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Legacy Powerplay Update Charts

My PS4 has unfortunately reached the Red Light of Death. There will be no further updates for a while.

Relaxed Pilots Union (Legacy PS Yuri Grom Squadron) and Red Grom Union (Legacy Yuri Grom Discord Server) present:

Legacy Powerplay Update Charts
These charts will be kept up to date when updates to Powerplay data are made by CMDR madamepestilence. More detailed data can be found in Red Grom Union for Yuri Grom Legacy players, or in the Legacy Pilots Coalition, a cross-Squadron Legacy Elite Dangerous Discord server still undergoing construction, led by CMDR HARRIER_1961.

Past 10 Weeks
These charts will only use data from the last 10 weeks.

(10 weeks pending)

All Time
These charts will go back as far as CMDR madamepestilence has actively made detailed logs of Legacy Powerplay data.
