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[The Phalanx Declaration]

The Phalanx Declaration


By Royal Decree, under the commission laid out by the Spearhead Charter [Alliance Council of Admirals Order 11.01.3304], I, Lyria I Eardley, Lord High Manktas and High Lord of The Vestige, declare a state of unprecedented emergency.

The Vestige is, as of this moment, under direct threat of Thargoid invasion, and as such we must respond. This war has been long anticipated, and let there be no mistake – humanity is responsible. Through the guise of Azimuth and Salvation, the sinister organisation known only as The Club has manipulated humanity into a war designed to eliminate all but the elite and reforge humanity according to its design. This organisation is morally and politically corrupt, and their machinations have already directly resulted in the deaths of millions. The Club is our true enemy, as they always have been.
However, we cannot ignore the immediate threat to human life. The Spearhead Charter gives us formal claim to The Vestige, but it also gives us a responsibility to its people. I have decided that regardless of the political structures governing these systems, we must stand ready to defend their people.
The Thargoid maelstrom known as Oya lies in orbit of the planet Cephei Sector BV-Y b4 B 1, 39.59 Ly from Manktas. Its influence grows, and threatens to engulf The Vestige.

We have the strength, alongside our allies, to defend The Vestige against the forces brought forth from Oya.

Hereby, I state the Phalanx Declaration: we will fight to protect the citizens of any system in The Vestige, including those opposed to my reign. Spearhead Charter will provide aid to all citizens of The Vestige who need it, irrespective of political allegiance. In addition, we will support defence and recovery efforts in systems within 20 Ly of Manktas that lie outside The Vestige, in order to prevent the formation of staging ground with which the Thargoids could launch strikes against our populations. The Spearhead Charter Royal Guard, working alongside our partners in the Free Systems Republic, will fly out in force to fight against the immediate threat.

The Vestige Stands.


Lyria I Eardley, Lord High Manktas and High Lord of The Vestige

Supporting Signatures:

Ben Myers, Lord Alexandria and Captain of the Spearhead Charter Royal Guard and Free Systems Republic
RaptorMonkey, Lord Diabara and Lieutenant of the Spearhead Charter Royal Guard and Free Systems Republic
LSR Admiral XxHyde840xX, Secretary General for the Free Systems Republic