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The Crimson Dawn Elites have been around for a long time, we have existed under many names, our numbers are spread and our ideals deeply rooted into history. Our leadership has been secretive, working from the shadows for years to further our own goals and now we will share what we know with the galaxy.

The emergence of the Emperor's Dawn terror group and their assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval gave us a cause to return to light, we are the collective name of the independent pilots that wrought destruction within the final stronghold of the Emperor's Dawn, the so called Federal Navy auxiliary was bolstered by our numbers, staying ever silent to our true allegiances, our fleets stained crimson with the blood of our foes.

We now fly as one once more in the light under a new banner, one eternally marked by our past. Our numbers have dwindled over the years, but with the coming storm comes a Crimson Sun, marked with blood and we will be the harbingers of that day.