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Flat Galaxy Society statement on their conflict wi

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Galactic Aerospace Syndicate (GAS) were injected into Hachimr on 4 April 2023 and on 1 June expanded to one of Flat Galaxy Society’s systems (Hyades Sector LD-Q b6-1). By 3 June they had started a conflict with our allies Aurora Venatores in that system. FGS reached out to them and asked them to stop and they did. We put it down to them being new to the Background Simulation and not knowing they shouldn't do that. They then pushed themselves back into war with Aurora Venatores so FGS tanked their influence in their home system to send a message. GAS claimed this was entirely unintentional so we took them at their word and agreed they could have a presence in some of our systems and spent considerable time and effort helping them come up with a plan so they could expand to a less congested area and everything seemed to be going well.

There were no further clashes between our factions and they were quietly expanding into some neighbouring systems including a few that FGS controlled including Cimmerians on 9 November 2023. On 26 October CMDR D243804N stated GAS had no interest in Cimmerians:

Current conflict

On 20 December 2023 GAS, without any provocation, began an attack on Cimmerians which FGS didn't spot. The FGS BGS coordinator was away over Christmas and by the time they got back GAS had actually taken control. FGS contacted them again to ask what they were doing and GAS informed FGS they had taken Cimmerians and if we wanted it back to come and get it.

So we tanked their influence in Hachimr again and began the process of reclaiming Cimmerians. GAS busied themselves with attacking our allies Benelux Commanders and Aurora Venatores in any system FGS shared with them. They also called in mercenaries to murder FGS commanders. FGS took back Cimmerians on 9 January. At that point their leader, D243804N rage quit, deleted their squadron from Inara and told the rest of GAS to go and do what they want.

Some of them decided to stay around and cause trouble by pushing FGS into many more conflicts with our allies. At this point they had cut off all methods of communication with us. Their Inara page was shut down. Their Discord was closed.

So with no option to communicate with New GAS we removed them from control of Hachimr on 3 February and retreated them out of all FGS controlled systems. New GAS pilots continue to attempt to push FGS into conflicts and randomly murder our commanders. At this point FGS consider the GAS minor faction to be defunct and New GAS to be a terrorist organisation.