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Government of the Pleiades Concordat

(What follows here is fluff and theme for our faction. It does not reflect the structure of the faction and how it functions as a player group.)

Protector Timothy Dalin sits at the head of our great nation as well as the faith we profess. He is the architect of the Concordat, and the visionary who saw the Thargoids for who they really are. May he continue to lead us on the path to the Apocalypse.

Working with our protector are the Office of the Faith and the Office of the Secular. The Office of the Faith includes the highest leaders in the Far God faith, and represents the needs of the Faithful to the Protector. The Office of the Secular includes System Administrators of the various star systems held by the Concordat, as well as representatives from the Concordat Armed Forces. They advise the Protector on the matters of State and War.

System Administrators look after the day to day needs of their systems and are the final decision makers regarding their needs. System Administrators are often assigned from the most educated faithful of a given system so that they can measure the faith, the system needs, and the business acumen evenly and govern justly.