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LSR Tenets, General Objectives, and R.O.E.

Leviathan Scout Regiment Tenets

- IRL comes first. Whether it's school, family, or just a bad day, you and your personal endeavours, as well as your health, are priority number one. Take care of you first; that includes making sure to eat regularly, getting adequate sleep, and making sure to take breaks from your gaming when you need them. o7

- Loyalty to the current leadership first and foremost, Loyalty to the Leviathan Scout Regiment second, thirdly, loyalty to each other above all else.

- All disputes between members of the Leviathan Scout Regiment that CANNOT BE SETTLED BY NORMAL MEANS are to be settled planetside at [Location TBD] in an honorable duel. Witnessed by Military Council, the outcomes and decisions of these "Proving Ground" battles are FINAL. There are no rules on weapon loadout, or ship restrictions, but they must be agreed upon beforehand.

- 2 months inactivity in-game/on our wing page/lack of stat and ranking updates = grounds for demotion and eventually, dismissal, unless otherwise discussed and approved by Military Council. We want our community to be as active as possible moving forward, and this is simply a way to track activity, commitment, and the amount of work everyone is putting in, as well as a way to keep you all up to date on everything that's going on with the group. The more active and the more involved you are, the more rank you'll acquire. You might even lead your own squadron or fleet, but ultimately, that is up to you.

- Operational Security, or Op-Sec, for short, is everyone's responsibility. We ask that all LSR Operatives refrain from discussing, repeating, screencapping , or otherwise sharing LSR Operations info, procedures, discussions or intelligence with anyone outside of our Faction, unless previously made public. Certain channels in our discord are considered private, namely those with an OP-SEC tag in their description. What is discussed in those channels is private only to us. "Loose Lips Sink Ships."

- Respect and follow the chain-of-command.

- Leviathan Scout Regiment ships must be tagged and logged properly. This is to keep track of our members and to avoid attempts at impersonation. ALL members must run "LSRS," short for Leviathan Scout Regiment Ship before their ship name. "LCS," short for Leviathan Command Ship, is used only by Lieutenant rank and above. If you are part of a particular fleet, then your Ship-ID should be set to reflect that. This helps to identify our ships to our allies, to the other CMDRs and Wings in the galaxy, and help prevent friendly-fire incidents. LSR Fleet Carriers should bear the "LFC" tag before their ship name to denote a Leviathan Fleet Carrier, while "LMOC," short for Leviathan Mobile Operations Carrier, is used by Lieutenant rank and above.

- Our goals come first, and as a GROUP,  are discussed, co-ordinated, and executed in a fair manner. Final decisions are made by Military Council but we maintain a democratic state of affairs. Everyone in the LSR has a voice.

- Griefing other players will not be tolerated, and all CMDR's are expected to NEVER engage in Combat-Logging/Menu-Logging during operations. Not only is it against Frontier's TOS, but we will not tolerate it. If you do log on another CMDR, you will be be given one warning, and will be subject to a rebuy penalty of a self-destruct, which will be recorded and sent to the CMDR you logged on as compensation. If you are unwilling to do so, or log on another CMDR, you will be dismissed from the LSR. What you do in solo, on your own time, is your business, provided you aren't mucking things up in terms of BGS behind the scenes for people.

- Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. Period.

- ALWAYS strive to foster community relations in everything we do.

- ALWAYS welcome and be helpful to new CMDRs.

- ALWAYS be respectful.

- ALWAYS work to help your wing-mates if they need the help and you are able.

- NEVER engage in activity or behaviour that would dishonour the Leviathan Scout Regiment, or Yourselves.

- NEVER abuse the power/authority given to you by the Military Council.

- Failure to act in a manner befitting a member our faction on multiple occasions will result in disciplinary action and/or termination from the Leviathan Scout Regiment.


General Mission Objectives

CMDRs should always be working on the following things:

- Checking the Discord daily for new pins and info. Don't be afraid to chat and be active! We're all friendly and love to wing up! Half of the fun in this game comes from doing stuff with wing-mates and friends, so make sure if you're on Elite: Dangerous, to jump into comms or into a wing so people can pop in, say hi, and hang out. We are a close knit group of pilots, but very welcoming, and we are all friendly and helpful. Even a re-buy is better with friends to don't be afraid to socialize. The LSR is a Faction, yes, but we are also a Family.

- Working on LSR Missions and Objectives as well as Long Term Orders. It doesn't take much work collectively, but when we work alone, things are difficult to manage. If everyone pitches in just a little bit every time they log in before personal endeavors, our objectives not only become easier to achieve, but are achieved more quickly.

- Ranking up within the Federation/Empire. This can be accomplished by doing missions for Federation/Empire affiliated entities. Once you do enough to rank up you'll eventually be offered a Federal Navy/Imperial Navy contract of some sort. Ranks come with awesome benefits like permits to locked systems, and awesome ships as well, so check your rank, and see what you can obtain, and what you can look forward to.

- BGS and System Defense. To build and maintain a successful faction we all need to be ready, willing, and able to contribute to these things, and they are everyone's responsibility. We have many members on staff with the knowledge and skill to teach, and we want everyone to feel as if they are on the same page, working together to achieve greatness. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need or want it.

- Fortifying/Undermining for the PowerPlay Factions to acquire valuable ship modules.

- Working on improving yourself as a CMDR, as well as those you fly with.

- Expanding the Leviathan Scout Regiments influence and strength and maintaining control of systems we own.

- Recruiting new members and promoting our group as much as possible.

- Having Fun!


Rules of Engagement

The Leviathan Scout Regiment operates under a "Do Not Fire Unless Fired Upon" policy when it comes to player interactions. If you are interdicted by another CMDR and they do not attempt to communicate their intent, Leviathan Scout Regiment operatives are under strict orders to disengage at the earliest opportunity. Alternatively, if you are interdicted and/or fired on without communication or provocation, DO NOT hesitate to return fire, provided you are combat capable. We will always attempt to communicate with other players before resorting to combat.

The Leviathan Scout Regiment is not a hostile faction, but we WILL defend ourselves, our members, and our home if push comes to shove. On that note, inside of our home system, all Leviathan Scout Regiment members are under orders to first and foremost, contact players in regards to their intentions, and perform a background check on who they are/what wing they are affiliated with using INARA. If they are friendly and not aligned to another group, LSR Operatives are encouraged to recruit them to our cause. If they are unwilling to join, that is fine, however, they will be asked kindly that their business be carried out in a manner beneficial to current Leviathan Scout Regiment affairs. In the case that they close communications, or refuse to comply, LSR Operatives have permission to interdict,and to engage at will. Choice of combat tactics in these scenarios will be left to the LSR operatives sole discretion, including the choice to pursue the target out of the system. In the event that a combat scenario takes place, the LSR operative involved is asked to submit a written/verbal log of the events to a member of the Military Council.

If a player requests to speak to LSR leadership, refer to the current chain-of-command in terms of online availability.

In regards to PowerPlay activity, it's as simple as this: if you fly the flag of a Power and you play in Open, be prepared for hostile intent at all times. The fact that you are pledged to a power is all the reason another CMDR needs to try and send you to the re-buy screen.

If you fly in Open, it's as simple as this: It's a dangerous galaxy out there, and things happen. Be prepared if you fly in Open, and don't fly what you can't re-buy.
