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Story 0: The Settlement

Thus I have heard. Long ago, the First Sister lived in the star system Meropis, thirty-six lightyears from Achenar. The First Sister was a follower of Her Radiance, and one day Her Radiance gathered Her followers and the First Sister and said, "Providence no longer bears fruit for us. We must set out into the desert, and forge our own path." Though Her followers were discouraged and pessimistic, they heeded Her wisdom, and departed the land of Providence. And though many believed they would meet a terrible end in the desert, Her Radiance provided for their every need on the journey, with grace and compassion.

The First Sister dutifully followed Her Radiance, often speaking on Her behalf. Those who travelled built camps in the desert, and each night before the travellers slept, they beseeched the Radiant Light to shine upon them and keep them safe. The First Sister was the most devout of all, fearing nothing, and would point to the star Meropis in the sky whenever the others were discouraged, saying, "Look! As long as that star shines, we shall be safe. The light of the star is harsh, but gives us life." This was a lesson imparted on her in her youth, by Her Radiance.

When they reached the shadow of the high mountains, they descended into a great cavern, where the star's light could not be seen. So many of the travellers became afraid, saying to the First Sister, "Here the light of Meropis does not shine on us; how now shall we find safety?” The First Sister declared, "We shall labour. The light shines, even here. Heed the wisdom of Her Radiance, and remember your common bonds." The travellers laboured, constructing a safe habitat within the cavern. Her Radiance guided the labourers to construct mirrors on the surface and below, and with these, light shone within as though it were day.

In these days, the fruit of their labour was simply called the Settlement. They constructed homes, workshops, and places to dine and speak together. They lived modestly, as Her Radiance decreed. Even the First Sister lived in a simple structure constructed of clay, as the others. Each traveller shared her home and possessions with another, and finding that their settlement lacked birdsong and the other sounds of nature, they played music together, and sang — the Settlement was a tranquil place, but seldom a quiet one. The travellers, finding warmth, light, companionship, and purpose, all forgot their fear. The First Sister asked Her Radiance, "Is this as you envisioned it?” and She replied that it was.