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Simple rules

1. Follow Discord's TOS

2. Be respectful with all members
Be respectful to others , No death threats, sexism, hate speech, racism (NO N WORD, this includes soft N)
No doxxing, swatting, witch hunting

3. No Advertising
Includes DM Advertising. We do not allow advertising here of any kind.

4. No NSFW content
Anything involving gore or sexual content is not allowed.
NSFW = Not Safe for Work

5. No spamming in text or VC
Do not spam messages, soundboards, voice changers, or earrape in any channel.

6. Do not discuss about sensitive topics
This isn't a debating server, keep sensitive topics out of here so we don't have a ton of nasty arguments.

7. No malicious content
No grabify links, viruses, crash videos, links to viruses, or token grabbers. These will result in an automated ban.

8. No Self Bots
Includes all kinds of selfbots: Nitro snipers, selfbots like nighty, auto changing statuses

9. Do not DM the staff team
Please post in question an answer area for all to learn from

10. Profile Picture / Banner Rules
No NSFW allowed
No racism
No brightly flashing pictures to induce an epileptic attack

11. Emoji Rules
No NSFW allowed
No racism
No brightly flashing pictures to induce an epileptic attack

12. Use English only
We cannot easily moderate chats in different languages, sorry. English only.

13. Avoid excessive use of profanities.
Please keep profanities to a minimum, we have all walks of life let’s be respectful.