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Far God Cult Under Federal Scrutiny - 20 SEP 3308
The Order of the Far God is facing an official investigation and increased public maltreatment within the Federation.

Freelance journalist Alexei Keel published a special report via Vox Galactica:

“The Thargoid-worshipping cult has always been a controversial faith on Federal worlds. But it is currently causing a civil backlash of the sort not seen since 3304.”

“A recent exposé by the Federal Free Press proves that naval intelligence operatives are investigating all chapters of the cult established in Federal space. Allegedly, there are suspicions that cultists may be undertaking acts of espionage to sabotage anti-xeno operations.”

“As more details of the Battle of HIP 22460 become public knowledge, the pacifistic cultists have become an easy target for ordinary people seeking some kind of revenge against overtly pro-Thargoid ideologies. Although security forces claim to be responding to these vigilante attacks, widespread prejudice means that local police rarely act when such crimes are reported.”

Antipathy to the religion has increased to the point where prominent figures in the Federal government are calling for it be outlawed. As Secretary of State Lana Berkovich put it: “Humanity is at war with the Thargoids. To allow an army of crazed alien sympathisers within our society is to invite disaster.”

All of this has driven thousands of worshippers to abandon their hive-chapels and join the more radical True Chapters sect. Welcoming the new converts, the First Apostle proclaimed: “We must defend our faith and ourselves, so we may witness the Far God’s manifestation with our own eyes.”

The exotheologian Dr Alfred Ulyanov has remarked on this as “a fundamental shift from the fatalism of their conventional beliefs”. Keel raises the question in his report: what happens if Far God cultists stop tolerating these hostile acts and start fighting for survival?

Deep Space ‘Anomalies’ Generate Discussion - 23 SEP 3308
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Inexplicable visual phenomena located in deep space have caused extensive speculation and media interest.

There is no official terminology for the signals but they are referred to by many names, most popular of which is ‘the anomalies’. Appearing as a bright flare with spiralling radial arms, they emit electromagnetic feedback that can be detected using full spectrum system (FSS) scanners.

The first anomaly was discovered beyond the permit-locked Col 70 sector, with additional signals now observed. Multiple calculations have verified that the objects are moving, supposedly at faster-than-light speeds. Various estimates as to their trajectory have been made, but the great distances involved defy accurate measurement.

The appearance of the anomalies so soon after the Battle of HIP 22460 has led many to assume that they are somehow related to the Thargoids. These fears have been exacerbated by the claims of the Far God cult that this is a sign of their deity’s imminent arrival, but early analysis has yielded no evidence that the anomaly is Thargoid in origin.

The engineer Kit Fowler collated several ideas during his End Times broadcast:

“The anomaly could be some form of hyperspace distortion generated by an exceptionally large object heading our way. Or maybe the Thargoids have built a dimensional portal, through which their fleets can attack anywhere. Perhaps they’ve fired a colossal system-destroying weapon at Sol, as an act of revenge against humanity for the Proteus Wave. We’ve got to prepare for the very worst, people!”

However, Professor Elizabeth Perez of Orion University quickly dismissed these theories:

“Such outlandish notions illustrate how people draw imaginary patterns between unconnected events. Scientific progress has not stopped us inventing human-centric explanations for natural phenomena, especially when experiencing feelings of guilt or paranoia.”

Federal Crackdown on Thargoid Worshippers - 26 SEP 3308

The Federal government has declared the Order of the Far God to be a potential enemy of the state.

The following press statement was delivered from the White House on Mars:

“The Federal Navy Intelligence Office has uncovered sufficient cause for concern to suspect the Far God cult of treason. They are believed to be responsible for leaking classified audiovisual data from the HIP 22460 system, while sharing other sensitive Thargoid-related material internally. Due to this, the risk that they will frustrate anti-xeno operations is deemed considerable.”

“President Hudson has therefore ordered military units to take control of all hive-chapels in Federal systems. Their inhabitants will be placed in detention facilities and subject to questioning.”

In related news, Secretary of State Lana Berkovich has sponsored a resolution petitioning Congress to make the Order of the Far God illegal. She has cited constitutional amendments that prevent citizens from providing aid and comfort to an enemy of the state.

The civil rights organisation Advocacy, the Galactic Interfaith Commune and the Spiritual Freedom Movement have all condemned these actions. However, political opinion polls suggest that a majority of voters are in favour of banning the Far God cult in the Federation.

Shadow President Felicia Winters issued the following response:

“I understand there are concerns regarding a Thargoid-based religious order, especially at this time. But there must be concrete evidence supporting these allegations before we treat our own citizens as enemies. It seems to me that Hudson’s administration is desperate to appear ‘tough on Thargoids’ after the debacle in HIP 22460, and has found an easy scapegoat to generate popular support.”

Federal Forces Target the True Chapters - 29 SEP 3308
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Conflict has erupted in Popontia as the Federation seeks to apprehend True Chapters cultists of the Far God cult.

The Workers of Popontia Free, which is sympathetic to the sect’s right to practise its religion, was outfitting the Dedicant megaship for the chapter’s use. Federal ships have been deployed in the Popontia system with the intention of detaining all cultists and seizing the megaship.

Governor Nadia Machado, representing Popontia Incorporated, declared:

“By order of President Hudson, all Thargoid worshippers are under suspicion of espionage and abetting our alien enemies. The True Chapters group is ordered to surrender for lawful questioning.”

Popontia Incorporated has been tasked with overseeing this mission. Payment has been authorised for Federal auxiliaries and independent pilots willing to pledge their support in subduing True Chapters supporters.

From the Testament megaship, the First Apostle of the True Chapters delivered a broadcast across public channels:

“The Dedicant will be a new home for us to await the Far God’s arrival. We are prepared to die to defend this holy calling. Our recognised patrons in the Workers of Popontia Free will fight to protect us and reward those who aid our cause.”

These unprecedented hostilities were commented on by Dr Alfred Ulyanov, an academic authority on the Order of the Far God:

“This is the first time that members of this faith have not calmly accepted their own fate. According to my research, the First Apostle preaches that the Far God will transform her followers upon Its manifestation, allowing them to survive while the rest of humanity is extinguished. This has evidently motivated True Chapters adherents to abandon their wholly passive stance.”

Both campaigns are being orchestrated by contacts in the system’s primary starport, Ryman Market.

Winters Condemns Oppression of Thargoid Cult - 10 OCT 3308
The Popontia conflict and the mass arrest of Far God cultists have received civil and political criticism across the Federation.

Shadow President Felicia Winters delivered a statement to The Federal Times:

“It is logical that any organisation supporting the Thargoids should come under scrutiny. But this does not justify the harsh and oppressive treatment of our own citizens for their religious beliefs. The Federal Accord safeguards their right to worship, as long as no laws are transgressed.”

“The Federal Navy Intelligence Office has accused the cult of disseminating classified material and damaging anti-xeno operations. I demand that their evidence be shared with the High Court, so that a legal ruling can be made.”

“I also call upon Congress to reject the secretary of state’s proposal to outlaw the Order of the Far God. This is nothing more than a blatant effort to prop up President Hudson’s waning powerbase.”

A multiple-choice survey held by Sol Today resulted in the majority selecting ‘traitorous cowards’ to describe cult members, showing that Hudson’s order is not without support. However, a Federal Free Press opinion poll suggested that many citizens are uncomfortable with hostile acts against ‘deluded but essentially innocent people’.

The Perdition and Testament megaships have now withdrawn from their standard patrol between the core system and the Pleaides, presumably to avoid further acts of hostility from the Federation. Dr Alfred Ulyanov observed that Federal citizens of the cult, along with the few remaining True Chapters adherents, were now concentrated aboard these megaships. Orthodox Far God hive-chapels are believed to still operate in Allied and independent systems.

Defeat for the True Chapters - 06 OCT 3308
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

A battle in the Popontia system has ended with Federal forces overwhelming defenders of the True Chapters sect.

The newly risen sect of the Order of the Far God was being protected by the Workers of Popontia Free, which was ultimately defeated. Governor Nadia Machado of the Popontia Incorporated announced:

“With the welcome support of auxiliaries and independent pilots, armed resistance in this system has been quelled. As per President Hudson’s orders, the Thargoid worshippers will be detained and the megaship Dedicant seized for Federal investigation.”

Governor Machado added that all pilots who took part in the operation can now collect their rewards from Ryman Market. Despite its failure, the Workers of Popontia Free is also offering payments from Ryman Market.

The two remaining Far God megaships, the Testament and the Perdition, have abandoned their scheduled itineraries and jumped to unknown locations to avoid further strikes by Federal forces. Prior to this, the First Apostle transmitted a message from the Testament:

“This attempt to conceal the truth is doomed to fail. The Far God’s harbingers blaze in our skies, growing ever nearer. We await the time of humanity’s unavoidable extinction.”

Federation Bans the Far God Cult - 19 OCT 3308
President Hudson has approved a congressional bill to make the Order of the Far God illegal within all Federal systems.

Congress voted to accept the resolution by a narrow majority, as announced by Secretary of State Lana Berkovich:

“The Thargoids are categorised as an enemy of the state, and the Federal Accord forbids any citizen from providing aid to such enemies. The likelihood of radicalised Thargoid worshippers disrupting our anti-xeno operations in the name of their deity deserves a proactive response.”

“Therefore, by Act of Congress, membership of this religious order is now a crime punishable by up to ten years’ imprisonment. The organisation is barred from operating anywhere in Federal space. All detained Far God adherents are being interrogated for information related to espionage, with many already transported to stand trial in their home systems.”

Congress has clarified that the resolution specifically targets ‘organisations which actively support the military objectives of non-humans’. It does not apply to civil groups promoting inter-species communication or diplomacy, such as the Thargoid Advocacy Project.

The Galactic Interfaith Commune and similar agencies have protested against the new law. Shadow President Felicia Winters shared their disapproval, claiming that “such intolerance does not reflect the Federation’s core values”. Some congressmen have also voiced fears of the potential impact on voters who follow other fringe religions.

With the Far God cult now illegal in both the Empire and the Federation, its hive-chapels can only be found in Allied and independent systems with local laws permitting religious liberty. The True Chapters sect’s remaining adherents are concentrated aboard the Perdition and Testament megaships, the locations of which are unknown.

Materials Required for Xeno-Peace Convoy - 20 OCT 3308

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Federal Governor Dalton Chase requests deliveries to the Andavandul system to establish a xeno-peace envoy vessel.

The initiative spearheaded by Chase, a member of the Liberal Party who is currently campaigning for a congressional seat, intends to provide a megaship for use in Thargoid Advocacy Project operations. He announced:

“The Federation’s leaders are sworn to protect its people, yet our aggressive interactions with the Thargoids have placed entire systems in great danger. Order of the Far God cultists shouldn’t be the image we conjure when suggesting non-military options. It’s time to prove that we possess the capacity for peaceful relations with other species.”

“The convoy established on behalf of the Thargoid Advocacy Project is a non-partisan diplomatic mission representing humanity’s call for a ceasefire. Its purpose is to find ways to communicate with the Thargoids and make peaceful overtures. Imagine it: diplomatic channels between different races. Peace in our time! Lend us your support to lay this foundation for a more harmonious future.”

Other notable figures in the xeno-peace movement have endorsed Governor Chase’s congressional campaign. Leading ICE-caster Joy Senne has referred to him as ‘our ambassador of hope’. Heimar Borichev revealed that Chase intends to lobby Shadow President Winters to incorporate Thargoid diplomacy into Liberal Party policies.

Deutsche Elite Piloten Interstellar has agreed to host the pro-peace megaship initiative, and will organise payment for shipments of computer components, semiconductors and titanium to Blenkinsop Hub in the Andavandul system. To protect deliveries, Deutsche Elite Piloten Interstellar will also reimburse combat vouchers for all wanted ships.