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Coloratus Cornu awarded

On the 2nd of September 3309, the Benelux Commanders group hosted its first official annual social event.

Twelve commanders gathered to finally meet one another. It was a fun and memorable moment with excellent food and drinks.
Definitely worth repeating..

In the spirit of originality, the B N L C board grants the Coloratus Cornu to each commander who was present. There are only 20 pins of its kind.

As a reminder,
that no soul outvalues the soul of one other
and each one shall be valuable..

In addition, FOBCS spends Credits* to satisfy this year's work that was done by great dedication of many BNLC-Commanders.
We hereby thank you!

* The FOBCS regulation decision FOBCS 3309 - Ophogingsplafond is not in effect for this amount. The account that settles the mentioned amount will deduct the individual rewards/bonuses from those with any outstanding debts at the end of FOBCS year 3309 (especially important for the financial administrators of FOBCS). Article 9 and article 10 of the FOBCS are likely to be changed, although not in omission of the stated provisions in article 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. This is due to the amount provided being in conflict with the current maximum possible expense.

Outruled, no objections possible.

The Netherlands, 8th September 3309,

- CMDR Diedericque -