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ETA Draconis Gold Vision Co. communication to us.

Hi CMDR Dragnurazz,

I guess you (either you alone of the Fireflies as such) are the main reason that our influence in BD+57 1692 went down 42% (and that it went down significantly in Alignak as well) over the last three days and that you are destroying EDGVC ships and as such drove us into Lockdown.

Please stop this outrageous act of war IMMEDIATELY. I see that the Fireflies are present in Cao Yans and SPOCS 719 as well - and that altogether you are only present in three systems as far as I can see.

While it's fine and totally normal to go to war with (respectively to try to reduce the influence of) our faction in those systems (we actually are not interested in both of these systems anyways, as you probably noticed by the way we didn't react to our influence changes in Cao Yans over the last months), it's very cowardly to try to bring us down by attacking us in other peaceful systems in which your faction isn't even present.

Please note that even though we are only a small player group, we have alliances with some bigger ones, and if you continue these acts of aggression in our systems, we might have to call in reinforcements from those allied groups to retaliate and make sure that you will be kicked out of two of the three systems you are present right now - and while we are at it, to make sure your faction stays down (and in Lockdown as often as possible) as long as you are trying to hurt us elsewhere. You know, two can play this game...

The good news is that we can stop this right here and now with a fair treaty - you stay out of the systems we are already in (and if you expand in the future into one of those, you will make sure that The Fireflies go into withdraw from said system ASAP), while we will do the same with systems in which you were already present when we expanded into them (and of course we'll do the same in the future). Please note that we fully expect you to clean up the mess you made in Alignak and BD+57 1692 as a sign of your good will. In return, we will give you Cao Yans and SPOCS 719 (we'll make sure we go into withdraw from these two systems).

Again, we are not interested in a full fledged war against another player group (we are only interested in playing the BGS), but if we have to, we can - and will - retaliate in full force with our allies (and you can believe me when I say that this is NOTHING you want).

Your choice.

CMDR Igor Rock
EDC Flying Tigers, Alvares Terminal, Eta Draconis

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