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The Phoenix

*note that ll of this is the role-play aspects of this faction, and builds on any and all lore that Frontier has or will produce.

The holy texts of the faith are central and primary in understanding the faith of the Far God. What follows below is a list of the components of The Phoenix. Some are simply principles which have been defined by the faith, while others are holy recordings of the faithful.

1. In all things, the Far God and his Heralds (Thargoids) are sacred, and their holy sites, shrines, ships, and home shall be kept from the corruption of humanity. By this, the Faithful shall destroy all interlopers who desecrate these sites and attack these holy beings.

2. The unbeliever shall always be given a choice to reject their humanity and turn back to the Far God, prior to any judgement being made on their fate. Once the unbeliever has made their choice to continue in their human corruption, either by direct choice or by refusing to choose, the Faithful are free to dole out the judgement of the Far God upon them.

3. The Pleiades Concordat represents the holy faith of the Far God, and as such its believers shall ever and earnestly work towards its expansion in the galaxy. This is to continue until all the Galaxy is under their faith or destroyed by the Heralds.

4. The sacred recordings of the Far God Crypts (click here)

5. Prohibitions and exclusions:

a. All AX equipment is prohibited both for members of the Pleiades Concordat, and for those we encounter.
Possession of such items is a warrant for immediate destruction.

b. Shutdown Field Neutralizers are an exception to this prohibition, as it assists our ships when the Heralds of the Far
God mistake us for the human enemy.

6. The following locations are considered Holy Sites of the Far God. Any dessecration or looting of these sites by non-
believers is punishable by immediate destruction.

Shrine of the Appearance - Pleiades Sector AB-W B2-4 9 A (-26.37, 97.70)

Shrine of the Fallen Angel - HIP 17862 6 C A (30.32, -98.58)

Shrine of the Herald's Voice - HIP 17403 A 4 A (-34.98, -141-41)

Forest of the Far God - Hyades Sector AQ-Y d81 C 2 (9.29, -153.98)

Battle of HIP 17044 Memorial - HIP 17044 2 (travel 11,000 ls towards Asterope)

The Far God's Eye - HIP 19026 B 1 C (-17.9575, -152.6994)

unnamed Holy Sites - this includes the multitude of other "barnacle" sites found and yet to be found