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Wing History - Part III - Ongoing

September 1, 3308

After the shattering of LSR and the chaos that ensued, the LSR became dormant for a time. Comms and squadron activity exist, albeit at minimal levels during this period. Records pick back up again with a general call to regroup and rally from disgraced Admiral XxHyde840xX. LSR forces are scattered and uncoordinated, with many ignoring the call or having moved on to various other groups and ideologies.

October 30, 3308

Following the call to regroup, the roster is culled, dead coalitions are removed, and a group that once numbered in the hundreds is down to a scant handful of loyal remnant pilots; those that remember the old days, the old ways, and the golden age of LSR. A flurry of activity begins over the coming weeks with a general revamping of operations for the sake of simplicity, and cohesive orders begin to be issued on a regular basis. Old ties are re-established, including those in OPIX and McCoy Spaceways, and the LSR begins to reach out to former pilots and associates in an attempt to rebuild. Thirteenth Echelon, a squadron comprised of many former LSR pilots is recognized as allies and comrades of LSR.

November 6, 3308

With the help of support from the Federal Republic Command forces, LSR takes control of both vo Market, and the system of Atropos. While ultimately hailed as a grand victory and the announcement of LSR's return as a force in the galaxy, the move has left the Leviathan Scout Regiments forces spread precariously thin. In some circles, the move is considered a foolish boondoggle considering the galactic state of affairs, especially with the rogue signal sources converging on the core systems.

November 25, 3308

Thargoids destroy the Kingfisher Megaship. Foul play is suspected with theories of Thargoid artifacts and technology being brought aboard the vessel. Three days later, the Taranis signal source destination is confirmed. The LSR begins planning a sortie to the guardian sites to gather materials.

December 7, 3308

LSR celebrates a series of small victories and is also humbled by a series of minor defeats, with several stations and settlements changing hands. Critical victories do occur however in Ejagham and LFT 434, with retreats happening from both RR Caeli and Ralu. LSR swears an oath to return to RR Caeli and reclaim their lost system. Wu Kuku is also ceded to a minor faction so that they may have a home to operate, though many declare the move a hollow and merely symbolic gesture, as the reality of removing LSR from control of the system will be no small feat, even without resistance.

December 10, 3308

The Leviathan Scout Regiment formally recommissions the Leviathan Naval fleet with an emphasis on system defence, Anti-Xeno operations, search & rescue, civilian evacuation, system repair, and fortifying the frontlines. In the following days the LSR would also take control of Stride Agricultural Exchange in Nervir, Cooperative Vision Core in CD-24 5005, and Pace Industrial Foundry in Ejagham, with an expansion to the LHS 1748 system.

December 16, 3308

With the arrival of all 8 anomalies materializing into Maelstroms, and full-scale war against the Thargoids, The LSR puts out recruitment ads across every conceivable public channel and forum. Contacts are forged with Anti-Xeno Initiative, Defence Council of Humanity, Post Disaster Evacuation Services and ReForge Aegis, and ties are re-established with Operation: IDA.

December 21, 3308

LSR narrowly avoids a retreat from LFT 434, paving the way for a brief period of system stability. Diplomatic discussions begin with Spearhead Charter Royal Guard in regards to bridging the gap between their factions and uniting under a single banner. The Leviathan Scout Regiment also procures two fleet-carriers, one of which is commissioned immediately as a forward operating base for the expedition to the Guardian sites.

December 24, 3308

Spearhead Charter Royal Guard systems are now monitored and patrolled by LSR forces, with SCRG forces monitoring and patrolling Leviathan Scout Regiment systems in a show of force and unity. Several members of both groups were also witnessed working last minute to deliver toys from Sandra Corrs' workshop. LSR celebrations are brief with the departure to the Guardian Sites the following day.

December 25, 3308

The Leviathan Scout Regiment along with several allies, and a budding friendship with After Earth Stellar Alliance, arrive and begin acquiring materials for shipbuilding. With notices having gone out regularly and orders being issued in a timely manner, most LSR operatives have had time to field several ships for Naval operations, though the demand for resources and materials is higher than ever.

December 31, 3308

LSR announces victories in LHS 1748 with the acquisition of Beauchenes Biochemicals, and in Nervir with the acquisition of Leckey Agricultural Hub. SCRG loses control of the Public Actuarial Board in Kongaa, and though the system is not controlled by SCRG, the loss of ground is deemed unforgivable by both the LSR and SCRG, with many clamouring for a call to arms. Calmer heads prevail, with the leaders of both factions reminding their citizens that if the Thargoid threat is not brought in check, there will be no territory for anyone to quarrel over. The ranks of the LSR swell with many new pilots signing up for the cause. The Polaris Concordat is formally drafted between the LSR and SCRG, which would unite the two factions under the banner of the Free Systems Republic.

January 1, 3309

Naval Operations are delayed to facilitate the return of the Guardian Sites expedition on January 2nd and finalize the details of the Polaris Concordat. Free Systems Republic operations regarding the Thargoid war are directed toward the Oya Maelstrom, with Akbakara currently the primary objective due to a state of Thargoid invasion. While Akbakara is not currently controlled by SCRG, it is tactically considered a backdoor into The Vestige and it is implied that every effort will be made to both repel the Thargoid threat, and save as many lives as possible.

January 3, 3309

LSR wins a small victory in LTT 2379. Unfortunately this victory is overshadowed by the loss of Daimler Gateway in LFT 434. LFT 434 has been a notorious system in LSR's history, with the majority of their campaigns ending in failure. Some consider the system unlucky or cursed. The following day would see some redemption at least, with Labour of V352 Canis Majoris surrendering control of a curious installation by the name of General Vision Systems. Tabloid articles abound regarding the facility.

January 6, 3309

The LSR alongside their allies in the SCRG deploy for the first time to the Thargoid War frontlines as a coordinated force. Rescue and evacuation efforts are prioritized as the Free Systems Republic forces realize quickly that Akbakara cannot be saved. Combat pilots are diverted to Luggerates, Nihal, Chinas, and Lubal to assist with other coordinated efforts. The LSR is left stretched precariously thin as a result of conflict on both the frontlines and the homefront.

January 7, 3309

With conflicts raging in no less than six of their systems due to opportunistic factions and CMDRS, the LSR is forced from the frontlines of the Thargoid War to address the fires on the homefront. Striking swiftly in Charonium, conflict against Charonium Industry concludes with a pre-dawn raid on Gluschenko Excavation Facility, adding another planetary settlement to their growing list of assets. Within hours of the victory, The Dark Wheel and the Leviathan Scout Regiment are at war for control of Nu-2 Canis Majoris. While it is difficult to separate truth from fiction, this conflict in particular was confirmed to be nothing more than a "sitzkrieg," or sitting-war; the Dark Wheel having agreed to return control of the system to LSR without conflict. Independent CMDR's blindly following the "Turn The Wheel" mandate turn the intentional armistice and system transfer into a full blown conflict via a series of "false-flag" operations, forcing the beleaguered LSR into battle once more.

January 9, 3309

LSR defeats LHS 1748 Purple General & Co, acquiring the high-security installation of Krylov Barracks. Victory is bittersweet however, with yet another conflict against The Dark Wheel in Charonium beginning the following day. LSR pilots are exhausted, and battle fatigue begins to set in. The Leviathan Scout Regiment has not seen a single day of peace in the New Year, and this state of affairs would continue for quite some time.

January 10, 3309

With Chinas, Luggerates, and Nihal cleared of Thargoid forces and pending recovery due to the stellar efforts of all those on the frontlines, the LSR pilots remaining on the Thargoid War frontlines return home, providing a much needed boost in morale, and numbers. Having lost all key battles in Nu-2 Canis Majoris, the returning pilots are deployed immediately, hoping to overwhelm with sheer numbers, and retake their lost system from The Dark Wheel and their supporters. Lubal, however, falls under Thargoid control.

January 11, 3309

War in Baudu against BLAU Pilot Party of Yinjian concludes, with the LSR barely holding off their opposition after a seven day siege. No assets were exchanged during the conflict, and while casualties on both sides were high, the victory would ensure that the LSR would not only avoid a second retreat from their first ever expansion system, but be poised to challenge Baudu Empire Party for yet another lost system. An interesting historical note regarding the system of Baudu and the Baudu Empire Party, is that the LSR once favoured using the system for expansions, and the faction itself as a proxy. With Baudu Empire Party's expansion attempts in full swing, and a growing number of supporters, power struggles are expected between these two groups in the future as they both seek to exert their influence over a relatively populous area of "The Bubble."

Additionally, the LSR also claims an election victory in Ejagham over Baudu Empire Party, as well as acquiring Castillo Prospecting Platform. LSR Governor Dorian Lawrence's popularity in both the media and political sphere is nothing short of remarkable, with his recent campaign to lower system taxes, and hold Gold General Limited of Ejagham accountable for embezzlement and other financial crimes, gaining traction by the day.

The LSR also records their first victory in the fight against The Dark Wheel in Nu-2 Canis Majoris, and with two more conflicts off the books, LSR pilots deployed to the two systems descend on Nu-2 Canis Majoris in droves. Reports indicate that a certain LSR pilot, though their name has been redacted from the records, has contracted an additional company of mercenaries to assist with the war effort. There is no detail of their names, ships, operations, or even further mention of the event, save for rumour and hearsay that the hiring cost was in the billions.

January 14, 3309

Following the official dissolution of the coalition between Leviathan Scout Regiment and McCoy Spaceways over their Anti-Xeno Combat operations the previous day, LSR loses control of Needham Gateway to Labour of V352 Canis Majoris, though this is overshadowed by the victory against The Dark Wheel and their supporters in Nu-2 Canis Majoris after another gruelling war. The victory returns control of both the system, and Laveykin Settlement to its rightful owners. With most of the conflicts either quelled or deprioritized due to other operations, LSR operatives are once again split between the frontlines of the Thargoid War, and the LSR Frontier. With forces deployed to HIP 11111, Yemaki, Namayu, and Holvandalla, Admiral XxHyde840xX makes a series of tactical gambits to restore peace to the LSR Frontier by force, several of which would backfire.

January 15, 3309

With the prevention of Thargoid invasions in Holvandalla, HIP 11111, Yemaki, and Namayu, LSR claims victory in Nervir against Nervir Values Party. For their efforts, they would gain control of the outpost of Werner von Siemens City while further boosting their influence in Nervir, Fidenef and Ejagham. The following day they would lose control of Braines Agricultural Market in Charonium in their conflict against The Dark Wheel, while elections between the LSR and Baudu Empire Party would begin in V352 Canis Majoris.

January 19, 3309

LSR Military Council hatches a plan to boost influence in VZ Columbae in order to trigger an expansion to the system of Alpha Caeli. With a population of over 16 billion, military strategists expect the Leviathan Scout Regiment to attempt take control of the system in an effort to provide the Free Systems Republic with an official capital system. Forces are also deployed to the Thargoid War frontlines again, with pilots targeting HIP 2422 and Jeng for Anti-Xeno combat operations, as well as humanitarian efforts in the form of rescue, evacuation, and supply runs. After recent discussions with ReForge Aegis and the departure of Seo Jin-Ae on her "unfinished business" with the presumably dead Salvation, the LSR issues orders that if she is encountered, she is to be offered any assistance she requests along with protection if she so desires. The Leviathan Scout Regiment also begins fielding fleet-carriers as F.O.B's on the frontlines of the Thargoid War, as well as the LSR Frontier in a show of force and solidarity.

Azimuth Biotech formally requests deliveries to LHS 1163 to manufacture a module that increases AX weapons capacity. While the LSR publicly decries the actions of Azimuth Biotech and refuses to participate in the initiative, the module is a contentious topic within the ranks, and many pilots plan to purchase them once available, despite the blatant war-profiteering.

January 21, 3309

Admiral XxHyde840xX's gambits begin to play out with the LSR attempting to take control of Nervir in open conflict against Sons of Ikarus, and Ejagham against Gold General Limited, though the latter conflict would not begin until the following day. Elections in V352 Canis Majoris conclude with a landslide victory against Baudu Empire Party, with the LSR acquiring the installation of Lord's Square. Meanwhile, a poorly-timed conflict erupts between the Leviathan Scout Regiment and Findalibilia Power Co in LHS 1748, siphoning precious combatants from Ejagham and Nervir. Opportunistic agents with unknown agendas set their sights on destabilizing LSR in their home system of Diabak, and in Atropos, further spreading forces across objectives. With not nearly enough pilots to deal with the alerts going out across the LSR Frontier, recruitment efforts are redoubled across all public channels, encouraging pilots to join the LSR.

January 22, 3309

The Leviathan Scout Regiment formally takes control of the planetary settlement of Gao Mineralogic Installation from Charonium Workers Party following their surrender after a four day siege and blockade. VZ Columbae inches toward expansion, though progress is less than swift due to the myriad of alerts and objectives consuming resources and manpower. Both Admiral XxHyde840xX and Governor Dorian Lawrence of the LSR both come under public fire from the media, with accusations of warmongering, and a lack of resources devoted to the Thargoid War. Rumours also begin to surface regarding a rift developing in relations between Admiral XxHyde840xX and Governor Dorian Lawrence. Political analysts suggest that without actually commanding any effective military assets, Governor Dorian Lawrence is nothing more than a public figurehead. Both remain tight-lipped towards the media and refused comment when pressed. Yet another conflict begins V352 Canis Majoris, with the Leviathan Scout regiment forced into war against Labour of V352 Canis Majoris.

January 23, 3309

The LSR's allies in the Free Systems Republic, Spearhead Charter Royal Guard, declare a state of emergency due to the proximity of both the Oya Malstrom, and the number of Thargoid invasions in close proximity to their home system of Manktas. The Leviathan Scout Regiment races to complete their ever-growing list of objectives, but with forces spread precariously thin, and recruitment efforts not being nearly as successful as they would have hoped, the LSR begins losing ground. Orders go out to maintain influence, avoid future conflicts at all costs, and hold the line, with current and future objectives being put on hold, though the order is criticized by military strategists as a case of "too little too late." HIP 2422 is cleared of the Thargoid invasion and begins recovery. Jeng is unfortunately not as lucky.

January 25. 3309

The Vestige, home to Spearhead Charter Royal Guard, falls under assault from Thargoid forces of the Oya Maelstrom. With Benanekpeno facing a brutal invasion, in consultation with the Council of Lords and her allies in the Free Systems Republic, High Lord Lyria Eardley of the SCRG and Free Systems Republic pens and makes public "The Phalanx Declaration," details of which can be found at the following link:

Co-signed by Ben Myers, Lord Alexandria and Captain of the Spearhead Charter Royal Guard and Free Systems Republic, RaptorMonkey, Lord Diabara and Lieutenant of the Spearhead Charter Royal Guard and Free Systems Republic and LSR Admiral XxHyde840xX, Secretary-General for the Free Systems Republic, unofficial versions of the document have been circulating garnering massive public support from citizens and independent pilots, with many of these being forwarded to both LSR and SCRG with remarkably long lists of signatures pledging support and aid.

It should be noted, that despite the delay of The Polaris Concordat and the "official" declaration of the creation of a new political entity, the LSR and their allies in the SCRG have been operating under the banner of the Free Systems Republic for some time now, and are expected to continue doing so. Many civilians and pilots, several of which maintain prominent positions in their respective fields, have recently been sighted wearing a cream-coloured armband bearing the symbols of an orchid and two stars.

January 26, 3309

The attempt by the Leviathan Scout Regiment to wrest control of Nervir from the Sons of Ikarus ends in failure with a crushing rout of their forces. The recently acquired outpost of Werner von Siemens City is lost as well, and many LSR pilots swear to return and finish what was started. After days of tireless work by a group of LSR pilots running large quantities of trade-goods and data, an expansion from VZ Columbae is triggered with the intended destination of Alpha Caeli. The expansion would inevitably suffer a series of delays in the coming days. LSR and SCRG forces deploy to Benanekpeno with haste.

January 27, 3309

The Leviathan Scout Regiment suffers another crushing defeat in Ejagham, this time at the hands of Gold General Limited. Being thoroughly beaten and spent, the LSR vows to return, much like Nervir, to finish what they started. It would not be long before they got their wish. The loss of the planetary settlement of Pace Industrial Foundry is tempered by word of victory in LHS 1748 against Findalibila Power Co, and the acquisition of the installation known as Enlightened Medical Scientific.

January 28, 3309

Free Systems Republic forces begin using Manktas as an F.O.B. to conduct operations impacting the systems affected by the Oya Maelstrom. Benanekpeno is swiftly cleared, and Jeng, to the relief of many, soon follows suit with both systems undergoing recovery from the Thargoid invasion. Gold General Limited of Ejagham, not content with their recent victory, goads the LSR into another conflict.

January 29, 3309

The war against Labour of V352 Canis Majoris concludes with an LSR victory, and the retaking of Needham Gateway. Several LSR pilots are promoted from the ranks. Considered a rising star, and ever popular with the masses for his friendly demeanour, willingness to act, and rogueish good looks, CMDR Abraxos Highland is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in the LSR and Free Systems Republic. CMDR Dragic earns a promotion from Recruit status to the rank of Operative alongside CMDR Gwyn Wu Hyun. CMDR CuppaJoe__ is promoted to the position of LSR Commodore, with CMDR NotNotClark being promoted to the rank of Captain within both the LSR and FSR. CMDRs Size-Mick, Moist "Big Bands" Ciabatta, and Valderage, all receive promotions to the rank of Senior Operative in the LSR. CMDR Valderage in particular, a former LSR operative now returned to active duty, is expected to progress in rank quickly due to his determination and commitment to the cause. Military analysts have also noted that CMDR Size-Mick is responsible for funding several fleet-carriers, including one of the LSR's flagships, the [LMOC] Dragon's Eyrie, and that his recruitment skills are not to be underestimated.

The SCRG systems of Manktas, HIP 64861, and HIP 59879 undergo instability, with Spearhead Charter losing influence rapidly due to unprecedented levels of CMDR traffic, with Xelabara Republic Party claiming the lions share of the influence in an attempt to capitalize on the situation. Orders go out across Free Systems Republic Channels to hold the line and stabilize the situation.

The unseen campaign against the Leviathan Scout Regiment in Diabak ceases and influence begins to recover. Atropos is not as fortunate, and rumours of both Imperial and rogue Federal groups begin to spread.

January 31, 3309

Seeking to remove the LSR from LFT 434, the LFT 434 Free faction declares war on the LSR. The expansion from VZ Columbae drags on. Spearhead Charter's presence in the system of HIP 79981 hangs on a thread, though their influence has been minimal for some time.

February 2, 3309

After a confident start in Ejagham, the LSR begins to lose ground, suffering a series of defeats in both ground and space conflict zones. Any unaffiliated pilots in LSR space that do not respond to being hailed on comms, or are confirmed to be working against the faction are ordered to be killed on sight. One particular pilot, CMDR Amazing Taco King, earns a 50m bounty for his efforts against the LSR, seemingly running a guerilla campaign from out of system, and preferring to hide his tracks in the myriad of ground conflicts in the system. Captain NotNotClark and Admiral XxHyde840xX are reported to have sortied within minutes of the report, barely losing their quarry as his rented shuttle escaped before it could be interdicted. Credit for the initial report goes to longstanding ally of the LSR, CMDR Deadeye Snipes of Cerberus, though the name is merely one of many aliases.

February 3, 3309

LSR begins to lose ground in LFT 434, while Atropos inches closer to a war for control of the system. Free Systems Republic forces sortie once more to the Thargoid War frontlines in an effort to save The Vestige, and as many civilian lives as possible. The systems of Aowicha, Huile, and Elboongzi are selected as targets for Anti-Xeno combat as well as rescue, evacuation, and supply runs. The citizens of both Cephei Sector YZ-Y b4 and Orong fall under Thargoid invasion, and with their citizens in peril, the LSR and SCRG begin to rally allies for future campaigns in both systems. Despite their low influence in the two systems, the SCRG in particular is lauded for committing efforts to evacuate civilians, and defend stations and settlements.

February 4, 3309

The longstanding Federal allies of the LSR respond to the campaign in Atropos with force, turning the tides in a stunning display, and providing some well needed breathing room to keep the LSR in the fights in both Ejagham and LFT 434. Having nearly snatched victory from the jaws of defeat with a massive war-party reported to have been roving between conflict zones in the early hours of the morning, Gold General Limited of Ejagham is brought in check, though not enough to bring the conflict to an end. The fighting would continue until the following day. Meanwhile, the Leviathan Scout Regiment forces engaged in LFT 434 suffer another loss. More rumours begin to circulate of unseen forces fighting against them, but without a definitive confirmation, the LSR is left grasping at straws as to who the culprits may be. The expansion from VZ Columbae inches ever forward.

February 5, 3309

The Leviathan Scout Regiment suffers hellacious losses in both Ejagham and LFT 434, soundly ending both campaigns. Gold General Limited of Ejagham strips the LSR of Segsdavicius Deposits, leaving them with a single asset in system, Castillo Prospecting Platform. While no assets were exchanged in the war against LFT 434 Free, the defeat causes LSR's influence in the system to plummet, nearly triggering a second full retreat from the system. Verified new stories are also circulated detailing the arrest and subsequent transportation of Admiral XxHyde840xX under military escort to an undisclosed detention facility. While the purported "war-crimes" brought against the LSR Admiral by Gold General Limited are unlikely to be brought to trial, and even less so to result in formal charges, reports have surfaced that LSR Governor Dorian Lawrence immediately posted bail, and that this is likely the only reason that Admiral XxHyde840xX was released without incident. Several other LSR pilots have also earned system-wide bans from all GGL ports in the system and are considered high-value targets.

Seeking to capitalize on the situation, LTT 2379 Silver Universal Holdings engages Leviathan Scout Regiment forces over Robinson Settlement in their home system. Adding further insult to injury, war against LSR is declared by LP 716-35 Confederacy. Fully on the defensive and without time to lick their wounds and regroup, the LSR forces prepare for another series of unwanted and unanticipated battles.

February 6, 3309

Morale is crushed further for the ever-at-war LSR, with news of the never-ending expansion from VZ Columbae being diverted to the system of Thewixina, a system LSR had retreated from in the past, instead of Alpha Caeli. It appears that Agents du L.Y.S, and their faction L.Y.S. Corp, posted a militarized expansion of their own in the early hours of the day, thwarting the Free Systems Republic, and denying them a stake in their desired capital system. It is expected that the LSR, who once enjoyed cordial diplomatic relations with L.Y.S. Corp, will attempt to remove them from the system in the future. Admiral XxHyde840xX departs to Tchernobog on a curious mission to help Cerberus in their war against Tchernobog free, and a rendezvous with ally and friend Deadeye Snipes.

February 9, 3309

Admiral XxHyde840xX returns to LSR space, victorious in his campaigns within Cerberus space, a sector informally known as "The Shroud." Handily defeating Tchernobog Free in Tchernobog and Birjorth Incorporated in Sengen Sama earns Cerberus the surface station of Fabian Beacon in Tchernobog, as well as the comms installation Galactic Clarity Relay in Sengen Sama. The Polaris Concordat treaty is further delayed to accommodate the addition of Deadeye Snipes and Cerberus into the Free Systems Republic. Additionally, the LSR formally adopts the Aurora faction of Alpha Caeli, a local independent private military corporation, into the Free Systems Republic, and in a move stunning many, and begins operations against Agents du L.Y.S. and their faction L.Y.S. Corp. With LSR vessels sighted frequenting Alpha Caeli, military and political pundits are quick to point out that the system is quickly becoming a veritable "powder-keg."

February 10, 3309

With both Aowicha and Huile cleared of Thargoid vessels and pending recovery with Cephei Sector YZ-Y b4 following suit shortly afterwards. Free Systems Republic forces refocus their efforts on the Thargoid War frontlines to Elboongzi, Liu Huang, and Orong. The Leviathan Scout Regiment loses control of Robinson Settlement in LTT 2379 in their skirmish with LTT 2379 Silver Universal Holdings. Reports have surfaced that resistance from LSR forces was minimal, fuelling rumours and speculation that their recent defeats across the LSR Frontier have left the faction in a bad way, though recruitment numbers seem to be increasing at a rapid pace.

February 11, 3309

Seeking to remove the Leviathan Scout Regiment from the system once more, LFT 434 Free declares war on the LSR. With reports of Elboongzi being cleared of Thargoid forces and pending recovery, war in Eurybia begins, though the Leviathan Scout Regiment is not expected to defend assets in the system. With no stake in Eurybia save for a scant few stations and ground ports, the LSR has adopted a "hands-off" policy due to the influence of the Eurybia Blue Mafia, and instead has relied on the efforts of independent CMDR's to keep their presence in the system. Several LSR pilots resign, though the cause is unknown.

February 13, 3309

LP 716-35 Confederacy's war against LSR grinds to a halt, having exhausted their resources in a fruitless game of cat-and-mouse. Skirmishes were brief and no assets were exchanged during the fighting. Meanwhile, unseen agents resume their campaign in Atropos, bringing the Leviathan Scout Regiment and the Values Party of Atropos ever closer to a war for control of the system.

February 15, 3309

With Orong being cleared of Thargoid forces and pending recovery, the Leviathan Scout Regiment pilots on the frontlines return home, though not for a well-earned rest as anticipated. This particular day would see Spearhead Charter, alongside their allies in LSR and the Free Systems Republic declare outright war on Asgar General Solutions for control of Soko Oh, a system formerly belonging to the Vestige. While diplomacy is expected to run its course, military experts are quick to point out that due to a number of factors, conflict is very much inevitable. Liu Huang remains under a state of Thargoid invasion.

February 16, 3309

The LSR strikes back in LFT 434, retaking Daimler Gateway and ending the conflict against New LFT 434 Free. Meanwhile, independent efforts to defend the Leviathan Scout Regiment's influence in Eurybia end in failure, though the outcomes of battles in the system have been known to be unpredictable at the best of times. War breaks out again in LTT 2379 with LTT 2379 Silver Universal Holdings squaring off against the LSR over resources and territory.

February 17, 3309

Diplomatic efforts attempt to quell the conflict in Soko Oh before it erupts in full to no avail. Spearhead Charter and their allies in the LSR and Free Systems Republic blockade the system and begin open conflict against Asgar General Systems. Ambassadorial comms continue to rage throughout the fighting, and while diplomacy races behind the scenes to end future conflict, the SCRG is determined to make their presence known, and retake their lost system.

February 18, 3309

LSR forces are split between Tchernobog and Soko Oh, with unknown assailants forcing Cerberus into another conflict over Vancouver Ring. Again, diplomacy fails, and the [LMOC] Dragon's Eyrie, flagship carrier of the LSR, is deployed to Tchernobog with haste, sending a message to those who would seek to gain the upper hand via opportunistic means that the Free Systems Republic will defend their comrades at a moments notice. War breaks out again in Eurybia between the LSR and Eurybia Jet Major Systems, though the conflict is expected to resolve within a matter of days. Liu Huang does not fare as well as Orong and Elboongzi and falls to Thargoid control.

February 21, 3309

The Free System Republics war in Soko Oh against Asgar General Solutions concluded in a total victory after a 4 day blockade and siege of the system. SCRG, Cerberus, and LSR pilots flying in coordinated formation easily wiped the system of any potential resistance, and as a result, casualties and damage to system assets was reportedly minimal. Spearhead Charter now controls the system of Soko Oh, as well as the civilian outpost of Hooke Point. Rumours surface that despite declaring war against Asgar General Solutions, a temporary ceasefire has been brokered, and the SCRG may adopt Asgar General Solutions as a proxy within the Free Systems Republic as a result of diplomatic talks within the Alliance. The Vestige remains formally unrecognized by the Alliance at the current time.

Providing a further boost to morale, and earning more reason to celebrate, the LSR concludes operations in Tchernobog, with Cerberus emerging victorious against their opposition, Tchernobog Systems, and taking control of the surface station of Romanenko Survey. While they have been on the defensive in the system for some time, news reports have surfaced that the Empire has seen fit to award Admiral XxHyde840xX the title of King, likely in part due to his efforts to return the system to Imperial control, sparking rumour that Cerberus is very much active and on the path to restore order and rightful ownership to their systems with the help of the FSR.

February 22, 3309

With the backing of allies in the Federal United Command, Dorian Lawrence of the Leviathan Scout Regiment launches an election campaign in Fidenef against Baudu Empire Party, seeking to retake control of a formerly LSR controlled system. Meanwhile in Tchernobog, Cerberus begins boosting their influence, intent on retaking control of their lost system with the help of the LSR and their allies in the Free Systems Republic. Though diplomatic channels have attempted to resolve future conflict in the system, military and political experts have noticed that both sides have returned to a state of radio silence, likely marking the beginning of a control war in the future.

The LSR's skirmish in LTT 2379 results in another victory, and although no assets were exchanged in the fighting, it seems that the LSR is no longer on the defensive, at least for the time being. System comms monitoring has also revealed that the LSR has increased security within their borders, and has ramped up the number of patrols, with orders to interdict and ascertain the intentions of all unknown vessels.

February 23, 3309

Though several conflicts continue behind the scenes, LSR and Free Systems Republic forces deploy to Lahua for humanitarian efforts and Anti-Xeno support. LSR and their allies in Cerberus and the SCRG are spotted hauling goods in support of Aegis being reformed and producing a Caustic-Sink module. It is expected that once delivered to market, Maelstrom research will ramp up exponentially, especially with the news that the Leviathan Scout Regiment and After Earth Stellar alliance have not only agreed to a Treaty of Friendship, but a Research Pact as well, with the latter being supported by YKE Technologies and including the Free Systems Republic as a whole.

LSR/AESA Friendship Treaty:

LSR/AESA Research Pact:

February 25, 3309

War breaks out in CD-24 5005 between the Leviathan Scout Regiment against Khong Wang Independents, the conflict erupting out of nowhere and scrambling LSR pilots to the system. Meanwhile, Spearhead Charter Royal Guard and their allies in the Free Systems Republic begin boosting their influence in HIP 59879, Gliese 3876, Xelabara, and Daibara to avoid future conflicts.

February 26, 3309

The game of "musical-chairs" in Eurybia continues, with the Leviathan Scout Regiment emerging victorious in their conflict against Eurybia Jet Major Systems, gaining Dukhnovenko Arms Garrison, a military surface settlement, in the process. Anti-Xeno, humanitarian aid, and relief efforts continue in Lahua. The Leviathan Scout Regiment begins diplomatic talks with The Dark Wheel and Earth Defence Fleet in regards to a mutual enemy. The Star Pilots, having stolen control of Charonium from TDW and interfering with LSR's claim to the system, while having denied all wrong doing, have reportedly interfered with both The Dark Wheel and Earth Defence Fleet's operations on numerous occasions prior. Military and political pundits have already begun theorizing about the potential power-shift in the region should a formal alliance be brokered between the three groups in the future.