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A Short History of Pira

For eons, Pira cast its weak light out into the galaxy, continuing its slow burn through its main sequence stage unnoticed and unknown to humanity. That is, until the first survey ship arrived in the system in 3047. Finding the system of two Jovian-ringed planets and moons, it was marked as having mining potential. But that survey would not catch anyone's attention for another 30 years. The star and its three planets quietly witnessed the revolution of humanity in space, with new ships and commanders flitting briefly through the system on their way to new and more exciting places like Achenar and Cubeo.

In 3077, the first Imperial Guild ship arrived to look more closely at the resources on offer in the ringed planets. In short order, Guild mining stations were founded and the system began to come to life. But after only 125 years, the rings pristine reserves were reduced to virtually nothing and the mining boom that brought humanity to Pira ended quickly. Orbital stations were dismantled, corporations moved on, and the economy of the system soon collapsed. For some however, Pira still had much to offer. It was during these uncertain economic times that a small cabal of Imperial minor-politicians and businessmen, in accord with Imperial law, organized themselves in a Feudal faction known as the Dukes of Pira. Founded in 3218, the Dukes began a campaign to consolidate power over what was left of Pira's initial settlements. Early success led to the faction expanding rapidly into other systems. Through diligent and fair leadership, the Dukes of Pira carved out a small but stable empire in the region.

However, as time passed and leadership changed, mistakes were made and the influence of the Dukes began to fade. By the 3290's, the Dukes of Pira were no longer a major regional power. In the early 3300's, factions from Cubeo and Primi began to shrink the Dukes influence back into the Pira system. In 3308, the Dukes of Pira put out a call for any commanders that wished to come and support the Dukes efforts to reassert their influence in Pira and surrounding systems. A small, motley group of commanders answered that call and organized themselves in a squadron known as the Order of Pira. Their influence was soon felt in the region and the Dukes of Pira have begun to regain their once lofty stature in the system. Simply known as "the Order" to many, some wonder how long this mercenary group will continue to support their patrons before stepping out of the Dukes shadow to take power themselves?