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The loomning threat and where we stand.

With the coming of Tanaris it looks like AX is going to be a eventuality like it or not.

Now, The Emporium has always been a keen supporter of the downtrodden and beaten within humanity, this doesn't change. But we are not aggressors.

So with that being said if you with to follow the values of the Emporium going forward into the next updates I would ask that we protect humanity from the looming thargoid threat in a more defensive stance.
I have always looked for reasoning with the thargoids and have never truly gone out of my way to be an aggressor, only protecting systems which have come under fire.
This is a code I want to extend to the rest of the group.

Now don't get me wrong, I have no issues if your personal values to not align to that code, go detonate some bugs, do your part and all.

But with all that said I want it to be known that The Emporium are not warmongers on the galactic stage.

Fly Safe CMDRs,

~CMDR Kalous