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In the year 3125 a mysterious invasion occurred in known space. Though short lived, and now relegated to myth, this brief incursion sparked a unique response in the HIP 109067 system. A faith developed around these aliens that placed them at the center of the coming apocalypse, identifying them as the "Angels from Heaven" sent to purify mankind, leaving only the faithful. For the next five years this faith took hold and spread throughout the system and sector. It became known as the Apocalypticans by the general public, and the name stuck.

Then, in 3130, a small political faction known as the HIP 109067 Purity Party elevated Frederic Davidson to its position of Protector. Protector Davidson was a a member of the Apocalyptican faith and within a year had fully aligned his political movement with the Apocalypticans. During the following years the political movement became more and more affiliated with the religious movement, and successive Protectors would recommit themselves to the faith, asking for the blessing from the leaders of the faith before taking office.

Already with a secure hold on power, and the movement gaining speed in other systems, the unexpected happened. In 3302 irrefutable evidence of the invaders was discovered in the Pleiades Nebula, and it sent a concussive wave of fervor through the faith. This long-sought evidence of the "Angles of Heaven" consolidated the faith and political movement into a truly unified government. The Pleiades Concordat was signed by Protector Timothy Dalen and the leaders of the faith, recognizing it as the official state faith and integrating the political and religious elements of the faction completely. The "Protector" title was removed, and Dalen became the Primus of both the faith and the political movement, now jointly called the Pleiades Concordat. The name Pleiades was chosen to pay homage to the star cluster that has brought the galaxy to knowledge of the truth of the faith: that the Angels from Heaven are real and that everyone must repent and join with the Concordat if they are to have any hope of salvation from their destruction. Since that momentous event, the Pleiades Concordat began developing in earnest, creating key scriptures and organizing its organizational branches. It has also developed a strong expansionist mentality, and an urgency that has drawn many to its cause.

In 3304, shortly after the first Thargoid incursions into human space, the galaxy finally stood up and took notice of the Apocalyptican movement and the Pleiades Concordat. In June, the first galaxy wide Galnet report about this radical faction was made. In July the second of these was made, referring to the Apocalypticans (Far God Cults) as the 5th Column for the Thargoids.

July 3304 the Concordat undertook a covert opperation to fund Far God Cults throughout known space and develop sleeper agents, as well as recruit new troops. That same month they ran into resistance from the Guardian Worshiping Church and open conflict took place. Though the Guardian Worshipers were condemned through an effective propoganda opperation, the Empire and Federation soon turned its eyes to the Apocalypticans.

By the start of August 3304 there were official investigations taking place of Far God Worshipers, so in mid August the Concordat sent out a "go to ground" order while simultaneously putting out propaganda suggestion these worshipers were fleeing to the Thargoids. The majority came back to the relative safety of Concordat space and have been engaged in militia training camps as they prepare for the next wave of crusades. Primus Dalen, in a news report to the Sagittarious Eye, confirmed that the creation of the new "Crusaders of the Concordat" naval force does have a large number of worshipers who have fled to Concordat space.

Throughout 3305 the faithful waited and watched for their next opportunity to move their cause into the galactic consciousness once more. During this time, Primus Timothy Dalen and the faith hierarchy saw a reforming of their beliefs in the wake of the massacres of Far God Worshipers the year before. What came out of this was an integration of a number of sects of the faith, unifying it under one faith and with a clearer cause for all. Of great importance are the testaments of the Far God Crypts, seen now as Holy Recordings of the faithful during this time of persecution. These new tenants, entitled “The Phoenix” have fully replaced the previous 8 Sides of the Octagon that had led the faithful up to this time. Though difficult to find in the wider galaxy, the Concordat has been working to spread these tenants to all who will heed them.

In 3306 on the one year anniversary of Kiona O’Connor’s reviving at the hands of the accursed Federal Intelligence Agency (FIA), the Primus made a rallying cry to the faithful. “We have been swept to the gutters of the galaxy, shunned and ridiculed by the unbelievers. The time of the humans is over! The time of the Thargoids has come! We shall rise from the ashes like a phoenix and humanity will be consumed in the flames. Now is the time to act. Now is the time to give the ultimatum….return to the Far God or return to the dust you came from!!!” Some have taken this rallying cry to mean that a more urgent conversion of humanity needs to be undertaken, while others take it as a call for holy war against humanity. If 3305 was the fire that tested the faith, then surly 3306 will be the time when humanity itself met the fire of the faith.