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White, blue, and grey.

These are our colors. They have always been the colors of Lunatis, and bearing these colors is to be seen as a symbol of consolidation and loyalty to our cause. Early on, our options to display these colors were quite limited, though more and more options have become available over time. There now exists a plethora of ways to represent and fly the colors of Luantis. This report will act as a guide to members new and old, as well as serve as an incomplete list of "verified" color schemes, paint jobs, and other aesthetic choices a Commander could use to represent Lunatis.

Now, please note that there is no required standard of decorum to fly with Lunatis, nor will there ever be. The design choices one makes to their own craft will remain strictly their own regardless of what is stated in this document. It is simply meant to serve as a set of guidelines for those who wish to let our colors light up the black.


To put the philosophy simply, follow the colors. The simplest is to fly Tactical White, though any paintjob that is completely white (including the default paintjob of Imperial ships) or combines a bright white or gray with a strong blue will work. This includes options like Squadron Blue, Prestige Blue, Military Stripe Blue, and countless others. Generally speaking, white should be the primary color in the paintjob, though the more grey ones will work as well. In regard to SLF's, the common choice is to offset the stark white of the mothership with something like Gladiator Blue. Tactical White is also the king of availability, with nearly every ship in the game having access to it. It is the most widely accepted and used "proper" paintjob among Lunatis' veteran Commanders. It also looks stunning when paired with...


Blue engine color and blue weapon color. The radiant glowing blue against the stark white looks a mix of gorgeous, unique, and deadly.

Ship Identification:

All official Lunatis ships will bear the ship prefix designation of Lunatis Space Vessel, or LSV, in the ship name. For examples please refer to the LSV Kyranaea, LSV Victoria, and the LSV Atreus.

All official Lunatis ships will follow the ship ID format of LN-###. For examples please refer to the Lunatis Wing Ship Registry; look again at the LSV Kyranaea, the LSV Victoria, the LSV Atreus, or any of the other LSV prefixed ships with a ship ID beginning with LN-. Three numbers are required. The registry also exists to prevent duplicate numbers from occurring.

Commander Customization:

Again, follow the colors. White, or a combination of white, blue, and grey. The Explorer Blue is an excellent example, though a plain white, blue, grey, or black flight suit would be acceptable as well.

If other more specific designations become necessary they will be detailed here.