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Wing History - Part I

Formed April 3rd of 3303 after a series of serendipitous encounters in the vicinity of Sol, the Leviathan Scout Regiment was born from a desire to remain an affiliated entity of the Hudson regime, with the caveat of maintaining their own personal form of government, and retaining the authority to assist on Federal matters on their own terms. A Faction Permit was hastily filed, capital and resources were acquired, and the intrepid PMF chose Lambda Arae as their home system and set off, moving into Redi Market.

Having chosen the role of an independent patronage, it was their plan to dismantle the dictatorships in the surrounding systems, as well as Lambda Arae itself, and to place the Leviathan Scout Regiment in power once their Faction Permit was approved. A recruitment drive began in earnest and the ranks of the LSR began to swell, with scouting beginning on Lambda Arae and the surrounding systems, as well as Diabak and Atropos as backup plans in case their mission went awry.

Things went well at first, with the system itself being surprisingly profitable, but the members of the LSR were soon informed by a member of the Atlas Corporation that they were infringing on their territory and that they had claimed Lambda Arae as their home system. A dialogue was opened up between the two factions, and once it was revealed that despite being a friendly faction the Leviathan Scout Regiment wanted to claim Lambda Arae as their home, the LSR was informed that their choices consisted of either being absorbed into the Atlas Corporation, and given their own wing and autonomy in the region, or the guarantee of working solely for the Atlas Corporation.

The members of the Leviathan Scout regiment, upon receiving contrary intelligence to the Atlas Corporations claims of ownership over Lambda Arae, questioned how it was their home system as they were not in control, and it was stated their group originated elsewhere. Perhaps the conversation got off on the wrong foot, or things were misinterpreted, however the conversation took an aggressive tone, and it was stated that the Atlas Corporation would defend their territory if necessary, despite no threat of attack from the LSR. It was swiftly decided that there would be further conflict if they remained and the Leviathan Scout Regiment packed their bags, wishing the Atlas Corporation no ill will on their way out of Lambda Arae.

The group has since settled in Diabak at the scenic military colony of Bridges Survey, where they await approval of their Faction Permit, continue to recruit new members to their cause, and keep watch against hostile elements in the surrounding systems.

On the 29th of April, 3303, the Leviathan Scout Regiment was given the chance to participate in the defense efforts of CMDR Yuri Nakamura, an associate of the well known Kahina Tijani Loren, AKA CMDR Salomé.

As a part of the 3rd Fleet, their role was that of interdiction support and the destruction of hostile CMDRs operating within large buffer zone of CMDR Nakamura. Unfortunately, CMDR Salomé was killed in action by hostile forces, her FSD and modules having suffered heavy damage after multiple interdictions and emergency FSD drops. CMDR Nakamura, as well as two other associates of Salomé, Raan Corsen, and Tsu Annabelle Singh, are alive however, and the information they were transporting remains intact.

During the operation, the Leviathan Scout Regiment made several valuable contacts within the Federation and has since begun to broker alliances. In addition to this, the Leviathan Scout Regiment has begun researching and compiling all available information on The Formidine Rift Mystery, and the Thargoids, in an effort to discover the truth surrounding the events in question, and to better prepare themselves and their allies for what may come next.

On June 1st of 3303, the Leviathan Scout Regiment received a request for fire support from their friends in the Marine Forces Special Operations Command.

They had recently entered in to a war with Stein 2051 Services over control of assets in the system. It is still unclear as to how the initial skirmish started, but members of the LSR were quickly dispatched to Eta Cassiopeiae in an effort to crush Stein 2051 Services, and restore order to the system before the violence spilled over to the general populace. Two of the flagships of the LSR, the LCS "Highwind" and the LCS "In Amber Clad" led the charge into Eta Cassiopiae with a small contingent of 6 other ships and began their work in earnest.

The fighting was fierce during the first few hours and no less then twenty Corvettes from the Stein 2051 Services were either routed or destroyed. Sensing a shift in the momentum, the leaders of Stein 2051 Services quickly brokered a ceasefire with Marine Forces Special Operations Command. This was simply a ruse, however, and upon regrouping, they began a vicious counter-attack, breaking the ceasefire, which only lasted a mere half-hour. Incensed at their tactics, 17th Federal Fleet was called in to assist the combined LSR / M.A.R.S.O.C. forces and several decisive blows were dealt to Stein 2051 Services over the next few days, resulting in their influence over the system dropping to an all time low.

Satisfied with the turn of events, and confident in their allies' ability to end the war and push Stein 2051 Services back to their home system, the Leviathan Scout Regiment operatives returned, battered and combat-weary, but happy, to Bridges Survey in Diabak. Having won the hearts and minds of the inhabitants of Eta Cassiopeiae during their stay, they did not return alone, and a new wave of recruits swelled the ranks of the Leviathan Scout Regiment once again.

On June 13th of 3303, members of the Leviathan Scout regiment, along with other members of the galactic community, received a message from CMDR Ed Lewis. The message read as follows:

"This is an urgent message from Commander Edward Lewis. There are forces out there who do not want you to know the truth, but I have to make this public. I found a ship in HIP 17044. A Federal cap ship, shot to pieces. They were carrying the data the Feds stole from Professor Palin. The crew is dead, but they discovered something important about the Unknown Ships. There is a beacon in the wreckage broadcasting a message, over and over. It proves what we suspected. They are back. And the whole galaxy needs to know. The Thargoids have returned."

A team was sent to investigate immediately. Two unnamed Farragut Battle Cruisers were located at an Unregistered Comms Beacon, approximately 11,000 ls in the direction of the Asterope system from the planet HIP 17044 2.

The capital ships, as well as an accompanying fleet of smaller Federal ships, were all heavily damaged, their crews presumably dead, and adrift in the same green, gaseous cloud noted to be a signature of previous Unknown Ship attacks.

A transmitter satellite was found among the debris, broadcasting the phrase: "RETURN THARGOIDS" in the Galactic Phonetic Alphabet. One Farragut was also discovered to be broadcasting a recording in Morse Code in a small, 30-meter zone around its antenna array: "UNKNOWN VESSELS DETECTED. SERVER PURGE FAILED. SHIP ASSETS LIQUIDATED. PAYLOAD DESTROYED. SHIP STATUS LOST." (Recording Translation Credit - Cannon Science and Research / Photo Credit - CMDR Isaiah Evanson/CMDR XxHyde840xX)

On route back to their HQ at Bridges Survey, CMDR BiteSizeRemo became separated from the LSR main fleet, and after a series of ambitious and daring jumps to rendezvous with his comrades, his ships fuel tank ran dry a mere single jump away from his destination.

Fearful of losing a good friend and operative, the decision was made to call the Fuel Rats for assistance, as none of the LSR operatives in the area would have been able to deploy or retrofit a ship in time for a rescue.

CMDR Superflea of the Fuel Rats Mischief was dispatched and arrived almost instantaneously on the scene, with a smile on his face, fuel to spare, and a friendly chiding and education session for CMDR BiteSizeRemo. The Leviathan Scout Regiment thanks both CMDR Superflea, as well as all of the Fuel Rats for their hard work and dedication, and has promised to assist them in any way they can, should they require it. The LSR has since begun construction of multiple long range refueling vessels in an effort to support both its own operatives in the field, and to aid other commanders should the need arise.

In light of the recent events, the Leviathan Scout Regiment has re-doubled their efforts to collect any and all information pertaining to the Thargoids, and has begun to prepare a contingency plan in the event that the Thargoids begin to engage in open hostilities with humanity.

However, they do remain hopeful that this is an isolated incident, much as the other Thargoid incidents have been, and have issued a statement declaring there is much yet to learn before any formal decision is made on the matter. They have also stated their belief that it would be highly beneficial for the galaxy as a whole if there is an opportunity to open a dialogue with the Thargoids somehow, and potentially learn from and co-operate with each other, at least for a time.


July 20, 3303. In an effort to prepare some of the surrounding systems of Diabak for operations, it was decided that both a test of the Leviathan Scout Regiments military strength, and the destruction of an oppressive dictatorship in the nearby Baudu system were in order. With FRC and Hudson operatives supplying intel, the operatives of the LSR descended on the system and begun their work to destroy Independent Baudu Union Party and their grasp on the system, and stage a military coup, the end result of which would be Baudu Empire Party, a faction operating as an Imperial Patronage and who were well known for their humanitarian efforts during the constant conflicts in Baudu, controlling the system. While Baudu Empire Party's influence in the system was initially low. In a matter of days they had engaged in conflicts with other factions in the system to assert their dominance. The conflicts themselves were short-lived and typically ended after a matter of days with multiple shows of opposing force as well as massive influence boosts being provided by members of the LSR turning in cartographic data and completing contracts.

Within a month their focus had brought things to the tipping point in Baudu. Independent Baudu Union Party had been quietly stockpiling ships and resources for a long and drawn out war with the LSR and Baudu Empire party. Knowing their days were numbered if they didn't act quickly, Independent Baudu Union Party swiftly declared war on their new enemies. Not simply content to defeat their enemies, and knowing that they had the support of LSR forces, Baudu Empire Party began a campaign of such ferocity that after only another month, on September 20th, 3303, Independent Baudu Union Party surrendered control of the main starport, Wilhelm Refinery, and control of the system itself to Baudu Empire party. In exchange for their surrender and the understanding that if they attempted to retain control of the system the rest of their assets would be liquidated, Independent Baudu Union Party was allowed to retain control of their remaining stations in the system. The LSR immediately returned to Diabak, keeping a close eye on their defeated foes and the newly installed government of Baudu, and begun preparing their fleet for the inevitable arrival of the Thargoids.


On September 26th of 3303, the Thargoids arrived en masse in the Pleiades Sector. Leviathan Intelligence Operatives were swiftly deployed to collect information and data, and a two-man team comprised of Rear-Admiral FeverishAtom, and Warrant Officer Gunnr13 were sent to Pleiades Sector to attempt to interact with the Thargoids and acquire research samples. After confirming with multiple sources that the Thargoids were very likely Oresrian, and no more than an initial wave of scouts, the team made contact successfully and began their operation. While initially curious of the pair of CMDR's, and expressing some interesting behavior, the Thargoid became agitated and hostile. Despite their best efforts to neutralize the situation the order was given to open fire. After a brief skirmish, the two LSR Operatives retreated, having suffered heavy damage, and despite their combined firepower and the addition of the new AX modules and weapons, they were unable to destroy the Thargoid.

Days later, multiple Thargoid sightings were made in "The Bubble," and reports begin to surface of groups of CMDRs managing to destroy the Thargoids. While news that they could be killed if necessary, and the effectiveness of the new modules was welcome, it came with some troubling revelations. The Thargoids had begun to take occupied and damaged escape pods, had destroyed a number of fleets belonging to the Empire, and they had begun to adapt to and show resistances to humanity's weapons, modules and tactics. On October 6th of 3303, Rear-Admiral CrazyProamazing received a distress call in HR 1185. Waking in to investigate and salvage any occupied pods and wreckage if necessary, he came across a destroyed Imperial fleet. Operating swiftly, he managed to secure four occupied escape pods, and the only survivors from the attack. A fifth occupied escape pod was destroyed by a lingering Thargoid vessel before Rear-Admiral CrazyProamazing could rescue the target. This new behavior of destroying escape pods was immediately relayed to Leviathan Military Council, and the survivors were safely transferred to an undisclosed location to recover and for questioning regarding the attack.

The Leviathan Joint Task Fleet was put on high-alert and begun preparing to sortie for the Pleiades Sector for a combination of research, search and rescue, and combat operations. A military contract was drafted with AEGIS Research, with the LSR providing combat support and materials, and AEGIS supplying their HQ with AX modules and weapons. The Leviathan Joint Task Fleet, receiving support from the other Leviathan Fleets, was chosen as their main operational force for Operation: "Blazing Mantis," and after a multitude of council meetings and discussions with some new allied fleets and CMDR's, it was decided that a Forward Operating Base was needed, and working out of Alcazar's Hope in Merope, would place them in the center of the action.

Mere hours after their arrival in Merope, a detatchment of the Leviathan Joint Task Fleet was deployed to HR 1185 after receiving reports of multiple non-human signal sources in the system. Upon their arrival they quickly located one such source, and waked in to investigate. A lone Thargoid was present, and quickly identified as a “Cyclops Variant.” Seemingly less territorial in nature than other other Thargoids the LSR had previously encountered the call was quickly made to acquire a tissue sample. The encounter was peaceful enough at first, and the sample was acquired without much difficulty, however, when Admiral XxHyde840xX came out of silent running and attempted to return to base, the Oresrian Thargoid became enraged and began attacking, attempting to destroy both his ship as well as the sample. If it were not for the efforts of Chief Petty Officer Wolfvoodoo as well as Petty Officers USMC 1MD Clark and Hambone in drawing the Thargoids fire, the sample would have likely been lost along with the Admirals research vessel, as the Admiral had repeatedly refused to return to their FOB empty-handed, despite multiple pleas from his wing-mates. The sample was the first of many to be delivered to Aegis Research by the LSR.


November 19. 3303. Despite many successful operations in the Pleiades, mission progress ground to a near standstill, with only a select few Operatives of the LSR remaining in the sector. Their faction permit had been denied for a second time, this time, blocked by Fidenef Alliance and New LFT 434 Free. Though their desire to remain stationed at Alcazar's Hope in Merope was high, it was evident something needed to be done. Orders were swiftly issued by the Leviathan Scout Regiment's Military Council: Destroy any and all ships and assets belonging to New LFT 434 Free and Fidenef Alliance, and force them to Retreat from Diabak. The time for diplomacy and reasoning was over, and now only an overwhelming show of force would remedy the situation. Strike teams were swiftly assembled, and the LSR began to mobilize their forces, returning en masse from the Pleiades Sector. Light skirmishes broke out almost instantaneously, as Fidenef Alliance had somehow gotten wind of the LSR's plans. However, they were still recovering from a war, and being in the lower echelons of influence in Diabak did not help their cause. Their checkpoints and blockades were destroyed quickly and mercilessly, both by coordinated strikes from the LSR and a number of allies and friends who had heard of their plight and wished to offer their support. Strangely enough, New LFT 434 Free has remained either too occupied with the current state of the Elections taking place in Diabak, or too confident to care, despite multiple pleas for a coalition of forces from Fidenef Alliance. The LSR has been labelled as terrorists by some, just another unsanctioned Private Military Faction in a long line of many, exerting their will and beliefs on the powerless populace. Those within their ranks, and those close to them however, tell a much different story, one involving the systematic oppression of multiple groups such as theirs, their struggle for a home, and their goal of independence and freedom.

- Nov 25, 3303 - Successfully destroyed first thargoid. Rear Admiral CrazyProamazing.

- Dec 14, 3303 - Stations attacked by new thargoid variant. LSR operatives put on high alert to sortie for Search and Rescue.

- Dec 21, 3303 - 3 more stations attacked, Cavalieri in Electra succesfully predicted by Leviathan IESF / Vice Admiral Feverish Atom. LSR purchases a fleet of Type-10's in response. Multiple Thargoids destroyed by LSR operatives within first hours of sortie. Ceasefire against Oresrians fully lifted. With the conflict in the Pleiades intensifying, and Thargoids beginning to show more hostile tendencies such as killing CMDR's immediately after hyperdiction, operations against Fidenef Alliance must be completed so LSR can focus efforts fully on saving lives, and gaining valuable experience for a full scale invasion scenario.

- Dec 23, 3303 - Ultimatum issued to Fidenef Alliance to Retreat from Diabak by Jan 1st, or risk total destruction of their faction.

- Dec 29, 3303 - Fidenef Alliance pulls out of LFT 434, prepares to Retreat from Diabak.

- Dec 31, 3303 - Fidenef Alliance announces Retreat from Diabak.

- Jan 6, 3304 - Fidenef Alliance Retreats from Diabak. LSR officially re-applies to be sanctioned as a PMF based out of Diabak. LSR prepares to sortie for the Pleiades full-time.

- Jan 18, 3304 - In response to more station attacks in the Pleiades, including Obsidian Orbital, LSR Operatives re-deploy to the Pleiades en masse to assist with search and rescue efforts as well as repairing stations. Startling patterns begin to emerge and the LSR begins to connect the dots. Attacks have only taken place on sites with Aegis labs. The stations were disabled rather than outright destroyed suggesting a motive for the attacks other than hostility, perhaps  the Thargoids taking back what they view as "stolen." LSR Military Council urges Operatives to investigate Aegis, and attempt to bolster their "reputation" with the Oresrian Thargoids by giving them Meta-Alloys in large quantities. Hostile encounters are left to individual Operatives discretion, though they are advised by military council to "not engage unless fired upon" and to not overextend themselves in combat. A prevailing theory, is that the Oresrians have been training us all to fight the Klaxians.

Feb 12, 3304 - Operation: Groundwork Zeroes declared a massive success. The campaign paved the way for future operations in Diabak and the surrounding systems, and provided the LSR with a large number of contacts and allies. While continuing to wait for their Faction Application to be approved, the LSR continues to investigate both Aegis Research and the increasing Thargoid presence, while making preparations to support a number of allies in a bid to build the strength of their collective resources. A large number of LSR Operatives and Military Council members express interest in participating in the upcoming Distant Worlds II Expedition and early preparations for the journey begin, and excitement mounts for the coming journey.

Feb 17, 3304 - Fighting breaks out between Marine Forces Special Operations Command [Federal M.A.R.S.O.C] and Eta Cassiopeiae Purple Travel over control of Morgue's Mortuary, a Coriolis Starport in the system of Eta Cassiopeiae. Being familiar with the system, the LSR was once again called in to assist in a civil war effort. After a mere 5 days of conflict, a ceasefire was brokered between the two warring factions, with Eta Cassiopeiae Purple Travel ceding control of Morgue's Mortuary to Federal M.A.R.S.O.C. Forces. Notably, multiple ships from the returning and beleaguered Stein 2051 Services were seen supporting Eta Cassiopeiae Purple Travel Forces in multiple instances of the conflict. With Admiral XxHyde840xX assuming the interim post of Brigadier General for Federal M.A.R.S.O.C., they are expected to make a push for full control of the system with their allies in the LSR in the near future, and conflict in the system is expected to continue over the coming weeks and months.

March 3, 3304 - In accordance with the LSR's own Operation: Blazing Mantis, having learned much from their time in the Pleiades observing and interacting with the Thargoids, the Leviathan Scout Regiment offers their intelligence and expertise on the crisis at hand to a number of AX Coalitions springing up throughout the galaxy. Notably, the LSR has chosen to support the efforts of Spearhead Charter regarding their Operation: Aerondight with a number of other factions including The 104th Humanity Defence Force, Ryders of the Void, Trident Fleet, and several others, in a massive coordinated effort to combat the Thargoids. Reclusive and often tight-lipped towards the media, Admiral XxHyde840xX appeared briefly and had this to say on their current affairs:

"While we will not and do not oppose anyone wishing to engage the Thargoids, the general consensus of the Leviathan Scout Regiment is that the situation requires more research and intelligence, especially with all of the new happenings and discoveries, as well as technology and research. War is not the answer. This is not an invasion scenario, contrary to what you have been spoonfed by the media and those with influence in galactic affairs. We have seen many things during our time spent interacting with the Thargoids, but hostilities have not broken out with out some sort of previous justification for their attacks. A prime example is Aegis Research, they've all but painted a target on their backs and every civilian within range of their labs due to their "acquisition" of Thargoid materials. We suspect the Thargoids may be attempting to take back what was "stolen" in a sense."

"We also have a theory that the Thargoids we have seen up until now are Oresrian in origin, and during the hostile encounters we have had, we have noticed patterns suggesting that they may be attempting to train us in a way. They do not regard concepts such as life, and territory, the same way that we do and it is foolish to believe they ever would have. The fact of the matter remains that the current Oresrian Thargoids are not hostile unless provoked, while the new small "scouts" which haven't been seen up until now, have been sighted in instances with the previously classed Medusa and Basilisk Variant of Thargoid, and are hostile to pretty much everything that isn't them."

'We want to be very clear on our priorities. Our main focus has been, and will be logistical support, the rescuing of civillians, the repairing of damaged starports, research and intel on both the Guardians and the Thargoids, and an investigation into Aegis. There may come a time for fighting, but the time for outright hostilities is not at hand. Thank you.

When questioned about their investigation into Aegis Research, a member of their own group of Allies and Coalition members, Admiral XxHyde840xX offered no comment. The campaign regarding Operation: Aerondight is expected to run from March 3 -11.

March 11, 3304 - A momentous week begins for both the LSR and their allies. Operation: Aerondight concludes, being deemed a massive success by those involved and there are high hopes it will force the Thargoids to change their current vector of travel through the Core Systems. An additional campaign for the future is being coordinated by a variety of Federal, Imperial, Alliance and Independent factions. The LSR's own Operation: "Blazing Mantis" was deemed a huge success, with reams of technical, schematic, and combat data being acquired and shared with their allies and close associates. The LSR's focus will be shifting to the Guardians in the near future.

March 15, 3304 - Malthus Terminal in Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-41 goes back online following the delivery of massive quantities of Indium and other materials and commodities by the LSR and various other pilots across the galaxy as part of the Galactic Initiative known as Operation: IDA, an effort to bring the damaged starports online following a series of Thargoid attacks on Aegis labs. Operations are expected to shift to Hudson Observatory in HIP 17694 as Operation: IDA continues.

March 16, 3304 - After a series of coordinated strikes on Imperial targets, and after nearly a year of conflict between the Newton's Fusiliers, their allies, and Imperial PowerPlay groups, the Revolution in Coma ends, with the Newton's Fusiliers being granted independence of their home system. Out of the ashes of the conflict, the "Coma Concordat" is born and made public, the details of which can be read here: The Coma Concordat.

March 17, 3304 - Fidenef Alliance Expands to the Muth system and makes a sudden bid for control of nearby Baudu. The Leviathan Scout Regiment reiterates their previous warnings not to interfere in the sector and responds with a series of coordinated strikes on Fidenef Alliance military targets in both systems.

March 23, 3304 - The LSR and some of their allies begin connecting evidence pointing to Aegis Research being involved in the staging of Thargoid attacks on stations using various methods to lure the Thargoids involving the new "Eagle Eye" stations. Whether they are directly responsible or not has yet to be determined.

April 5, 3304 - A series of missions are posted by the LSR, with one in particular, PHASE THREE - Operation: "Strikeout" seeking to bring independence to Diabak. Two additional missions, Operation: "Sapphire Star" and Operation: "Crimson Skies" are launched in tandem to assist key Federal and Imperial allies in the neighboring sectors to Diabak.

April 10, 3304 - For a third time, the Leviathan Scout Regiments faction permit, which would allow them to operate as a sanctioned, independent patronage out of the Diabak system, was rejected. Across all channels, word spreads and people begin to ask questions and take action, frustrated and weary of being dogged at every turn. Within 48 hours the LSR had learned that a simple "clerical error" was what had prevented their permit from being processed. The issue was immediately corrected and the LSR awaits further news.

April 14, 3304 - Trident Fleet disbands, and a number of their pilots and senior staff and officers ask for a home within the LSR ranks. Being allies, the request was swiftly accepted, with positions and rank being handed out due to experience. The remnants of Trident Fleet begin their new lives in earnest under a new banner, happy to be accepted as part of the Leviathan "family."

April 17, 3304 - Saggitarius Eye publishes an article regarding a bounty placed on a known Fuel-Rat killer by the name of Jdboss07. The Fuel-Rats and The Leviathan Scout Regiment are both quick to post that the Fuel-Rats did not sanction the bounty, and that it was being paid out of the LSR's own coffers. Due to a controversy regarding the Fuel-Rat in question being off-duty at the time, the article is taken down.

April 18, 3304 - Fuelum, the Fuel-Rats home system is "bombed" by Thargoid Sensors. While some suspicions were first cast on the LSR, CMDR ollobrains later took credit for the incident.

April 25, 3304 - After over a year of waiting and three applications, the Leviathan Scout Regiment is sanctioned to operate out of the Diabak System. Most of the LSR Operatives and staff in the field begin returning home. PHASE THREE - Operation: "Strikeout" is deemed an early success, with Diabak Corporation replacing Diabak Group as the systems controlling faction. Celebrations are short lived however, with a group known as the Federal Foreign Legion instating a military-blockade in Diabak, and attacking LSR Operatives on sight. Diplomacy breaks down twice during talks and negotiations. The LSR sends footage of their ships being destroyed after a cease-fire agreement to the FFL along with two words: "We Tried." Federal Foreign Legion vacates Diabak 24 hours later.

April 29, 3304 - Trident Fleet is sanctioned to operate in Lardhampt, despite being defunct. Former Admiral JP Ghastly, newly minted Lieutenant of the LSR decides to return to his post and rebuild his fleet and faction. The LSR promises their full support, and JP Ghastly is named an Honorary LSR Operative. A strong coalition has since been forged between the two groups, with a number of former Trident staff remaining within the LSR's ranks. Newton's Fusiliers and Marine Forces Special Operations Command are officially and publicly supported by the Leviathan Scout Regiment.

May 2, 3304 - Leviathan Scout Regiment declares Civil War on Diabak Group over control of Key Assets in the system. Preparations begin in earnest.

May 10, 3304 - Following a brief period of conflict, the Leviathan Scout Regiment gains control over Chretien Dock in Diabak, and establishes a crucial base of operations. Preparations begin for a long-term mission to bring all Diabak system assets under LSR control while focusing on control of the system and Daimler Ring in the short-term. Bridges Survey is declared "under LSR jurisdiction" despite still technically being controlled by Diabak Group.

May 21, 3304 - A multitude of coordinated strikes over the last few weeks placed the Marine Forces Special Operations Command in control of Angus Manwaring in Eta Cassiopeiae with the help of the LSR. Mere hours after the conflict, the Leviathan Scout Regiment gained control of Thompson Orbital, and their home system itself, Diabak. Despite being besieged during the conflicts by a multitude of external forces, including DRTY Company as well as the Federal Foreign Legion, the conflicts have since ceased, and influence in both systems has stabilized.

May 27, 3304 - Leviathan Scout Regiment abolishes their coalition with AEGIS.

June 11, 3304 - Leviathan Scout Regiment declares Civil War on Diabak Corporation.

June 15, 3304 - Leviathan Scout Regiment takes control of Daimler Ring, restoring order to Diabak. Thompson Orbital undergoes a series of upgrades to include better ship outfitting and and expanded Commodities Market. Multiple LSR Operatives are shot down by VAIL in an unprovoked series of attacks. The LSR begins preparing for another series of conflicts.

June 24, 3304 - The LSR concludes Operation "Crimson Skies" successfully, with the Marine Forces Special Operations Command of Eta Cassiopeiae in control of Angus Manwaring, Kessel Silo, Morgue's Mortuary, and Watts Oasis. Their influence has since stabilized and Admiral XxHyde840xX, though no longer in service to the Federation, is awarded the honorary rank of Vice Admiral in the Federal Navy for his service.

July 17, 3304 - After a series of conflicts with numerous external factions, the LSR undergoes a period of restructuring and consolidation, while preparing for an Expansion attempt.

August 24, 3304 - Following a nearly month-long period of restructuring and internal organization, LSR expands to the nearby system of Muth. At 08:05 Galactic Standard Time, Admiral XxHyde840xX declared outright War on the People's Party of VZ Columbae, a resident Communist faction, hoping to secure a swift victory, while firmly stating their intentions of controlling the system.

September 1, 3304 - The conflict was over within a week, and was resolved with little fighting from either side. The People's Party of VZ Columbae were subsequently forced to surrender, and then into a state of retreat from the system. Meanwhile, the other resident factions continued to attempt so solidify and consolidate their influence and military strength. However, vicious infighting resulting in a series of Civil Wars and Elections left the entirety of Muth in such a poor state that the people themselves began, en masse, to denounce their various leaders, and voice their desire for change, with the LSR gaining more and more public support by the day.

September 2, 3304 - The Military Council of the LSR declares war on the Democrats of Muth for control of the system, with support of the vast majority of the populace in full support of the conflict. The fighting is expected to be short and swift, and political experts in the region speculate the Democrats of Muth may even consider full surrender of their assets and holdings, despite the fact that the Leviathan Scout Regiment is not known for excessive force without provocation.

September 9, 3304 - The Leviathan Scout Regiment takes control of Muth as well as its main starport from the Democrats of Muth following a full surrender. Few shots were exchanged during the conflict and few casualties resulted from the fighting. Stability in the financial sector is expected to follow after a short rebuilding period in Muth and with the populace firmly on their side, the LSR begins to look for another system to bring into their sphere of influence. Meanwhile, the Vanguard, an Aegis Megaship, sits poised in Egeria, likely en route to Sol to rendezvous with the rest of the Aegis Core forces after being recalled from the Pleiades Sector following extensive engagements with hostile pilots and factions. Multiple Thargoid sightings have been reported in Diabak, though the Thargoids seem relatively non-aggressive in nature. The LSR Military Council issues orders not to engage the Thargoids in Diabak under any circumstances due to the possibility of aggravating them, as well as being able to use this chance to observe them scientifically, and engage with them in an attempt to communicate once more.


Author's Note:

Despite my best efforts, and those of several other reputable journalists and historians, little is known of the events that transpired from September 9th to October 20th of the year 3304 within the Leviathan Scout regiment. Official documents have either been deleted, incinerated, classified, or locked away. Witnesses to these events are either non-existent or refuse to speak. The LSR denies any wrongdoing, cover-up, or conspiracy, merely stating in a statement from the Military Council that “records simply weren't well kept during this time.” When pressed further, Admiral XxHyde840xX frowned, gave a short synopsis of the events, and refused to answer or comment further on the subject. What we do know and can confirm is that the events did transpire, though any details beyond the events themselves are scarce, non-existent, or buried and locked up somewhere, never to see the light of day again. The list of events is as follows:

- Aegis, and its megaship, The Vanguard, departed Egeria and and continued their journey, though not towards the Sol system as anticipated.

- The Thargoid presence quietly diminished in Diabak. From what we can tell they were not engaged by the LSR at all.

- The LSR expanded from Muth to Egeria.

- War began to loom on the horizon with LSR selecting Baudu, VZ Columbae, and Atropos as their next targets of conquest.

- Though known to be generally a force for the people, there are a few surviving news articles and reports criticizing the LSR for their hunger for new systems and wealth.

- The LSR begins forming a new crop of Coalitions and Allies and begins an earnest recruitment campaign.

Was there some sort of conspiracy? A cover-up perhaps? What is the significance of the lack of data during this period. I fear that during my lifetime I may never uncover the truth. Perhaps it was something as simple as a lack of record keeping. Alas, that is the task of the next generation of historians, and so I leave it up to you dear reader, to discover and decide for yourself what truly happened. Our records resume thusly.

[i]October 21st, 3304

The LSR makes preparations to take full control of Egeria. After a series of minor conflicts with DRTY. Co., the situation between the two factions has developed into one of outright hostility, with both sides beginning campaigns to destabilize each others systems. During this time, Diabak Group declares Civil War on the LSR, forcing them to fight on multiple fronts. Striking swiftly with a combination of brute force, tactical strikes, and diplomacy, LSR brokers a deal with DRTY Co., in an effort to keep hostilities out of each others systems, while stripping Diabak Group of Rennie Ring in Diabak. The next month is surprisingly quiet.

November 19th, 3304

LSR attains victory in both their conquest of Stefanshyn-Piper port in Diabak, and successfully obtaining a crucial forward operating base by stripping Baudu Empire party of Wilhelm Refinery in Baudu.

December 10th, 3304

Another quiet month followed the events of November. That quiet was shattered by the assassination of High Lord Jakken Eardley, the late Commodore and head of Spearhead Charter, on LSR soil. It is well known that Admiral XxHyde840xX and the late High Lord Jakken had become close friends during the time they had known each other and it is expected that he will support the late High Lords daughter, the young Lyria Eardley, in her campaign for the position of High Lord of Mantkas. The Admiral of the LSR issued the following statement after the chaos at Thompson Orbital had subsided:

“Myself, as well as the rest of the Leviathan Scout Regiment, wish to offer our deepest sympathies for this tragic event that has transpired. Jakken, pardon me, Lord Eardley, was a dear friend to me...he came to us in his time of need, seeking asylum, and though we did our best to conceal him, we couldn't see see the deception until it was too late. However, we also understand that his daughter, Lyria, has a blood claim to both position of High-Lord, as well as The Vestige. I know she must not see us in a pleasant light...we made a promise and we failed to keep it...but Jakken was a damn good man, his people are good people, and should his daughter wish it, we will ensure that she has the support she requires, to both right the wrongs that have been inflicted upon her people by Xeria's Wrath, and to ensure that something like this does not happen again."

More information regarding the events, which have since come to be known as “The Spearhead Incident,” can be found here in this article.

January 1st, 3305

Ringing in the New Year with a bang, the Leviathan Scout Regiment acquires a wealth of resources and talented pilots as a result of the merging of LSR and BHR Independent Task Force, and a new fleet is established within the LSR to accommodate both the decommissioning of the aging LTAF-1 fleet, as well as the transitioning of former pilots of BHR. The newly formed Leviathan Independent Task Force, comprised of pilots from all walks of life, career interest, and skill level, have shown an almost preternatural affinity for both the manipulation and creation of significant quantities of wealth in both credits, and resources.

January 9th, 3305

After a period of civil unrest and war, caused by numerous factions seeking to take advantage of the chaos of the merger between LSR and BHR, Leviathan Scout Regiment successfully puts down rebellions in Baudu, VZ Columbae, and LFT 434, with a series of quick and brutal operations.

January 17th, 3305

LSR goes to war with LFT 434 Jet Dynamic Group while another conflict against VZ Columbae Silver mob begins to gain momentum. The LSR defeats both groups after a brief campaign, ensuring their influence over both systems remains intact. Dragons of Baudu declare war on LSR over Moore Installation and are swiftly routed as well.

January 27th, 3305

The Leviathan Scout Regiments longstanding “Operation: Sapphire Star” reaches its conclusion. For close to a year the LSR had been supporting Cerberus in a bid to take Control of the Tchernobog system. Following a series of final conflicts culminating in a clash between rival capital ships, the system, and Cerberus look forward to a period of peace, now able to rebuild and look towards the future.

January 31, 3305

Democrats of Muth attack LSR assets in VZ Columbae. Several high profile murders took place in VZ Columbae shortly after the attack, likely a response from LSR and a warning against future hostilities. Though the investigations that took place following these murders have since been shelved or buried in litigation, it is curious that the investigations that did run their course turned up no links to any LSR members, either past or present.

February 2nd, 3305

LSR prepares for a state of elections between their Governor, and a local representative from LFT 434 Pride in LFT 434. The votes were tallied and Governor Dorian Lawrence of the LSR is declared the winner by a landslide, securing a new foothold in the system. Meanwhile, Celestial Light Brigade and Leviathan Scout Regiment go neck and neck to secure second place on the Galactic Trade Leaderboards with LSR ahead by a slim margin.

February 7th, 3305

LSR officially secures second place on the Galactic Trade Leaderboards with Raxxla in first and CLB in second, after a stunning competition right up to the final minutes. LITF played a crucial role during the campaign and due to their tireless efforts in conjunction with the rest of the LSR Operatives, help to earn LSR their first taste of fame and fortune for the year, as well as a stunning trophy in honor of their efforts to be displayed in a prominent position at LSR headquarters, Bridges Survey. The LSR takes a small breather to celebrate their recent streak of success and prepare for future endeavors.

February 8th, 3305

The Leviathan Scout Regiment launches “Operation: Solar Eclipse” in Atropos, seeking to take control of the system, and secure another crucial foothold for their expansion plans, while expanding into LFT 434. Within days Labour of BD-21 1074, a rival faction in the system, goes to war against the LSR.

February 13th, 3305

LSR and LFT 444 Crimson Energy Systems go to war in LFT 444, with LSR's sights set firmly on control of the system.

February 15th, 3305

Forced to defend their assets and resources in a total of four separate systems, with Fidenef Alliance attacking in Baudu, and once again, Democrats of Muth attacking in in Vz Columbae, the LSR turns up the heat on the campaigns in LFT 444 and LFT 434, decimating the the remaining opposition forces and reducing the strain on the LSR front lines. In the following days the campaigns in Baudu and VZ Columbae come to an end as well with the LSR emerging victorious.

February 19th, 3305

The Leviathan Scout regiment is formally accused of election tampering in Atropos following a class-action lawsuit filed by Decima Co. Charges were quickly dropped however due to the apparent disappearance of several pieces of key evidence and individuals involved with the trial.

February 24th, 3305

With the ever present state of conflict no longer looming overhead, LSR enjoys the reprieve by expanding again, this time into Beta Pictoris. The system has since reported a strange combination of a large increase in wanted ship traffic, yet a sharp decline in the crime rate of the system itself. It is assumed the system is likely being used to conceal the wanted ships, pilots, and associates of the Leviathan Scout Regiment.

March 5th, 3305

Mutt0n Dagger consolidates the remaining landable stations in Baudu under LSR control in a stunning campaign. Furthermore, it has been noted that this accomplishment was undertaken almost single-handedly, earning him both a promotion to the Lieutenants Commission, and the nickname “Beast of Baudu.”

March 15th, 3305

In a strange turn of events, pirates descend on Egeria in great numbers, likely lured to the system by the sudden increase of wealth across LSR systems that has been attributed to the current “gold-rush” in regards to Void Opals. The Leviathan Scout Regiment responds with a massive increase in system security, running the pirates out in mere days. Several sources, which have agreed to speak on the condition of anonymity, state that several of the more notorious pirates involved in the attack have since been incarcerated at an undisclosed location and are awaiting execution due to the nature of their crimes.

March 21st, 3305

Decima Co. retreats from Atropos, slapping a large number of LSR Operatives with massive fines and penalties for “gross failure and neglect of contractual obligations” on their way out of the system. The Military Council of the LSR successfully appeals and the fines were rescinded due to another lack of evidence and witness testimony. Meanwhile the Leviathan Scout Regiment prepares a massive campaign to consolidate the remaining uncontrolled stations in the systems that LSR is present in. Spearheaded by LNF-1, the campaign is expected to be swift, and brutal.

March 27th, 3305

In an absolutely stunning turn of events, the Leviathan Scout Regiments campaign in LFT 434 comes to an end with the defeat of LSR. Sources say that that the area surrounding Vindogradov Enterprises, which the LSR was looking to take control of, was absolutely swarming with Farragut-class Capital-Ships, and despite a valiant campaign against their foes, the Leviathan Scout Regiment suffered heavy casualties and were forced to swiftly retreat. Mere days later, LSR ships are sighted running maneouvres in large formations within LSR controlled systems as well as the edges of the Leviathan Frontier.

April 3rd, 3305

After a short campaign in VZ Columbae against the Democrats of Muth who sought to take advantage of the situation, the Leviathan Scout Regiment enjoys a short reprieve from conflict to celebrate the second anniversary of the founding of the Leviathan Scout Regiment. Despite the absence of a massive celebration or announcent, rumors have surfaced that a campaign of Expansion and Consolidation is being developed and that Recruits are applying to join in record numbers, leading some experts to speculate that the Leviathan Scout Regiment is preparing for something big, something potentially much larger than the expansion of their sphere of influence.

April 13th, 3305

Striking swiftly and without mercy in LFT 444, the Leviathan Scout Regiment forces, spearheaded by the LNF-1 fleet, succeed in taking control of Serebrov Station and the system from the Confederacy of LFT 444. Due to the scale of destruction and a massive naval blockade, after a mere three days, the Confederacy was forced to surrender completely. Despite the casualties that ensued as a result of the conflict, it has been noted that as with most LSR systems, support for the Leviathan Scout Regiment has not wavered, and continues to trend upwards.


April 28th, 3305

CMDR Timeline101 Crowned "Pit Viper!"

It was the darkest of nights over Bridge’s Survey, and LSR’s Viper Pit Finals had come to a close. CMDRs Virtus Vrtra and Timeline101 had been locked in a grueling battle to claim the title of “Pit Viper,” with Timeline101 coming out on top. These fierce competitors had fought tooth and nail against 6 other CMDRs during this two part Battle Royale.

Virtus Vrtra didn’t go down without a fight. Having spent all of his time in LSR’s Task Force 13, he was no stranger to one-on-one combat. His biggest downfall was the use of the temperamental Enhanced Performance Thrusters. When asked about his ship’s performance in the fight he stated: “I didn’t anticipate the added heat [from the incendiary rounds] planet side.” Even though his Viper was burning itself alive from the inside, the brave CMDR told us he just had to “create calm” and “let the training take over.” The event nearly cost him his life.

The meticulous nature of CMDR Timeline101 clearly paid off in this fight and the balance of offensive and defensive capabilities made her ship extremely resilient. When asked about her build CMDR Timeline101 said "I had to use all of my engineering access, experience and knowledge to build a ship with extreme versatility."

The large crowd at the event were treated to a dazzling light show of thruster trails, muzzle flare and tracer rounds throughout the epic duel. The Governor of LSR, Dorian Lawrence stated "the piloting skills and tactics of the two commanders were a joy to watch, it makes me proud to represent LSR." The Governor went on to say that the event had been televised live to all Diabak citizens.

When asked how she'd felt after the win CMDR Timeline101 responded "I was chuffed to bits to have taken the win against such accomplished pilots not to mention quite over whelmed. It’ll take some time to sink in but the achievement has given me the confidence to learn more from those willing to teach."

The after party held in the main Bridges Survey concourse lasted well into the early hours with thousands in attendance. CMDRs Timeline101 and Virtus Vrtra were seen laughing and joking together for much of the party where both shared stories of the competition and their lives with anyone who cared to listen. Accounts of the interviews with Timeline101 and Virtus Vrtra can be found here, and here, and you can find more information on both CMDRs at the following links here, and here.

*Co-written by Timeline101 and Virtus Vrtra*


May 2nd, 3305

Season 3 of the Galactic Leaderboards comes to a close with Leviathan Scout Regiment absolutely blowing out the competition on the Trade Leaderboards with a stunning first place victory and earning a massive golden trophy for their efforts. Though they tried their damndest, during the final days of the season LSR was edged out of the running for third place on the CQC, Combat, and Exploration Leaderboards. Celebrations ran well into the night, and the LSR is expected to take a break from their efforts on the Galactic Leaderboards for the following season, though if close to a podium position, speculation is there might be a push for more trophies.

May 5th, 3305

Labour of BD-21 1074 goes to war against the Leviathan Scout Regiment in LFT 434. Though little is known about this particular conflict, it is assumed that Labour of BD-21 1074 were attempting to blockade several LSR transport vessels when the initial conflicts broke out, in an attempt to prevent the Leviathan Scout Regiment from gaining a foothold in the system. After suffering heavy casualties over the course of several days, Labour of BD-21 1074 surrendered the field of battle, finding themselves dangerously close to being forced out of the system entirely.

In an attempt to capitalize on the situation, Beta Pictoris Dominion declares war on the LSR in Beta Pictoris. Through a series of coordinated attacks, and a retalliatory blockade, Beta Pictoris was forced to surrender control of Gaiman Dock in the system shortly after the conflict began, the war effort drawing to a stunning close with raid on the Beta Pictors Dominion offices.

As if the Leviathan Scout Regiment didn't have enough to celebrate, Egeria Partners officially retreats from Atropos, paving the way for a long overdue expansion attempt into the system.

May 12th, 3305

Elections in LFT 434 kick off with the LSR facing off against Baudu Empire Party. As expected, after the votes were tallied Governor Dorian Lawrence of the Leviathan Scout Regiment won the campaign with a landslide victory ending on May 19th. Though once close friends and allies, it seems that the relationship between Baudu Empire Party and the Leviathan Scout Regiment has become strained, despite the LSR's penchant for using them as a proxy of sorts in the past, and an informal alliance during that time.

Records of events become spotty at this point, with most information being classified or otherwise scrubbed and redacted. Historians do know however, that on August 7th of 3305, Exodus Coalition declared War on the Leviathan Scout Regiment.

Within hours, the LSR had politely told Exodus Coalition where they could shove their declaration and had mobilized their fleets, along with several contingents of their supporters and coalition forces.

On August 8 of 3305, a campaign of carnage and bloodshed rivalling that of the early battles between the Superpowers began. The war would cost both sides dearly.

The battles and skirmishes that were fought, pilot against pilot, system to system, would continue to rage across both LSR and EXO spheres of control for nearly 7 months. Frontlines were exchanged, stations were lost and reclaimed, and ships were destroyed and rebuilt in a hellish game of musical chairs. The total in estimated repairs, damage, and reparations is said to be worth billions of credits at the current inflation rate. Untold CMDR's and civilians lost their lives, and damage from the conflict is still evident in several systems across both LSR and EXO space.

What little documentation of the war, remains in the form of smear campaigns from both sides in an attempt to both sway public opinion, and humiliate their opponents. They can be viewed below.

EXO's Take on the LSR Briefing Room.

LSR's "Stop EXO Abuse Today" Parody.

Both sides fought to a standstill on multiple fronts during the final weeks, and attrition had cost both sides far more than they had bargained for. With a climbing death toll, beleagured pilots began to question their leaders, the war itself, and the rhetoric that caused the conflict. Some pilots and officers even resigned in protest. Calls for peace were met with silence, however, after meetings to broker a ceasefire and end the war ended with tempers flaring on both sides.

On the morning of February 2 of 3306, after a brilliant series of misdirection campaigns, LSR emerged from the smoke and rubble of war victorious, with EXO admitting their defeat. The LSR and their allied forces had done what noone had done before them; not only stripped EXO of their control of Saunders's Dive, but removed them as the controlling faction of their home system of Wolf 1301.

EXO's admittance of defeat was less than gracious and to this day the LSR vehemently denies any the accusations leveled at them by EXO, both in their declaration of war, and in their admittance of defeat.

To this day, it remains a topic of contention whether the conflict is referred to as "The EXO War," or "The Leviathan War."

Feb 3rd, 3306

The following LSR pilots were commended by LSR Military Council for their exemplary conduct over multiple gruelling campaigns against a fearsome and worthy enemy, with LSR publicly claiming victory against EXO along with their coalition members, allies and friends;

For his conduct during The Leviathan War, Lt. tatsuwa369 槍 of LNF-2 was given the moniker "Hound of Wolf 1301." He was also awarded the several medals and distinguished service honours as a result of his determination and grit leading up to, and during the defeat of EXO in their home system.

Lieutenant JuicyJamz3779 槍 -LNF
Lieutenant tatsuwa 槍 Hound of Wolf 1301-LNF
Lieutenant Thannicus- LNF
Flight Officer TheIrishman5 -LNF
Flight Officer Luvenstein -IESF
Senior Operative [SO]aceapache0154 -LNF
Senior Operative X-X_Governor_X-X -LNF
Senior Operative Twist3dhalfling -TF13
Operative Jonraspberries -IESF
Operative yea420 -LNF
Operative SecretLoc4tion -TF13
Operative JGrxxve873 -IESF
[Recruit] FortyFiveLC
[Recruit] Han Swanson
[Recruit] Wolf9800
[Recruit] CMDR Gibbs01
[Recruit] undeaddragon666
[Recruit] zXAnimusXz

Hundreds of other pilots earned various commendations for their service, but unfortunately, with many details still classified or stricken from public record, we may never know the true extent of the heroes on either side of the conflict. May the bravery and sacrifice of those on both sides never be forgotten.