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Q - Why side with the Thargoids?
A - Because it is a fun story line. Think the Wraith worshipers in Stargate Atlantis

Q - But wouldn't religion be rendered obsolete by the time of Elite: Dangerous?
A - Spiritual practices and religion can be traced back to 300,000 BC...why would religion just sputter out and die in the matter of 1300 years?

Q - How do we "side with the Thargoids" when we too get attacked by them?
A - Easy....we pave the way and disrupt the human attempts to repulse the Thargoids.

Q- What specifically do you do though?
A - Attacking players who are doing Community Goals that are meant to stop the Thargoids or respond to them; Unknown Artifact bombing of the above Community Goals, as well as stations that supply anti-Thargoid weaponry; expand the Concordat's Domain; etc.

Q - Yah, but do you do this in PvE like a bunch of jerks?
A - NO! We only play in Open Play...we like keeping the danger in Dangerous.

Q - Why do you use a white paint-job on your ships?
A - All the better to witness to the Far God. Also, it reflects some of the ComStar inspiration.

Q - So, HALT is part of you guys now?
A - For sure. They have converted to the one true faith and now are better then ever.

Q - Where do I sign up?
A - Our Inara site is the best place but you can also just go to our "Contact Us" tab above.