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Our reply to ETA Draconis Gold Vision Co..

To whom it may concern:
CMDR Igor Rock,
ETA Draconis Gold Vision Co., et al.

Firstly, and foremost:
If you, or your player base, has an issue with any of our player base, you are advised to follow the appropriate and accepted "CoC" (Chain of Command) and convey your concerns to the controlling management of our faction instead of confronting subordinate officer(s) with a lengthly threatening letter outlining your intentions to utilize your associations with your allies to purposefully destroy and dominate our innocent gameplay.

Stalking our player base onto their personal social pages (like you already did on Facebook TWICE!!) will not be tolerated. Do not pursue that avenue any further. Repercussions will be swift, far-reaching &  much more severe than you may EVER think. Do not estimate that because you live in the UK that you are "out of reach". You are messing with people (US COMBAT VETRANS) IRL and their right to privacy.
>>>>>You have been warned.<<<<<<<

After my investigation into the matter [in which you described in your frivolous threat], I have determined that the incident in question was of a two-fold unintentional incident.

As to the first fold -
Lt. Col. Draganyurazz happened to notice while grinding peaceful missions, a "checkpoint" in (your) space. He wasn't aware that it was indeed "your" space - but,  just in another system, like a public "USS" would be. In an effort to accomplish the "ATR" achievement offered by the game, he proceeded to indiscriminately shoot the "AI" Security services in order to trigger the ATR & get killed by them. Unfortunately, they never came (as reported by Lt. Col. Dragonyurazz), even after a couple of attempts. This was NOT an intentional affront to your faction, but merely an impulsive moment to grab another achievement, & nothing more.

As to the second fold -
I was teaching a newer CMDR some techniques on how to do a "skimmer mission" and grabbed a mission off of our board which inadvertently led us to "Frick Relay" in BD+57. We did 1 mission there. It was not "against" anyone (or YOU specifically).

We (to my knowledge) don't even go to Alignak due to most of the bases being 100K+ LS in. I have no idea what you are referring to in that claim. We are not the only players in this game, in case you didn't already notice.

I find that your approach and your claims are incredibly insulting, threatening, and (quite frankly) unacceptable. No one in the Fireflies is seeking to war with ANY player faction, especially with our neighbors. However, your faction holdings surround us on 360 degrees and inadvertently the BGS/RNG expands at ITS OWN description - not ours. Instead of levying threats of annihilation, you could have noticed our positive effort and offered us a "Welcome to the neighborhood/game" and we then may have worked out a subsequent plan of co-existence - instead of threats to destroy us, as you have done.

ETA currently has 23 systems to our 3. We do not want YOUR systems - we only want to expand on our own. However, you have expanded from Draconis towards US, not the other way around. You have many more options to expand in directions that do not create conflict with our gameplay - we do not.

If you think we will accept the ridiculous terms you laid out in your threat - you are sadly mistaken. We could care less if you decimate us out of Cao Yans or Spocs 719 - as they are both crappy systems, to begin with. However, be aware of this: we have alliances & friends too (not that we need them to do our dirty work). If you can't figure out a way to live neighborly and permit us to expand away from your holdings, and, if you attempt to levy your vengeance against us simply because we are trying to play our game & expand innocently - you can be certain that WE WILL WILLINGLY SACRIFICE EVERYTHING and spend every waking moment in this game committed to destroying every single planet you have presence on until such time that your holdings are nill [which I estimate would take just a couple of weeks to complete (at most)].

As you may have already seen - 20 mins of "incidental" effort by ONE of my officers can be very impactful, just imagine what 24/7/365 of intensive focused effort from our ENTIRE FACTION (& additional CMDRs) would be like. We (effectively) have nothing to lose, while you will lose an immense amount of real estate & effort, and most certainly be set back to square 1 in your own BGS game. Is that really what YOU want??..

Unfortunately, we are both on different platforms and, as such, WE are just as vulnerable to you - as YOU are to us. So, we can either waste our time & effort battling each other, totally destroying each of our efforts entirely - or, we can acknowledge each of our rights to co-exist and enjoy each of our own expansion rewards. However, as I stated previously, your faction controls much of the space that entirely surrounds us. If an agreement is to be accomplished, you will have to accept the fact that we will eventually (& inadvertently) expand into one of your many systems in the due course of our own current (& minuscule) expression & expansion efforts.

I will not suggest to my wing that we retreat from systems just because you are there (& everywhere) already. Even if we retreated, when we re-triggered the next expansion, it would just put us right back there again. Nor will I suggest to my wing, that we grind & re-grind *in perpetuity* just because you own everything around us. You will either have to share the galaxy with us and permit us the normal due course of our tiny expansion (ie: regular gameplay) which, I might add, was afforded to your faction in earlier times, or - we can just spend the next few years destroying each other's gameplay. I would suggest that you think that through [thoroughly] before making your decision.

Perhaps, instead of threatening one of my officers, you came to me and suggested a reasonable (& friendly) due course of action, whereas, you could alternatively focus on one of your many other expandable vectors and [perhaps] welcome us to "the neighborhood", maybe we could then reciprocate with a coalition to be your "eyes & ears" (& force) on the Xbox platform while you could do the same for us on the PC side. However (& unfortunately), we don't possess the many vector options for expansion that you do, so the ONUS (unfortunately assigned to you) lies in what YOU are willing to do in order to co-exist with YOUR neighbors while (at the same time) respecting their right(s) to innocent & due course of normal gameplay. If that includes the sacrifice of a couple of fringe systems on the far side of your holdings - then so be it. As I stated before, we are not seeking to destabilize your gameplay, we are merely trying to play the game in our own backyard and expand (away from your holdings) in the process, but you will have to understand - we will NOT ACCEPT to be constrained in any of the ways in which you described in your threating letter - under ANY circumstances. [PERIOD]

As a side question:
Since you claim to have so much "power" in this game - why haven't you done anything to reverse your lockdown state??.. It's quite simple [as you should know].. Additionally, someone UA bombed Bell Orbital when we were trying to trigger an expansion to Coa Yans - but we didn't send threatening letters to you, did we??.. We suspected it was you (and/or one of your wing) but we did not act on it in the way that you just did. We also have UA capability too [BTW] but chose not to use it merely "just because we could". Instead, we continued on our with our own efforts and "minded our own business".

Perhaps you should reconsider your intentions and their subsequent results before acting on your greed & anger to possess everything and share nothing while trying to intimidate, dominate, & stalk other players - which might just backfire in your face as a result of your bad attitude. [just a thought]

Let me be perfectly clear -
You have 8 - we have 29 (and more awaiting approval, post confirmation of their skill set). We are ALL well-seasoned PvP/PvE/Thargoid combat pilots, competent BGS manipulators, and very VERY diligent grinders. Do not under-estimate for ONE MOMENT that you will do more damage to us, than we will most certainly do back to you, - especially if we no longer have anything else to do...

I would direct you to refer to the "Boston Tea Party" result [metaphorically] before you consider your next step. I would also like to inform you that we are indeed coming to the PC side forthwith and several have already begun grinding up PS alternate CMDRS as well, so very soon, "platform invisibility" will no longer be an issue between us (or anyone else for that matter) and we can settle "our differences" any which way you desire.

Nobody likes a greedy bully!!
Good Day, CMDR Igor (o7).

CMDR Vasi [Faction Leader]
The Fireflies