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Squadron History

3303 - 3304

We are the Forsaken Hunters. We are a group of pilots from many backgrounds, all loyal to the Empire. With hopes of finding a system to settle in, we headed for the outskirts of civilized space sometime in mid 3303. We found a system abandoned by the Federation, Bhutas. There was a thriving hub there, Feynman Terminal. This was perfect for our group. Most of us were traders and part time bounty hunters. So, we founded Bhutas Hunters, while changing our Squadron name to Forsaken Hunters.

Slowly we began to expand. First we gained control of a small station, Ceferri Holdings. From this new headquarters we continued our growth at an exceptional rate. We encountered some resistance from a neighboring Federation faction, after they realized we had made our home in the system. We quickly defeated them. We had the momentum. Our influence grew quickly. We saw our opportunity to gain total control of the system. We began with negotiations, but the remnants of the Federation, Bhutas Group would not see reason. They tried to lock down our station, but we were ready. Once they began our attack our fleet retaliated with overwhelming force. We pushed them back to Feynman terminal, but they refused to surrender. The preemptive attack on our headquarters was condemned by Bhutas Group’s supporters. In desperation their leaders held the entire station hostage, hoping for rescue. Rescue didn’t come, but it still took a month for our siege to break them. With the siege broken we accepted their surrender, and gave aid to those aboard the station. After healing the wounds of war in the system we had time to reflect. We had brought prosperity to the system, and it flourished. The Emperor took notice of this and gave Forsaken Hunters full control of Bhutas, and any future holdings. In return we strive to bring justice into the black in the name of the Empire. We will always be grateful and loyal to the Empire for this. However, we are the only Empire faction in this region. That being said, we are not your typical Empirials. We ally and associate with those that prove to have honor. We are more open minded than most other Imps as well. A few underhanded tricks may be required from time to time.

With this new found momentum, our loyalty to the Empire, and an eye toward the future we began preparations to expand our influence and the territory of the Empire. This caught the eye of some powers that didn’t agree with the Empire being in this part of space. After expanding our control to Kebes an Alliance squadron, AEDC, began to undermine our control. They had begun trying to take over the Lave Cluster. This region of space just happens to contain our home system of Bhutas. It seemed we were in their way. I sought out the leader of their forces. We negotiated a peace between us. Little did I know that we were being deceived. The AEDC planned to take control of the entire Lave Cluster. It wasn’t long after this that our allies, The Code, came under attack from a large force, controlled by AEDC. This attack would become known as “The War of the Old Worlds”. In this official decree from an Orrere Freedom Coalition spokesman, Commander Capn Murica, on behalf of the OFC, we, Forsaken Hunters also pledged our support against them.

“As of March 22nd, 3304, Orrere Freedom Coalition has declared war on The Alliance Elite Diplomatic Corps.
A little history goes a long way. When The Code’s Player Minor Faction was introduced in Orrere, it didn’t take long for our bounty hunting enemies in the Alliance Elite Diplomatic Corp to take notice and work against it. The Code was focused on pirating trade routes and Community Goals and paid no mind to the work of BGS groups. After a couple years of Federal control, several (bored) Code members managed to win the system back. The Code ran a heist against the Teamsters Logistics Corporation, unintentionally sowing discord within the group when the traders combat logged on the thieves. Disaffected ex-Teamster players spent the following 9 months actively working to undermine The Code’s minor faction, in revenge for the heist.
After the news of 3.0 series of game balance updates, The Code of Pirates has been steadily working to regain control of our home system, as our own wretched hive of scum and villainy. It has been a difficult process with a small subset of a large PVP player group contributing to a BGS-related task in a high-population system. Progress was slow, but steady, without obvious evidence of external interference. On March 20th, 3304, the Reorte Mining Coalition expanded into Orrere, and gained influence fast. We discovered it was the Alliance Elite Diplomatic Corps pushing this faction. AEDC is pushing the RMC for one reason: Make the Galaxy Green, at the expense of all other player interests and treaties. After diplomatic negotiations broke down, we have been left no other option. War.
The Code are standing up for Anarchy. Not just for the good of The Code, but for the good of the galaxy. Anarchy systems are disappearing. Most recently, Bunda has been flipped to lawful faction control. With the new Crime and Punishment system, Anarchy systems are important to all players, now more than ever.
They provide a place for lawless gameplay to be sought-out to avoid heavy punishment
They provide a haven for those unfortunate enough to have inadvertently acquired a fine or bounty
They provide PVP pilots and pirates with a “quarantine” to duke it out without interfering with CMDRs wishing for Lawful gameplay
To achieve these goals, The Code, Forsaken Hunters, the Black Flag Project, and many other players and groups have pledged support to the Orrere Freedom Coalition. The current mission of the Coalition is to free Orrere, but with the broader goal of freeing former Anarchy systems from the tight grip of Law.
Our demand is clear and simple: Back Off Orrere. We cannot condone this hostile takeover and all must combat this action now to discourage future Alliance aggression throughout the bubble. AEDC has refused to back down, and other Alliance groups must either condemn the AEDC’s goal or risk being caught in the crossfire. The community as a whole needs to come together to fight. Not just for Orrere, but for FREEDOM in the galaxy. Join the Orrere Freedom Coalition, serve our common interests, and fight back.
The Orrere Freedom Coalition”

This war was over rather quickly, and with it the assault on our system by the AEDC. The OFC had crushed the AEDC and their Alliance backing. However the AEDC is still classified as a threat and enemy by the Forsaken Hunters.

Shortly after this war another faction started attacking our systems. This “War” was very brief, as Lave Frontier Alliance couldn’t generate the support from the Alliance. What follows is the official record of communication between Forsaken Hunters and LFA.

“We, The Forsaken Hunters, in the name of the Empire, formally declare war on the Lave Frontier Alliance, and by proxy the ACLC and People's Dictatorships, as CMDR Arghouse has spoken on their behalf. You have been issued this statement at 1545 hrs galactic time on 31 Mar 3304. This declaration will be entered into record.
For the Empire!
CMDR Whitewolf061486 Founder Forsaken Hunters”

“A peace agreement has been reached.
These are our terms. Just don't interfere with our (Forsaken Hunter) operations in any way. We can't commit pilots to help you (LFA) move factions into other systems at this time.
Agreed to by:
CMDR Whitewolf061486
Founder Forsaken Hunters”

“We, the peoples of the Lave Frontier Alliance, and Anarchist Communists of the Lave Cluster, declare an end to our hostilities against the Bhutas Hunters. In return we have agreed to help aid them in cleaning up the damage created in Kebes. We have, unfortunately, also agreed to the eventual ceding of multiple LFA members in their expansion sphere. As per our agreement with WhiteWolf, we will take our people and assets out towards Colonia, where we will be able to create a new future for the descendents of the Lave cluster ancestors.
The war between the Lave Frontier Alliance and the Bhutas Hunters, while officially only lasting a few hours, unofficially started with decline and fall of the Advance Society of Andari, beginning with the overthrowing of the independent dictatorship of Jukagha and multiple small skirmishes with whom naval officers on both sides of the ASA/BH conflict refereed to as unknown contacts, until first contact was made with the assassination of multiple Bhutas Hunter officials in Kebes.
The Lave Frontier Alliance was formed in November 3303 soon after a successful revolution in Dijkstra. It was apparent to many of the local member factions that the war taking place between local feds and imperials, not only over the past few years but 2 centuries, with constant fighting over who would rule over Gadogomdiri and Jaroahy; was bringing much of the local infrastructure to disrepair and populations, descended from inner world refugees, uncertain about their future. This would lead to the attempted intervention, which resulted in the events of today.”

The agreement above ceded the claim of all LFA systems Forsaken Hunters is present in. I assume they have moved to colonia as they said they would, but that isn’t something we wanted to force them into.

After this we entered a time of peace. We have quietly grown and have become present in more systems.. We now have a presence in 20 systems. Some of our history has been lost due to time and memory, but the majority is here. So, let us begin anew.


It is 6 August 3305. With the “bubble” now on top of us, we have decided it is time to wake from our rest. We are now continuing our expansion toward uninhabited space.