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CCMD - Combatant Command
CMDR - Commander
FMC - Fully Mission Capable (a ship that is fully outfitted to perform the operation assigned to it)
MNSTCOM - Minister/Ministry of Commerce
MNSTDEF - Minister/Ministry of Defense
MNSTFA - Minister/Ministry of Foreign Affairs
MNSTST - Minister/Ministry of Science and Technology
MNSTSS - Minister/Ministry of Support Services
NMC - Non-Mission Capable (a ship that is not outfitted to perform the operation assigned to it)
PMC - Partially Mission Capable (a ship that is partially outfitted to perform the operation assigned to it)
ROTV - Ryders of the Void
RTB - Return(ing) To Base
SECMAR (or MARSEC) - Secretary of the Marines
SECNAV (or NAVSEC) - Secretary of the Navy
SUPCOM - Supreme Commander
VCECOM - Vice-Commander
VR - Void Rider (usually reserved for ship tail numbers)
WCMD - Wing Commander



When multiple wings are in radio comms, it is very important to use brief language to announce intent (aka, "brevity codes" ).  Below are some examples of used brevity codes:

"ZEUS, Engaging Python Warhammer" - CMDR ZEUS's declaration that he has identified and is attacking a target (a Python named Warhammer)
"ARES Wing, Engage Python Warhammer" - an order for the wing led by CMDR ARES to attack a specific target (a Python named Warhammer)
"ARES Wing, Bandits 9 Klicks" - any commander's identification of enemy targets at a distance of 9 kilometers for the wing led by CMDR ARES
"ARES Wing, Bogeys 9 Klicks" - any commander's identification of unspecified targets at a distance of 9 kilometers for the wing led by CMDR ARES
"ARES Actual, Angels 5" - CMDR ARES is informing his wing that he is ascending/descending to 5,000 meters
"ARES Actual, RTB" - the WCMD is returning to base, but doesn't require the wing to follow
"ARES Wing, RTB" - the wing is ordered to return to base
"ZEUS, RTB" - CMDR ZEUS is declaring or being ordered back to base
"ZEUS Birds Away" - CMDR ZEUS has launched air-to-air vehicles (missiles should use "Fox" brevity codes)
"ZEUS Bingo" - CMDR ZEUS is out of resources (e.g. "ZEUS Bingo Ammo" is the same as "ZEUS Winchester" )
"Break Break" - urgent message coming in, all radio chatter must cease (also "Clear Comms" )

"Blue on Blue" - inadvertent engagement between friendly forces
"Bugout" - notice to leave a theater engagement (but doesn't require returning to base)
"Cease" - order to discontinue engagement of specific target
"Cleared" - requested action is authorized
"Cleared Hot" - target engagement is authorized
"Copy" - message received; will comply with order
"Deadstick" - propulsion is inoperative
"De-louse" - directive to identify craft trailing friendly craft
"Dropping" - notice that craft is entering engagement theater
"Fox One" - firing Dumbfire missile(s)
"Fox Two" - firing Torpedo (heat guided)
"Fox Three" - firing Seeker missile(s)
"Guns" - firing cannons
"Music" - ECM (electronic radar jamming)
"Pop" - the action of releasing (e.g., "Pop Music", "Pop Chaff" )
"Posit" - request for position in terms of other craft or landmarks
"Press" - order to continue attack
"Pull(ing) Chocks" - depart(ing) launch bay
"Resume" - rejoining formation
"Roger" - transmission received; does not indicate compiance
"Split" or "Strip" - leaving formation to engage other targets
"Target" - order to engage specific bandit
"Unable" - cannot comply as directed
"Weapons Free" - fire only at targets not identified as friendly, but within the current mission rules
"Weapons Hold" - fire only in self-defense or until a conflicting order is received
"Weapons Tight" - fire only at positively identified targets in accordance with current mission rules
"Wilco" - will comply with order

NATO phonetic alphabet:
A - Alfa
B - Bravo
C - Charlie
D - Delta
E - Echo
F - Foxtrot
G - Golf
H - Hotel
I - India
J - Juliett
K - Kilo
L - Lima
M - Mike
N - November
O - Oscar
P - Papa
Q - Quebec
R - Romeo
S - Sierra
T - Tango
U - Uniform
V - Victor
W - Whiskey
X - XRay
Y - Yankee
Z - Zulu

Vehicle MDS Codes:
A - Attack
B - Bomber
C - Cargo
D - Director (drone or fighter carrier)
E - Electronic warfare
F - Fighter
G - Glider
H - Search and rescue
I - Intecept
K - Fuel tanker
L - Logistics (typically cold weather cargo)
M - Multi-mission craft
N - Test vehicle
O - Observation craft
P - Patrol vehicle
Q - Drone
R - Reconnaissance
S - Anti-submarine
T- Training
U - Utility
V - Staff transport
W - Weather monitoring craft
X - Experimental/Research craft
Y - Prototype
Z - Lighter-than-air craft (dirigible)