Hellfighter Ethos
I. StrengthThe Hellfighters are rigid, resilient, and a force to be reckoned with. Every Hellfighter has a place, whether it be in battle, in the defense and bastion of their homes and allies, or in peacetime, to assist others in their pursuit of freedom.
II. Initiative
The Hellfighters are bound by the initiative to fight and pursue their objectives with the conviction that inspires not only themselves, but others as well. The Hellfighters work together, and cooperate with each other to achieve and complete the ultimate goal of freedom and disenfrachisement for all individuals.
III. Cunning
The Hellfighters bring their intelligence to not only the battlefield, but to the home and maintenance of such as well.
IV. Freedom
The Hellfighters fight for freedom for all peoples across the cosmos. The toleration of despotism, feudalism, and oppression in any form is the ultimate enemy. The Hellfighters' ultimate duty is to destroy these vestiges of oppression, and liberate those who cannot do so themselves.