to a mercenary nation. In the absence, the LP 1-52 system had been claimed by another faction, the Alliance Democratic Network. Upon Praetorians return, High Command contacted the ADN to discuss the LP 1-52 system, and an alliance was created.

On March 23rd, 3309, three days after the 7th anniversary of Praetorian, LP 1-52 returned to the control of Praetorian. From there, the newly forged PCR focused on updating some tenets of its principles to better suit a government. During this time, Praetorian was contacted to join the Orion Spur Federation Association, a Federation based alliance. The PCR accepted, and became an official member.

On May 2nd, 3309, the PCR officially concluded Operation: OVERTURE, a month long effort to push Praetorian influence into the neighboring system of Aeolus. Another similar operation was conducted to expand K Camelopardalis, named Operation: ROLLING THUNDER. This operation was officially completed on June 1st, 3309.

Return to Form(3310)
With the start of 3310, there was a growing discontent among Praetorians ranks. Its members wished to return to their mercenary ways, instead of running a government, and on January 14, 3310, Praetorian returned to its mercenary nature, handing off control of the government to the local administration.

On February 8th, Praetorian expanded to its 4th system, Darahk. This marked another successful operation, and expanded Praetorians sphere of influence.

Guardian Nanite Torpedos were released to the galactic public, and Praetorian took the opportunity to engage the Thargoid titans which had been harrassing humanity. On March 8th, Praetorian launched "Operation: TARTARUS," an ongoing effort to destroy all 8 Thargoid titans.

Towards the end of March, and with a return to Praetorians roots as mercenaries for hire, Praetorian exited the Orion Spur Federation Association.

March 26th brought the successful conclusion of another expansion. Praetorian entered its 5th system, Miola.

With the start of April, and following a successful contract, Praetorian had officially completed contracts for some of the largest factions from both the Federation and Empire.