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During "The Big Civil Unrest" in 3257, based on Kremainn's main station, Wohler Terminal, a big merchant family group known as Meba Freighters were stuck between the power struggle of two factions. Being the only ones who resisted both sides and stayed neutral, they were living in constant pressure from both sides. One night, after a long trade mission, they had been ambushed. Whole fleet and lives of dozens had been lost.

From Meba, only three young boys have survived, whom were left behind at Wohler Terminal. They waited for their families return day after day, not knowing they were already gone. After a while, not having anyone to take care of them, they were homeless, starving. They knew by now, their families were long gone at the wast emptiness of space. They tried to stay alive, hopelessly, at the blood bathed compartments of Wohler. 2 years passed, oldest of them decided that was it. Vlad couldn't take it anymore. Leaving the Wohler, with the money they barely put together, he promised his two younger fate-companion he was going to be back, with a salvation.

First glimpse of hope stroke to Vlad when he heard a young senator speaking at the streets of Nanomam-1. He talked about justice, about freedom, about right to live and right to speak and most importantly about vengeance upon those who undermine these values. Young senator saw the boy, and his closed fists. Approached to him, like already knowing what he has been through, said to him "we will find justice for them, all of them. together." A year later young Vlad returned to Wohler, he had the salvation, he had the solution for all the injustice, Zachary Hudson and the Federation.

3 young boy, last of Meba, left Kremainn one last time. Leaving whole system in fire. They moved to Kaushpoos, then to Dongkum, after getting their Federal Navy ranks they had started a special unit, the Main Receivers as they call themselves. Seeking and ending all tyranny in Universe with the iron first of Federation...

This is our story. This is who we are. We are searching the ones like us, who can't bare with injustice all over the universe. Ones who are willing to help Federation annihilate all those against our absolute peace.

Dec 3302, shotwn  
Kaushpoos, Neville Horizons