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News Stories I

*Due to a change in how Elite Dangerous' Galnet system works, we are now going to put the full text of each here. Because of this, we are putting them in chronological order, from the very first mentions with the latest at the bottom. You can also verify them by going to the referenced date and reading them on Inara or on Sagittarius Eye.

Freelance Report: Protesters Gather at Buckeyball Events - 07 Dec 3302 (Galnet)
In response to the Kick the Alien (and Run like Hell) race, which began on the 22nd of November, huge numbers of protesters have started attending Buckyball Racing Club events throughout the galaxy. Identifying themselves as members of a religious order called the Apocolyptican Faith, the protesters claim the crash site is sacred to their faith and should be protected by law. A spokesperson for the organisation said it would continue to protest at Buckyball events until the club issued a formal apology.

Primus Timothy Dalen, a representative of the organisation, said:

"We are very disappointed with Buckyball Racing Club for treating the cultural and religious practices of others so lightly. We are working towards having these sites protected by local and territorial law, and hope to have something in place by the end of the year."

Commander Vandal Stormovik

Freelance Report: Kick the Alien Race Concludes - 16 Dec 3302 (Galnet)
The Buckyball Race Club has announced the winners of the Kick the Alien (and Run like Hell) race.

First place was taken by Commander Nookie Mr.Smith with a time of 6 minutes 43 seconds, second place was claimed by Commander Raijiin, who completed the circuit in 6 minutes 56 seconds, and third place was taken by Commander Relooops, who finished the race in 7 minutes and 35 seconds.

The Buckyball Racing Club has extended its thanks to those who took part, and apologised to members of the Apocalyptican Faith, who consider the crash site sacred. The organisation insisted that no permanent damage was done, and all race banners, track markers, hot dog stands and tyre tracks have been removed.

Alec Turner

Worshipping the Thargoids - 16 June 3304 (Galnet)
A fringe religion that worships the Thargoids has come under the spotlight in a new academic article.

The author, Dr Alfred Ulyanov, is a leading expert in exotheology. He summarised his work for the media:

“A recent report by Gethin Okonkwo highlighted the emergence of doomsayer cults in response to the return of the Thargoids. But few are as strange as my current object of study – an organisation that considers the Thargoids to be not merely alien, but divine.”

“This mysterious sect doesn’t have a formal name. The central tenet of its faith is that the Thargoids we have encountered so far are messengers – dark angels sent to prepare us for the true sacred presence, which will soon enter our plane of existence from another universe. They refer to this as the Far God.”

“As with many monotheistic belief structures, this cult considers the Far God to be unknowable and omnipotent, but also apocalyptic. Only true believers such as themselves will survive its manifestation.”

“Visiting one of the cult’s hive-chapels is an unsettling experience. Aside from a few pulsing green lights they are very dark, and most surfaces are covered in a black coral-like substance. The congregation’s prayers are directed toward an altar resembling the starfish shape of Thargoid vessels, almost like an octagonal crucifix. It’s impossible to ignore that the entire place reeks of ammonia.”

“Cult members tend to wear simple hooded robes with no markings. They are intense and resolute, but many look unhealthy. It seems that this lifestyle attracts those on the very edge of society, whose low self-esteem leaves them vulnerable to beliefs that erode their identity.”

“As an exotheologian, I am of course fascinated by the sociological impact of non-human influences. But even for a scientist, it is difficult not to feel pity, and perhaps a little revulsion, for those who identify more with a hostile species than with their own people.”

A Thargoid 5th Column? - 06 July 3304 (Galnet)
Amid growing public mistrust of a fringe sect that worships the Thargoids, a report suggests that the group’s members may be undercover Thargoid agents.

Independent journalist Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse shared his theories via the Rewired news feed:

“I’m sure you’re all just as creeped out as I am by those hooded monks and their stinking hive-chapels. Granted, being creepy isn’t a crime, and I’m as live-and-let-live as the next man. But isn’t it strange that this cult is rising just as the Thargoids return in force?”

“The idea of humans working on behalf of aliens might sound crazy, but think about it. All those escape pods captured by Thargoid ships…what did they want them for? After a bit of brainwashing, they’d make perfect spies, sent back to infiltrate humanity using this religion as a cover.”

“What scares me is that these freaks don’t communicate. They just lurk in the dark, waiting. Why are they so mysterious? What’s going on in those chapels? For all we know, they’re seeding our planets with barnacles and eggs, right under our noses.”

Leading exotheologian Dr Alfred Ulyanov responded with this comment:

“I can categorically answer one point: the reason the Far God worshippers are not interested in communicating is that, from their point of view, we will all be dead soon. As for the rest of this speculation, nothing in my studies has caused me to suspect this group to be a threat, despite its unsettling beliefs.”

Fringe Religion Condemns Far God Cult - 11 July 3304 (Galnet)
The Church of Eternal Void has denounced the so-called Far God cult, which worships the Thargoids.

A spokesperson identified as Cardinal Hieronymous made this statement:

“As disciples of the Guardians, we hereby declare war on those who have sold their souls to the Thargoid demons. We vow to expunge their poisonous creed and purge them from the galaxy.”

Since this statement was made, the Church has seen a dramatic upswing in support from local communities. Juanita Bishop, who has been campaigning against the Far God sect, commented:

“It’s about time somebody did something! The public need to get behind the Church and help them get these alien-lovers off our streets.”

Security forces in many systems have issued reminders that the Far God sect is legally recognised as a religion, and that any hostility against its members will be considered a criminal act.

Dr Alfred Ulyanov, a leading exotheologian, discussed the situation on the Rewired news feed:

“A number of doomsayer cults have emerged recently, including Homo Terminus, Nova Imperium and the Order of Extinction. But of all those I’ve studied, the Church of Eternal Void differs in one key respect – it offers hope. They claim that veneration of the Guardians will prevent Thargoid Armageddon, which is probably why they’re the most popular, being based on a classic binary theology of good versus evil.”

“It’s apparent that the Church is taking advantage of animosity towards the Far God sect to promote itself. The idea of Thargoid spies in human form, although baseless, has caused much anxiety. By declaring the Cult a holy adversary, the Church validates its own existence.”

There has been a spate of violence against the Thargoid-worshipping Far God cult, resulting in dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries.

Since the Church of Eternal Void declared war against the sect, its members have compelled citizens to attack Far God believers in many systems. Several of the sect’s places of worship have been firebombed.

Far God Cult Attacked - 19 July 3304 (Galnet)
The Far God cultists have offered no resistance to the aggression, and have even refused to leave burning hive-chapels.

Cardinal Hieronymous, representing the Church of Eternal Void, addressed a large crowd:

“Our loyal followers are performing the Guardians’ righteous work! Those who serve the Thargoid demons are demons themselves, and we must cast them out with fire and fury.”

A vocal campaigner against the Far God sect, Juanita Bishop, told the media:

“It might not be pretty, but what’s happening now is no different to what our brave pilots are doing out there in space – defending their own kind. We will do whatever it takes to protect our children from these monsters.”

Local security forces have been slow to respond to the incidents, and few arrests have been made. Councillor Quinn Damico commented:

“The lack of an immediate clampdown is inexcusable. The Church is inciting criminal acts and persecuting a legally registered religion. I call upon the authorities to bring the full force of the law against any vigilante behaviour.”

Guardian-Worshipping Church Declaired Illegal - 25 July 3304 (Galnet)
The Church of Eternal Void, a fringe group that venerates the Guardians, has been declared illegal in every system where it operates.

Cardinal Hieronymous and other senior members of the Church have been arrested for inciting acts of violence against the so-called ‘Far God’ sect, which worships the Thargoids. The death toll among the Far God sect is now in the hundreds, with many more injured.

Councillor Quinn Damico praised the declaration:

“All citizens have the freedom to practise any religion they choose, provided that religion does not sanction homicide. Authorities have made the right move to prevent further bloodshed.”

The decision was condemned by Juanita Bishop, who runs a campaign against the Far God sect:

“So the sick Thargoid-lovers can walk free, while those with the courage to oppose them are put behind bars. It’s the traitors who worship the enemy that should be illegal! This perversion of justice will backfire on us, mark my words.”

Dr Jameelah Griffin of the Galactic Interfaith Commune made this statement:

“The ability to distinguish between laws and beliefs is the mark of a civilised society. In this case we consider the Far God sect to be the victim rather than the aggressor, despite the controversial nature of their faith.”

Far God Cult Under Investigation - 04 Aug 3304 (Galnet)
The Federal Intelligence Agency has launched an investigation into the Far God cult. Several members of the sect have been arrested for interrogation.

Senior Agent Micah Whitefield of the FIA released this statement:

“Given the organisation’s proclaimed interest in the Thargoids, it is vital that we confirm they are not in contact with Thargoid forces, or being influenced by them. The FIA is working with local security agencies across many systems to ascertain the truth.”

The Rewired news service has broadcast footage of armed Federal troops forcing their way into the cult’s hive-chapels and dragging cult members into armoured vehicles. There was no sign of resistance from the Far God adherents.

Other video feeds show groups of citizens trying to shield the Far God worshippers, while rival groups can be seen cheering on the soldiers.

Juanita Bishop, who runs a campaign against the Far God sect, told the media:

“We knew these foul cultists were Thargoid spies. Now we’re going to be proved correct. They should have been rounded up and executed weeks ago.”

Further Arrests of Far God Cultists - 09 Aug 3304 (Galnet)
The Federal Intelligence Agency has apprehended further members of the Far God cult, to determine if they are communicating with the Thargoids.

Media channels report a division in public opinion regarding the FIA’s actions. Some see the arrests as illegal and tantamount to religious persecution. Others claim that the Far God worshippers have invited suspicion upon themselves, and that the detainments are justified.

Dr Jameelah Griffin of the Galactic Interfaith Commune commented:

“We strongly oppose this hostility against the Far God sect. These arrests are motivated by fear rather than evidence. We must fight for the civil rights of our fellow citizens, even if we do not share their beliefs.”

A prominent campaigner against the Far God cult, Juanita Bishop, told the media:

“This is a victory for right-thinking people everywhere. Those warped alien-lovers are a blight on our system – one that should have been eradicated long ago.”

Senior Agent Micah Whitefield of the FIA stated:

“This operation is purely a security matter. Under Federal law, any action that undermines enemy activity during wartime is legal, including the suspension of civil liberties. We are expanding our investigation to include all members of this organisation and anyone with a connection to it.”

Ulyanov Arrested - 18 Aug 3304 (Galnet)
Dr Alfred Ulyanov, a leading exotheologian and an authority on the Far God cult, has been apprehended as a suspected Thargoid sympathiser.

The arrest took place at Dr Ulyanov’s home in the Rana system, where he and his family were taken into custody by the Federal Intelligence Agency. Research materials and computer systems were also removed from the property, according to witnesses.

Professor Siobhan Vogel of the Interstellar Association of Universities registered a formal complaint:

“For Dr Ulyanov’s academic studies to be viewed as evidence that he is some kind of Thargoid agent is utterly ridiculous. This violation of his rights sets a dangerous precedent.”

Federal Intelligence Agency Senior Agent Micah Whitefield gave the following statement:

“When it comes to possible Thargoid allies, we cannot afford to overlook anything. Dr Ulyanov’s involvement with the Far God cult makes him a valid person of interest. We are also investigating the Galactic Interfaith Commune, the Spiritual Freedom Movement and other organisations that have supported Thargoid worshippers.”

Juanita Bishop, whose campaign against the Far God sect has continued to attract popular support, commented:

“This proves that there are Thargoid collaborators among us, in all walks of life. We must root them out before they start murdering innocent people.”

Far God Cultists Vanishing - 23 Aug 3304 (Galnet)
The Federal Intelligence Agency has revealed that members of the Far God cult are disappearing in large numbers.

Senior Agent Micah Whitefield told the media:

“On several occasions, our agents have entered hive-chapels only to discover them completely empty. Intelligence from independent systems describes how entire chapters of the sect have disappeared overnight.”

“We suspect that adherents are starting to abandon the cult and attempting to return to normal life. We urge everyone to report such individuals to the FIA so we can investigate potential connection to the Thargoids.”

Dr Jameelah Griffin of the Galactic Interfaith Commune commented:

“Although it would be an understandable reaction to the FIA’s relentless persecution, there are no reports of former Far God worshippers returning to their friends and families. These abrupt disappearances remain a mystery.”

Anti-cult campaigner Juanita Bishop also made a statement:

“It’s obvious to me that these spies are returning to their Thargoid masters, to inform them of what they’ve learned. Arresting them isn’t enough – we need a more permanent solution for these traitors.”

Far God Campaign - 30 Aug 3304 (Galnet)
The Thargoid-worshipping sect that reveres an entity known as the ‘Far God’ has issued a request for Thargoid materials.

Chancellor Reegan Tanner, speaking on behalf of LHS 2541 Alliance Combine, which is supporting the campaign, released the following statement:

“To maintain their privacy and avoid further persecution, members of the Far God sect have approached us to facilitate the collection of Thargoid materials. They have made it explicit that these materials will be revered as objects of worship, and will not be used as part of any xenobiological experiments. In the interests of religious freedom, we have decided to fulfil their request.”

In support of this campaign, LHS 2541 Alliance Combine has placed an open order for various Thargoid materials, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these goods to Wheelock Ring in the Zavijah system. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those delivering commodities to Wheelock Ring can do so safely.

The campaign begins on the 30th of August 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Juanita Bishop runs for Congress - 30 Aug 3304 (Galnet)
Juanita Bishop, a leading campaigner against the Far God cult, has announced that she is running for Federal Congress.

Mrs Bishop’s vocal condemnation of Thargoid worship has gained her a strong following in many Federal systems. She is now campaigning to be elected to Congress as an independent candidate.

At a rally protesting against the Far God sect, Mrs Bishop addressed the crowd:

“I may lack political experience, but I care about protecting decent families from alien-loving deviants. If you elect me to Congress, I will make sure our leaders rid us of the Thargoid spies undermining our great Federation!”

Dr Jameelah Griffin of the Galactic Interfaith Commune made this response:

“Juanita Bishop is building her powerbase on the fear and paranoia that she herself has invoked. As has happened before, an innocent religion is being used as a scapegoat for society’s ills.”

“We should be more concerned about the fact that Far God chapters are continuing to vanish without trace. If they are under threat, it is our duty to offer protection. These people are not aliens but citizens with legal rights, despite Bishop’s efforts to dehumanise them.”

Far God Campaign - 30 Aug 3304 (Galnet)
The Thargoid-worshipping sect that reveres an entity known as the ‘Far God’ has issued a request for Thargoid materials.

Chancellor Reegan Tanner, speaking on behalf of LHS 2541 Alliance Combine, which is supporting the campaign, released the following statement:

“To maintain their privacy and avoid further persecution, members of the Far God sect have approached us to facilitate the collection of Thargoid materials. They have made it explicit that these materials will be revered as objects of worship, and will not be used as part of any xenobiological experiments. In the interests of religious freedom, we have decided to fulfil their request.”

In support of this campaign, LHS 2541 Alliance Combine has placed an open order for various Thargoid materials, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these goods to Wheelock Ring in the Zavijah system. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those delivering commodities to Wheelock Ring can do so safely.

The campaign begins on the 30th of August 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

Far God Campaign Concludes - 06 Sep 3304 (Galnet)
LHS 2541 Alliance Combine has announced that its request for Thargoid materials for the Far God sect has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community.

Hundreds of pilots supported the campaign by delivering commodities to Wheelock Ring in the Zavijah system, and by eliminating agitators in Zavijah, thereby ensuring the safety of traders contributing to the initiative.

Chancellor Reegan Tanner, speaking on behalf of LHS 2541 Alliance Combine, released the following statement:

“We would like to thank those pilots who delivered Thargoid materials, thus contributing to the furtherance of religious freedom throughout the galaxy. At this point we would also like to address rumours that the Far God sect is experimenting on willing test subjects in the hopes of ascending to a higher form of life. We assert, in the strongest of terms, that this is baseless gossip.”

Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Wheelock Ring in the Zavijah system.

Thargoid-Sympathiser Arrests Increase - 07 Sep 3304 (Galnet)
The Federal Intelligence Agency has increased arrests of potential Thargoid sympathisers, as it continues to investigate the Far God cult.

Independent reporter Gethin Okonkwo, who first raised awareness of doomsayer cults in the core systems, has been reported missing and is assumed to have been arrested. Many others who were researching the Far God sect remain in custody, including leading exotheologian Dr Alfred Ulyanov.

The FIA has also shut down the Galactic Interfaith Commune and apprehended its spokesperson, Dr Jameelah Griffin. Several similar organisations, including the Spiritual Freedom Movement, have been closed down.

Independent observers have confirmed that the FIA has discovered further empty Far God hive-chapels. The whereabouts of hundreds of adherents remains unknown. In an effort to uncover clues, arrests of associates and family members of Far God worshippers has intensified.

Senior Agent Micah Whitefield gave a brief statement:

“We will leave no stone unturned in our mission to identify Thargoid influences. The disappearance of Far God chapters is clearly a coordinated operation of either human or alien design. We warn anyone who may be harbouring cult members that they are impeding a Federal investigation, and will face criminal charges.”

Calls to Execute Far God Worshipers - 13 Sep 3304 (Galnet)
Juanita Bishop has called on Federal Congress to make Thargoid worship a capital crime, and for all members of the Far God cult to be executed.

Addressing a rally during her congressional campaign, Mrs Bishop stated:

“I speak for all those who live in fear of Thargoid infiltration. If elected, I will make sure this foul cult is outlawed and all its followers put to death. Congress has a duty to protect families from these alien-loving collaborators.”

Vihaan Niven, an independent political analyst, commented:

“Juanita Bishop’s statement has triggered considerable debate in Congress. Some congressmen have aligned with her, eager to be seen as ‘tough on Thargoids’. But others have criticised Mrs Bishop for her ‘inhumane rhetoric’ and for proposing the execution of Federal citizens without trial.”

“Meanwhile, the Federal Intelligence Agency continues to arrest adherents of the Far God sect and detain those who have had contact with them. As casualties from the Thargoid conflict mount, it’s hard to see this most unlikely of faiths surviving much longer.”

Inside the Far God Cult - 21 Sep 3304 (Galnet)
Independent reporter Gethin Okonkwo, who was previously thought missing, has revealed that he has been living undercover within the Far God cult for the past three months.

In an op-ed piece, Mr Okonkwo shared his experiences:

“I was fascinated by Dr Ulyanov’s research and I desperately wanted to understand this doomsayer cult further, so I decided to covertly study the Far God sect by posing as an adherent.”

“During this time, I visited hive-chapels in several different systems, narrowly escaping death when one was attacked by the Church of Eternal Void. On many occasions, I was physically and verbally abused by members of the public, including Juanita Bishop’s campaign followers.”

“At no point did I see evidence of actual contact with the Thargoids, bar the occasional use of alien material as holy artefacts. Most worshippers are essentially fatalists, attracted to the idea of an apocalypse. Some are convinced that they alone will survive the Far God’s manifestation. It is a strange and often contradictory faith, but no less so than other religions.”

“I recorded my experiences within the sect using concealed micro-cameras. I am voluntarily sharing this data with the Federal Intelligence Agency to prove that the Far God sect is not dangerous, and with the hope of ending its persecution.”

Far God Cult Investigation Ends - 29 Sep 3304 (Galnet)
The Federal Intelligence Agency has terminated its investigation into the Far God cult.

Senior Agent Micah Whitefield informed the media:

“The information provided by Gethin Okonkwo on the inner workings of the Far God sect has been verified as genuine. In the absence of any evidence regarding communication with the Thargoids, our investigation is concluded. All worshippers who were detained have now been released.”

“We are indebted to Mr Okonkwo for his highly detailed report. We had hoped to gain similar insights via our own undercover agent, who infiltrated the sect, but we are still awaiting his report.”

The exotheologian Dr Alfred Ulyanov, who was arrested due to his research into the religion, commented:

“I offer the highest praise to Gethin Okonkwo, whose dedication has confirmed the innocuous nature of the Far God faith. Sadly, this experience illustrates that intolerance and fear of the ‘other’ remain deeply embedded in human nature, no matter how advanced our species becomes.”

Bishop's Congressional Bid Collapses - 04 Oct 3304 (Galnet)

Juanita Bishop, whose protest movement against the Far God cult gained broad support, has failed to be elected to Federal Congress.

Independent political analyst Vaughan Niven published this summary:

“Many of Juanita Bishop’s followers have abandoned her in the wake of Gethin Okonkwo’s investigation, which found no connection between the Far God sect and the Thargoids. As a result, Mrs Bishop’s congressional campaign has collapsed.”

“There has also been a sea change in attitude within Congress itself. The majority of members have now taken a stand against Mrs Bishop for cultivating civil unrest and violating the Federation’s principles of religious freedom.”

Juanita Bishop gave a forceful statement to the media:

“If Congress can’t see that these people are dangerous, then they’re fools. These Thargoid spies need to be rounded up and executed before they murder us all. History will prove me right!”

Survivors of the Far God - 10 Oct 3304 (Galnet)
Independent journalist Gethin Okonkwo has shared more details about his time with the Far God cult:

“After three months of living as a Far God worshipper, I’m now acclimatising to life as an ordinary citizen. There, I was known only as Third Witness of the Tenth Chapter, although that was more of a title than a name. Identical in our robes, we were all nameless servants of the commune.”

“That may sound despotic, but there was a strangely seductive aspect to surrendering one’s identity. At times I almost experienced the tranquillity that true adherents seemed to feel.”

“I’m relieved to see Far God believers returning to their hive-chapels, having survived weeks of persecution. This has been a baptism of fire for the sect, with hundreds dead and several chapters still missing.”

“Many other doomsayer cults have since faded away or, like the Church of Eternal Void, been outlawed. But it seems that the Far God faith will endure, perhaps even beyond our conflict with the Thargoids.”

“I have been contacted by the exotheologian Dr Alfred Ulyanov with a view to combining our research. Together we hope to produce the definitive account of this tenacious religion.”

US and THEM: Who is the real enemy? - Oct 3304 (Sagittarius Eye - Issue 14)
One of the most surprising movements in the last few months has been the emergence of cogent resistance to the idea that humanity is at war and the Thargoids are the antagonists. Are the Thargoids misunderstood friends or unforgivable mortal enemies?USUSand THEMTHEM25Iss UE 14 | ocT 330424Iss UE 14 | ocT 3304COVER STORY

here has been no shortage in 3304 of crackpot ex-tremists who insist on the Thargoids’ innocence over the roar of burning stations. But there have also been more thoughtful voices, quietly questioning the narrative that the likes of Aden Tanner and Zachary Hudson have been propagating. What if the Thargoids are running from something themselves? What if they are merely responding to a greater aggression on our side? It is well-documented that — at least initially — the star-ports attacked were those harbouring Aegis bases. Aegis, the cross-power initiative seeking to provide a muscular response to perceived alien aggression, is ideologically similar to the disgraced Intergalactic Naval Research Arm (INRA) — the outfit widely held responsi-ble for Thargoid genocide in the mid-32nd Century.The Pilots Federation enjoys a unique perspective on the ‘war’. While it is not our homes burning and not our habitation rings melted away, we see the damage the Thargoids cause as we traverse the stars. Members of the Pilots Federation have been more animated in their responses to the Thargoid threat than most members of our society — and many would argue, are more capable of a response. They have coalesced around two schools of thought, epitomised by two groups. The Anti-Xeno Initiative (AXI) emerged shortly after the fall of The Oracle station in the Pleiades star cluster. Their founder, Commander Gluttony Fang, was one of the first to document the station as it lay in ruin follow-ing the attack by Thargoids. The group formed as effec-tive anti-xeno (AX) weapons became available, through Aegis, and works to support independent pilots wishing to engage in combat with aliens. For them, according to Commander 100.rub, a leader, it’s “primarily about defending systems and preventing loss of lives.” This uncontroversial ambition doesn’t accu-rately reflect the perception the AXI has earned, however — its members are renowned ‘Thargoid Hunters’, who celebrate their ‘kills’ in triumphant holovids and whose top scorers are lionised. They have come to glorify killing in the same way the early Pilots Federation did by the creation of the Elite ranking system. Hate Aegis, Love Thargoids (HALT) emerged somewhat later. Reports emerged that a Commander TruffleShuffle was interdicting ships carrying anti-xeno weapons and attacking them, citing the ‘Far God’ as his inspiration. Despite he and his acolytes being swiftly written off as crackpots, HALT has coalesced as a remarkably consist-ent and disciplined force in recent months.

Find something you can agree onEven if the groups’ nominal raisons d’être are diametrical-ly opposed, they are surprisingly in chorus with regard to one topic. “[Aegis] is the one to have brought the Thargoid apocalypse to humanity,” asserts TruffleShuffle. “Thargoids are not hostile — they disabled our ships tem-porarily and scanned us, then let us be. Aegis took the antagonistic route.” The AXI also distance themselves from the cross-power initiative, telling Sagittarius Eye that they are in no way affiliated with Aegis and have not been associated with them for most of 3304. Cmdr Gluttony Fang considers it possible that the Thargoids are merely acting instinctive-ly, and that Aegis may be responsible for instigating the conflict. AXI has even joined with other groups in com-bined operations, such as Expose Resist Rise, whose stated goal is to rid the galaxy of Aegis.The air around Aegis is undeniably fishy. It is often ob-served that the Thargoids target those systems where it has or had a significant presence — perhaps because the aliens somehow know that Aegis represents the ar-rowhead of human resistance; perhaps because they as-sociate them with the INRA. And what of the notorious transmitters? Both HALT and the AXI believe Aegis itself is directing the aliens towards specific targets using human-made devices, which are placed suspiciously near stations that later come under attack. “The attacks on the incur-sion systems are a misdemeanour, a lure by Aegis with their transmitters,” says TruffleShuffle. “If HALT can stop [Aegis] from planting those transmitters, we are all for it,” 100.rub of the AXI commented. However, even within the AXI the thinking on these devic-es varies. “Maybe whoever is behind the transmitters is also on the trail of whatever it is the Thargoids are look-ing for,” Commander Synoxys muses, “and is using the transmitters to hinder the Thargoids’ progress.”The enemy of my enemyDislike of Aden Tanner appears to be where the agree-ment between HALT and AXI ends, however. Both groups have a sworn enemy. For the AXI, it’s the Thargoids. For HALT, it’s the AXI.HALT have been known to attack any commander found to have anti-xeno or Guardian technology installed in their ships, even going so far as to fire upon those be-ing targeted by alien ships. Whilst they do engage other humans, they purport to have rules of engage-ment to nullify asymmetrical scenarios against “Alien Killers”. One such rule is to only engage with equal forces, ensuring that a solo alien hunter would never be intentionally interdicted by a wing of HALT pilots. HALT members consider any ship outfitted with anti-Thargoid weaponry as hostile. In most cases, they warn the offending pilot to depart the area before engaging. Naturally, their targets are often the AXI. “If they want to take down Aegis, they should attack Aegis, not the peo-ple who are defending the innocent,” complains 100.rub. The AXI aren’t taking the attacks lying down. Gluttony Fang continues to be an outspoken opponent of Thargoid sympathisers, maintaining that they are criminals guilty of treason against the entire human race. He has spear-headed the creation of a special division within AXI to “specifically combat the emergence of human opposi-tion to the AXI cause.” Humans killing humans, over Thargoids.What about the bugs themselves?The theory of many AXI Commanders is that there is something much larger and more horrifying than the Thargoids pushing them into our space. While this theory isn’t overburdened with evidence, it could be posited as reason enough to try coexisting with these adversaries. For most AXI pilots, though, the damage has already been done. Many believe that the Thargoids gave up any chance of living in harmony with humanity when they launched their first attacks on human settlements. “Innocent people do not deserve to die or lose their homes just because some activists want to ‘give peace a chance,’” insists Synoxys. “The enemy is the alien men-ace, not fellow man.

The two groups have been in sporadic conflict for months now, wherever a Thargoid attack seems immi-nent on a human settlement. “We always [fight them] in human space, where Thargoids have no right to be,” says 100.rub.The key, it seems, is why the Thargoids are here at all. On this, there are surprising consistencies between the groups’ thinking. Commander St1nkfist of HALT believes the Thargoids are reacting to humanity pushing into sys-tems previously seeded by them millenia ago. “As usual, humanity thinks it’s the top dog with rights only applying to them”, he said. Gluttony Fang, too, often contemplates whether the Thargoids are just revisiting the planets they seeded (a practice the Guardians documented). 100.rub observes that they tend to target only systems contain-ing ammonia worlds. “They see those systems as their own, and humanity as weeds that grow on them.”The Real ProblemHumans have fought and killed each other for tens of thousands of years for far less valid reasons then the ones separating the AXI and HALT.On one hand, there is a group that defends humanity from a menace that threatens the lives of humans in entire solar systems. This isn’t an existential threat — humanity numbers into the trillions, and the dead so far number in the thousands — but it is a scale of threat we as a species haven’t faced before.According to some, a single human life taken at the hands — or claws — of an alien race automatically sets that race on an unalterable path to extinction with no hope of compromise. While there may be individuals in AXI endorsing this extreme position, most feel it is a sa-cred duty to protect the interests of humanity only where the two species come into conflict.

Those on the other side of the coin see these beings as mostly benign, but becoming less so due to human ac-tivities. They would try to understand rather than destroy these sentients. There is evidence to support this claim: Thargoid weapon systems have improved significantly over the last year since that first station attack, when humans began their hunt. HALT believes that the only way to prevent further misunderstanding and escalation is to have humanity stop the concentrated violence from their side. The Thargoids are unlikely to go extinct any time soon. Nor will humanity. As unrealistic as the idea is of stop-ping all Thargoid/human confrontation, the basic prem-ise of understanding the adversary enough to find some small island of common ground is compelling.Whether the Thargoids are searching for something or not, it seems they’re being manipulated. The mysterious transmitters found near attacked stations need to be fully investigated and addressed. The fact that these skirmishes tend to result in even better weapons and tactics on both sides with relative-ly few losses to each species might be an indicator of something much larger at work. Perhaps preparing both groups for a greater challenge ahead, as if in some cos-mic game of chess.As to that simple question whether Thargoids are friend or foe: perhaps another label more accurately describes us all. Pawns?

Secret Life of UA Bombers - Nov 3304 (Sagittarius Eye - Issue 15)
‘Thargoid Radiation Treatment’, or TRT, is the act of disabling a space station using only Thargoid Sensors (formerly known as Unidentified Arte-facts, or UAs). One of the groups who have per-fected this form of warfare is The Dark Armada. Sagittarius Eye had the opportunity to meet one of their leaders and discuss what the community at large calls ‘UA Bombing’.

As many pilots have found out the hard way, ships need specialised corrosion-resistant cargo racks in order to safely transport Thargoid Sensors. The sensors main-tain themselves by continuously extracting inorganic material from their surroundings, resulting in cumulative corrosion to the cargo hatch and other ship subsystems. Any ill-prepared pilots will find themselves watching their remaining cargo drifting off into space once their cargo hatch inevitably fails.Lord Mysteron, and his group The Dark Armada, have perfected the art of safely collecting these dangerous ar-tefacts and using them for their own nefarious purposes. The squadron dedicated to this dark art are known as the ‘Shadow Wing’. The Shadow Wing ships are highly optimised for the task. They run without shields or scanners in order to maxim-ise their capacity for UAs, and their frame shift drives (FSDs) have been modified to maximise jump range. One Shadow Wing Anaconda can carry up to 144 UAs per trip, collection of which usually takes over two hours. The work is time-consuming and tedious, Mysteron tells us, but the effects of a successful bombing are substan-tial. Upon delivery of all 144 units, a pilot can expect to make around 40 million credits.Once a station has been successfully bombed, the sta-tion communication system announces that it is suffer-ing from ‘technical difficulties’. Everything shuts down: services like refuelling and repair are no longer offered, and outfitting workshops and shipyards all close. The station market is reduced to the barest of bones, with capacity only for trading critical items such as food and a few of the cheaper stocks available.At the time of writing, application of me-ta-alloys, the strange materials yield-ed by the Barnacles, is the only known way to repair the dam-age caused by the Thargoid Sensors. Stations affected can remain in shutdown in-definitely if sufficient meta-alloys are not delivered, with the typical duration being at least seven days.

Why knock out a station?For the factions that control them, large orbital sta-tions are fantastic money makers and instru-ments of economic control. Commodity trading, passenger traffic, and sale of exploration data all generate tax income and influence for the controlling faction. Not only that, but stations are typically where factions solicit the help of starship pilots in accomplishing their goals — usu-ally via the Missions Board. Factions use the revenues from stations, as well as the help of passing pilots, in pursuing their strategic aims. Disabling the platform from which they do this has obvious strategic advantages for that fac-tion’s enemies.How many UAs does it take to knock a sta-tion offline?That may sound like a joke, but a prospective bomber needs to know how many UAs to collect in order to dis-able their station of choice. According to Mysteron, it’s simply a matter of population. The higher the population of a system, the more UAs you need to knock the target station offline. Thargoid Sensors, like any other commodity, have a cer-tain level of demand within any given system, which pi-lots can view in the trading interface of their heads-up display. The demand figure governs the sale value. When it comes to UAs, it also indicates how many are needed to disable the space station. In order to sell the Thargoid Sensor, a station must have a black market. It is a criminal offence to sell or even possess them, as nearly every system in the Bubble has outlawed the UA trade. If caught, smugglers will find themselves with a hefty fine nearly equal to the value of the goods held.Mysteron tells us that it is always advisable to sell a greater number than the demand figure of UAs into a black market, both as a margin for error and also to take into account the actions of other commanders (who may be selling meta-alloys into the station at the same time). Generally, 100 extra will do the trick. For larger populations, it can take around 600 Thargoid Sensors to render a station completely inoperable. For populations greater than 10 billion, it may take over 1,000 UAs to knock just one station offline.

A question of honourWhat about the moral implications? Mysteron is keen to draw distinctions between disrupting stations for mili-tary or political means, and merely for disruption’s sake. “There are those who would shut down stations using UAs purely to cause chaos and strife in the Galaxy. They target well-known and well-used stations. These people have no honour,” he told us. “What we do is direct retalia-tion for attacks against us (and the Empire).”We wondered whether other spacefarers viewed the Dark Armada’s activities in the same light. Surprisingly, Mysteron says that resistance is limited to a few pirates trying to interdict. “When flying a shieldless ship a pilot must be very certain of his skills to successfully avoid an interdiction,” he explains. More important, when entering the target station, is to deploy heat sinks as needed in order to avoid being scanned by system authority ves-sels. The chances of being interdicted by a hostile Pilots Federation member are apparently very slim.There is the danger of being interdicted by Thargoid ves-sels, but these generally turn out to be benign encoun-ters in which the Thargoid vessel scans your ship and leaves it unmolested. This makes sense in what we al-ready know about the Thargoids; as they are only inter-ested in meta-alloys and occupied human escape pods, and will destroy a ship that refuses to jettison this cargo.

Our time together drawing to a close, Mysteron left us with a cryptic and nihilistic message:There will always be war in the depths of the void and there will come a time when chaos reigns... This is not a bad thing, it is a necessary thing. Every Commander seeks a purpose, a cause: and war will come to us all in time, whether we wish it or not.

Ulyanov Discusses Far God Outposts - 28 Nov 3304 (Galnet)
Exotheologian Dr Alfred Ulyanov has commented on the abandoned Far God outposts recently discovered in the Etain system:

“This fascinating discovery implies that the missing chapters of the Far God sect were not arrested or killed, but instead fled to secret outposts to avoid persecution.”

“According to personal logs recovered from the sites, the sect’s members planned to wait in suspended animation for the coming of the Far God. The logs also reveal surprising details about what motivated these individuals to devote themselves to the faith.”

“Evidence suggests that the settlements on Etain 4a and 4c both came under attack, but whether by Thargoids or human forces is unclear. Mysteriously, no trace remains of the inhabitants.”

“I am indebted to the explorers who discovered these sites. This information will significantly contribute to the book I am co-writing with Gethin Okonkwo about the Far God religion.”

Thargoid-Sensor Disruption Neutralized - 29 Nov 3304 (Galnet)

Aegis has announced a breakthrough that has effectively neutralised the disruptive effects of Thargoid Sensors on starports.

Henrik de Lacerda, a senior engineer at Aegis Research, told the media:

“As we know, Thargoid Sensors can cripple starports for weeks or months at a time, but recent advancements in our study of meta-alloys have resulted in an effective cure for what was once called ‘the technological plague’.”

“New procedures in the application of meta-alloys mean that extremely small quantities are now sufficient to shield systems from disruption.”

“Following this breakthrough, we have made arrangements to ship meta-alloys to all affected stations, to restore them to functionality. It will not be long before every starport in known space is immune to Thargoid Sensor–related interference.”

Mysteries of the Far God - 08 Dec 3304 (Galnet)
Journalist Gethin Okonkwo has discussed the abandoned Far God cult outposts in the Etain system:

“During my months undercover as a Far God worshipper, I heard only whispered rumours about secret outposts. So the existence of two such settlements, on Etain 4a and 4c, proves that much remained hidden from me.”

“The personal logs recovered from the outposts illustrate how the faith attracted people from varied backgrounds. I was astonished to hear the voice of a man with whom I once eagerly discussed the Far God’s arrival, never realising that he was a Federal agent whose devotion was as fake as my own.”

“The book I am co-writing with Dr Alfred Ulyanov will reveal much about the Far God religion, but it’s clear that many of its mysteries are yet to be uncovered.”

Call to Ban Far God Book - 19 Dec 3304 (Galnet)
Disgraced politician Juanita Bishop has called for a forthcoming book about the Far God sect to be banned:

“The authors, Ulyanov and Okonkwo, are known alien sympathisers. One was arrested as a suspected traitor and the other has admitted to being a Far God cultist!”

“What they’re writing is nothing more than pro-Thargoid propaganda. It is an insult to all the brave souls who died trying to keep us safe. The authorities need to prevent this book from contaminating innocent people with its repulsive ideas.”

Journalist Gethin Okonkwo, who spent months undercover in the Far God sect, responded:

“The book includes first-hand accounts of worshippers being attacked by Bishop’s followers. Her desperation to halt its publication is nothing more than an attempt to prevent a criminal investigation into her activities.”

Mystery of Missing Crew Sparks Rumours - 19 Jan 3304 (Galnet)
The disappearance of famous actor Consuela Knight and the crew of her luxury yacht has sparked a flood of rumours.

Independent reporter Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse discussed the mystery on the Rewired news feed:

“The scientists say this might be an anomaly that only affects organic tissue. But that doesn’t explain the discovery of Consuela Knight’s half-eaten meal, does it?”

“Others think it could be a new Thargoid weapon that disintegrates humans while leaving ships intact. Or maybe the cultists were right, and the Far God has started snacking on individuals before it arrives to eat the whole universe.”

“For all we know, this has been happening to ships for years. Maybe it usually gets hushed up, which is harder to do when a big-name celebrity vanishes. Which of us might be next? Think about that next time you jump into hyperspace…”

Survivor Found at Far God Outpost - 23 Mar 3305 (Galnet)

The Federal Intelligence Agency has discovered an intact cryogenic pod underneath an outpost once used by Far God worshippers.

Freelance reporter Alexei Keel broke the news on Vox Galactica:

“The FIA survey team had been scanning the abandoned base on Etain 4 c with customised military sensors. It’s thought this operation is part of a search for a missing undercover agent who infiltrated the Far God cult.”

“A faint power source was detected in a collapsed underground chamber, which led agents to a solitary cryogenic pod hidden beneath tons of debris. Once excavated, it was conveyed to a medical facility where efforts to safely revive its occupant are now underway.”

“There was no way of identifying who is inside the pod. But it seems likely that they are one of the adherents who recorded audio logs at the site, prior to entering suspended animation to await the Far God.”

Far God Survivor Revived - 30 Mar 3305 (Galnet)
The occupant of a cryogenic pod recovered from an abandoned outpost used by the Far God sect has been revived successfully.

17 year old Kiona O’Connor has been confirmed as the occupant. Following medical checks and an extended debriefing by the Federal Intelligence Agency, she made this statement to Vox Galactica:

“I’d been homeless for a long time when the monks took me in. I never understood much about the Far God, really…I just needed to get off the streets. A lot of people there were like me.”

“Somehow I ended up at the outpost, where they put us all into suspended animation. I’ve no idea what happened after that. I’m just grateful to be alive. I hope the others are too…I hope they got whatever they were praying for.”

The FIA has contacted Kiona’s father, John O’Connor, and arranged for her to be escorted to her family home.

Far God Cult Condemns Salvation - 04 JUL 3308 (Galnet)
Azimuth Biotech’s operation in the HIP 22460 system has been publicly denounced by the Thargoid-worshipping fringe religion.

A video message from a hooded young woman aboard the Testament, the cult’s missionary vessel, was transmitted directly to the newsfeed Vox Galactica:

“This plan to entrap and destroy the heralds of the Far God must cease immediately. As the newly appointed First Apostle of the True Chapters, I beseech those in authority not to support Salvation’s evil crusade. To slaughter these holy beings is a monstrous act of deicide.”

Dr Alfred Ulyanov, a leading authority on the enigmatic sect, commented:

“It is extremely unusual for Far God believers to make any kind of announcement or acknowledge current events. They accept their own deaths with equanimity, believing as they do that all life will be extinguished when the Far God emerges from hyperspace. But they are clearly incensed by Salvation’s intention to eliminate the Thargoid fleet, viewing it as a blasphemous attack against their deity.”

“We cannot identify the messenger, although her Imperial accent is a surprise considering the cult has been outlawed in the Empire. ‘First Apostle’ is an unexpected new rank among their leaderless hierarchy, and suggests she has been elevated to spokesperson status. ‘True Chapters’ is likewise a departure from their usual sequential numbering, raising the possibility that this is a sub-sect branching off from the orthodox faith.”

The Xenocide Debate - 18 JUL 3308 (Galnet)
As construction proceeds on Salvation’s Proteus Wave, there is widespread dispute on the issue of eliminating the Thargoids.

An article by Heimar Borichev, deputy editor of The Sovereign newsfeed, has divided public opinion:

“Salvation’s latest superweapon is designed to attract and then destroy members of the species we’ve named ‘Thargoids’. If successful, it would wipe them from the core systems entirely. But there are a number of questions that nobody seems to be asking, including this: do we have the right to take such action?”

“What’s that, you say? The Thargoids are the aggressors, out to destroy humanity? Or are they just defending historical territory from our expanding presence? Remember, they were navigating space a million years before we were. If a new species suddenly emerged on our worlds and began strip-mining our lands, how would we react?”

“Now, I’m not suggesting we should pledge ourselves to the Far God cult and start praying to Thargoids. But how much of the considerable military budget spent on this interspecies war could have been saved by a simple conversation? Has anyone genuinely attempted to communicate with them? If we’d been more focused on diplomacy instead of extermination, we might have found a way to parley with the Thargoids by now. How many lives could have been saved if our two races had exchanged a few words?”

“I maintain there is no justification for xenocide. This whole war is as manufactured as our name for these beings. Ask yourself why the superpowers would like you to believe they’re fighting monsters who can’t be reasoned with. Ask yourself how this benefits the politicians, the corporations, weapons manufacturers, security forces. Ask yourself who the real monsters are.”

Azimuth Condemns ‘Alien-Loving’ Resistance - 25 JUL 3308 (Galnet)
As its anti-xeno initiative in HIP 22460 continues, Azimuth Biotech has been deliberately targeted by protestors in other systems.

Director Torben Rademaker, head of strategic operations, made a public broadcast from the corporation’s headquarters at Hind Mine starport:

“Azimuth Biotech is dedicated to the vision of Salvation, whose expertise will soon quash the Thargoid blight once and for all. The Alliance, Empire and Federation have put aside their differences to turn this ambition into a reality. But a fractious minority are determined to prevent this, giving the Thargoids a window of opportunity to avoid their fate.”

“Almost immediately after our corporate rebrand from Taurus Mining Ventures, Azimuth came under attack. A rabble of buccaneers and political agitators forcibly expelled our assets from the Merope and Qarato systems. Only by extreme and costly means were we able to retain Hind Mine, as the mob rampaged through the once-peaceful T Tauri system.”

“Their appalling acts have not only endangered Azimuth Biotech’s long-term financial growth, but also delayed the manufacture of the Proteus Wave in HIP 22460. Perhaps ‘Operation Wych Hunt’ is made up of deranged Far God cultists, since they seem hell-bent on sabotaging humanity’s greatest defence against the Thargoids.”

“Naturally, Azimuth Biotech has petitioned the relevant authorities to take appropriate action. We are also reaching out to any independent pilots who supported Salvation’s past projects. To these loyal to his cause, I implore you to defend our noble enterprise. Show these alien-loving traitors that they are on the wrong side of history.”

Far God Cult Praises Alien Victory - 16 AUG 3308 (Galnet)
A breakaway sect of the Thargoid-worshipping fringe religion is apparently celebrating the massacre of human forces in the HIP 22460 system.

A message was broadcast from the Testament megaship by the anonymous woman known only as the First Apostle of the True Chapters:

“We rejoice in the Far God’s triumph! Those who tried to desecrate the dark angels have paid the price. The Far God is calling to us from the higher dimensions, and Its manifestation is closer than ever before. It is coming.”

There has been widespread outrage at Far God believers for their joyous reaction to the many thousands of deaths in HIP 22460. Some political and military leaders have even called for the ‘alien-loving traitors’ to be arrested as enemy agents. However, there is no evidence that they have any actual relationship with the Thargoid species other than idolisation.

Dr Jameelah Griffin of the Galactic Interfaith Commune commented:

“Despite its unusual belief system, and notwithstanding the poor taste of the First Apostle’s remarks, we should support the evolution of the Far God cult toward a more structured framework. We must also remember that it is a lawful institution, and only establishes hive-chapels in systems with legislation that protects religious liberty.”

Authorities in several of those systems have stated that local Far God chapters are experiencing a surge in recruitment. Anecdotal reports suggest that these newest members are convinced the Second Thargoid War is already lost, and that humanity’s extinction is as inevitable as the cult has always claimed.

Federation Monitors Pro-Xeno Activity - 12 SEP 3308 (Galnet)
The Federal Intelligence Agency has warned of heightened interest in the Far God cult and groups considered sympathetic to the Thargoids.

Deputy Director Bethany Blake, who runs the Proactive Detection Bureau, delivered a public statement:

“We have confirmed a significant increase in communications between local chapters of the Far God religious order, which includes the sharing of unverified xenological data. The Thargoids’ victory in HIP 22460 seems to have caused unprecedented excitement among the cultists. At present, there is no evidence that they pose any danger to the public. However, we are concerned by a recent increase in citizens abandoning their conventional lifestyles to join the cult.”

“We have also noted the rising popularity of a civil movement that advocates diplomatic relations with the Thargoids. This rhetoric is being promoted by several high-profile media figures. There is currently no known connection between these ‘xeno-peace’ supporters and the Far God cult, but both groups are being closely observed for potential criminality.”

Dr Alfred Ulyanov, the leading academic authority on the Far God faith, submitted his observations to The Federal Times:

“Recent events in HIP 22460 have galvanised the cultists, but also seem to have triggered an element of discord among some. Worshippers are abandoning the orthodox hive-chapels and pledging themselves to the True Chapters sect, where the First Apostle is being hailed as a holy messenger of the Far God. My contacts inform me that the Testament megaship has despatched scouts to locate a more permanent home, likely to accommodate a wave of new converts.”

‘Thargoid Roar’ Leaked to Public - 15 SEP 3308 (Galnet)
Classified audio-visual footage from the Battle of HIP 22460 has been anonymously submitted to several mainstream newsfeeds.

The Alliance Tribune, The Federal Times, The Imperial Herald, The Sovereign and Vox Galactica all received databanks salvaged from various wreckages in the HIP 22460 system. Most were obtained from naval vessels, along with a handful recovered from independent ship’s logs.

Superpower-based newsfeeds elected not to publish any information related to their own militaries, citing security guidelines. But enough material has reached the public domain to portray the sequence of events of August 9th: the activation of the Proteus Wave, the Thargoid counter-attack, and the subsequent destruction of huge numbers of ships.

These files include audio recordings of a broadcast of unknown origin that occurred throughout HIP 22460. They match previously unverified descriptions of a so-called ‘Thargoid roar’, something that has been discussed by independent journalist Flint Lafosse and Vox Galactica reporter Jade Sanderlyn.

Several interpretations of this unearthly sound have been offered. Professor Shamus Madigan believed it to be “residual electromagnetic radiation from the Thargoids’ energy pulse on HIP 22460 10b”. Dr Jeong-Hui Shin theorised that it was “a burst of frenzied communication to – or from – some distant location”. Meanwhile, the First Apostle of the True Chapters claimed: “The voice of the Far God calls to the faithful. The manifestation has begun.”

Coupled with the Thargoid expansion from HIP 22460 and their recent invasion of three inhabited systems, this new revelation has fuelled public anxiety over the Thargoid threat. Members of the Alliance Assembly, Federal Congress and Imperial Senate have reassured their citizens that there is no need for panic. It is believed that several intelligence agencies have opened investigations into the source of the leak, the content of which is believed to have been classified by military departments.

Anti-Thargoid operations are continuing in the 42 n Persei, Chun Pindit and Tekkeitjal systems. The Federation has submitted several Farragut-class battle cruisers to help repel Thargoid forces. Local factions organising the defensive efforts have called for independent pilots to join the fight.